View Full Version : Anxious about everything

23-03-12, 00:54
Hi everyone. I think i might have posted this thread in the wrong folder I'm new to the site and this is my first post. So, I have had general anxiety since I was in 9th grade now a junior in college. It was really bad in 9th grade and got better til about now. My anxiety has gotten out of control. I did set up an appointment to see a therapist. Anyway here is what I have been so anxious about:

This is super embarrassing that I am having these thoughts. I have not been sexually active this month. I went to the beach with some friends and I had this fear that while I was there one of the guys that was with us raped me or while I was asleep did something to me. I don't know why I am having these thoughts. Everyone there even said nothing happened or didn't come close. I can't stop thinking about it. Does anyone else have this fear?
Positive feedback would be great and some reassurance.
Last edited by lauramhm12; 22-03-12 at 19:03. Reason: Change heading

23-03-12, 07:47
Hi - sorry to hear about your anxiety - but all these fears are just an offspring of it. To be honest if anything like you suggested happened whilst you asleep you would have known about it.

It's anxiety playing horrible tricks on you and getting out of proportion - I am pleased you are seeing a therapist - that will you help you, but try not to worry at the moment it will pass.

Take care Laura

23-03-12, 11:47
Thank you so much! :)

23-03-12, 11:53
yes its common with anx, ive had something very similar to this, regarding an incident 30yrs ago...

23-03-12, 17:01
I'm so worried about hurting my boyfriend of four years, but I know I would never do that to him. I just don't know why I have these thoughts. They suck