View Full Version : Why 'pinch me i must be dreaming'-is a fraud

22-03-12, 16:46
Well I been having very vivid dreams since i've been on prozac.
You know they say that if you feel like "your dreaming" you should pinch yourself so you'll wake up?
WELL this is proven false by me. Because last night I had a vivid dream where I burned myself and it REALLY HURT. And i don't think I woke up.
And also they say you can't see yourself in a mirror or its distorted, but I was able to look into a mirror and see myself and I looked pretty normal.

22-03-12, 16:54
Hi, I always have very vivid dreams when on any SSRI's. Never heard the one about the mirror but I don't think there's any reliable way of making yourself wake up although in lucid dreams before, I've tried to jump off something high and usually wake before I hit the ground.

22-03-12, 17:02
never seen myself in a mirror in a dream. I tried pinching myself in a dream and carried on dreaming once, so that was pointless. I think it's meant to not hurt rather than wake you up but I've felt pain in dreams, but not as bad...Yeah, horrid dreams are full of pain.