View Full Version : Some reassurance for me...please?

22-03-12, 16:31
I've just started on a course of Fluoxetine on monday for OCD/depression etc... I KNOW i have to give them a chance, i've not even been on them a week!

I'm always paranoid/anxious about feeling nauseous and stuff, but anyone else who takes these, do u find you feel like that too? Also today i got a thumping headache, which i've been getting alot of lately today anyway, but i've been out and about today and had to stop in morrisons from some anadin extra because the headache was making me feel kinda faint! :(

I guess i'm just wanting some reassurance from anyone else on these meds that all this passes and u feel 'normal' again!!

Oh and am i ok to take todays tab even though i've taken an anadin? I'm not too sure!? :unsure:

22-03-12, 18:55
Hi SummerBaby,
i just wanted to say that when i started fluoxetine i found my mood did get a bit worse, just feeling really nervous/anxious more so than i usually would and for no reason, but i had no nausea or digestive symptoms at all, and i did find i was getting occassional shooting pains in my temples, not full blown headaches but i never normally get headaches anyway.

sorry i don't know if that helps at all, but i can assure you that for me, it did pass.

also, it might be wise to check the leaflet inside the medication box about taking painkillers, as there is some information about it there, otherwise if you're really concerned i would pop a question to your pharmacist or GP.

hugs to you :hugs:and take care

22-03-12, 20:27
Hi SummerBaby,

Sorry to hear you are suffering so badly, I feel for you.

I took fluoxetine (which is the generic name for Prozac) for a couple of years, having been on just about everything else and for me, it worked well. It did cause headaches for the first 2/3 weeks but they went after then. I found it made no difference to my OCD however. Do remember that all these drugs have different effects on people, what is good for one may not be for another.
Be careful with Anadin extra since it is high strength aspirin and not good for the stomach. When buying painkillers always tell the pharmacist what other medication you are on so they can check it in the BNP for compatibility, this is important. I used to take paracetamol for the headaches but don't exceed the stated dose, it can be dangerous.
All antidepressants take around 2-3 weeks to kick in so be patient. If you get severe side effects though, see your GP. In any case your GP should be seeing you after one week on Fluoxetine and monitor you every 2 weeks to start with.
Try not to worry, you will find a way out of all this but tell your GP if the OCD is not responding to fluoxetine, you may need something else, including talking therapy.
You are among people who care here so don't feel alone at any time okay!