View Full Version : Roof of mouth is white

22-03-12, 21:25
Hi Guys the other day i noticed that the roof of my mouth is partly white i was wondering if anyone know what causes this over the last couple of months i have been to the doctors a number of times some of which they shone a light in my mouth and they never said anything so ether they didn't notice or didn't care of course i went on Google and found about 10 web pages all talking about things like cancer now starting to worry :(

23-03-12, 15:08
I have had a lot of mouth problems with white lines and dots and patches. Dr gave me two different meds on different visits and neither helped. I went to my dentist and he reassured me and referred me. It was nothing to worry about. I think dentists sometimes know more about this area so maybe go and see yours and have a word. He will know what he is looking at and put your mind at rest.