View Full Version : Hello Everyone! : )

23-03-12, 01:28
Hello everyone I'm new so I guess I'll post a little about myself. I stumbled upon this site because I thought it would be beneficial to not only talk to others about anxiety and panic but also about venlaflaxine - which is the new medication I'm taking. It's always scary starting on a new medication, especially when others around you don't understand your need for the medication in the first place. But I feel absolutely amazing and I'm hoping the feeling lasts!
I just started taking the medication three weeks ago. Before I started taking venlaflaxine I was a prisoner in my own body. I was having several panic attacks a day and was experiencing frightening physical effects such as choking sensations. I had no control over these attacks, I had no control over when they were going to occur. I was living in complete fear. This perpetual fear spiraled me into a very deep depression. My body always hurt (I also suffer from migraines which I'm getting less frequently now as well) and I was always exhausted. I started staying in on weekends and cutting off ties with friends, and I would rush home at every opportunity just to take a nap and get away from the world. Not to mention, after long days of panic attacks I would come home and hit the wine bottle pretty hard which was only depressing me even more.
I have only been on this medication for 3 weeks, but it's already in my system and doing its job. I haven't had a panic attack in an entire week! (I hope you guys can relate to how big of a relief this is). I no longer get choking sensations, I'm really calm, and I'm so happy! Like insanely happy. I have so much energy and I feel like there is just a warm glowing light around me and it's becoming infectious to those around me. I'm back to being the social butterfly I was before and I have the stamina to go to work and school and maintain a social life and not feel exhausted when I come home. I also don't feel the need to drink which is incredible for me. I feel like the happy, energetic 21 year old I should be, and I never knew it was possible to feel this good. I didn't even realize how depressed I was until I got a taste of this level of happiness.
Now in therapy I feel like I can really work through what is causing these panic attacks because i'm in a state where I can see things clearly and manage my problems better. Of course I still have spurts of anxiety, I always will. But this medication is really changing my life.
I would love to hear from people who are also taking this medication or another that has given them a similar experience. I would also love to hear from those who are suffering from a panic disorder and are having trouble coping because I'm in a place now where I feel like I can help! For those of you who feel like there is no hope for you, medication can be really helpful. Of course anti-depressants aren't for everyone but I really do think they are worth a try if you feel you've hit rock bottom (and trust me I know how that feels).
It feels really good to be a part of a group like this! I don't know how you guys feel about your panic disorder, but I personally don't like to share it with people, and those close to me have a really difficult time comprehending what I go through. So I'm really excited to talk to people that get me, and I hope I can also help some people out, because I get you! I really really do! : )

23-03-12, 01:31
Hi TheDaffodil

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-03-12, 02:12
Hello daffodil. Welcome to NMP. I'm sure you'll get all the help and support you need and want. I just wanna pick up on something you said about not letting people you know that you suffer from anxiety and panic. I don't think there is a person who is close to me who doesn't know that i get anxiety and panic attacks. Personally it doesn't bother me that people know and i think it helps with acceptance. I don't let people know for pity or sympathy. I do it because i.m not embarrassed of it, i don't need to make an excuse to why i can't be somewhere etc. So i think try be as open as possible as you can to those who're close to you. That's just my theory. Good luck finding some answers to your thoughts and questions. And also share your opinions for others to understand more with there own problems.

Darren :)

23-03-12, 06:09
Hi there and :welcome:!

Great to hear you're having such a positive experience. I'm also on venlafaxine and find it hugely beneficial. There are some active threads on this med - feel free to read and join in. We'd love to hear about your experience.

Take care

Pip xx

23-03-12, 20:46
:welcome: TheDaffodil, you've certainly come to the right place here for help & support and I wish you well in your journey. I have to say I do agree with Darrenb74 about letting people know what you are going through. You will find it like a weight lifted off those shoulders and I have found everyone to be so supportive. I too was gulity of keeping things to myself out of embarrasment when it first began a few years ago. People thought I was unsociable and stopped asking me to do things. Now I just don't care, everyone knows and I find they go the extra mile to try and include me in things or arrange things that they know I am confortable with. Think about it..you are isolating yourself when that is really the last thing you need. A good support network is so beneficial to your mental wellbeing. But I do understand why you feel like this.
All the best. Kitti :) x

23-03-12, 23:07
Wonderful that you have found success with medication. I was on venlafaxine a few years ago too.
All I would add is that when the time comes to come off venlafaxine, do it very gradually since it is one of the hardest to withdraw from.
Anyway don't worry too much about that for now, just enjoy the new found vitality you have and keep taking the tablets as they say. :)
warm wishes