View Full Version : anxiety creeping back

23-03-12, 06:09
well i have not been too bad for prob a year,was obsessed with heart,palps .pulse rate etc,seen cardio ,had ecgs,blood and echo all fine, had cbt, finally stopped checking pulse and blood pressure all day,just done it now and again, well found breast lump.had mammogram yesterday,got to wait until 4th april for results,and omg ive gone back to checking pulse,which is 58 bpm at rest,this is what freaked me out before (even tho doc said its a great restig pulse)so i panic wondering now how low does it go when i am asleep ,etc etc,then i been checking my bp,so course i send it up,see when i am writing it i can see what i am doing and i know i am putting my bp up by the checking but i cant practice what i preach so to speak,(in my mind i have a cut off point,if my bp is below that point am fine,same as my pulse i like it to be just above 60,) and its out of this range im off checking like mad,glad i have to go to work today cos i cant check bp there ,,arghh damn anxiety its a nightmare x

23-03-12, 07:38
I know EXACTLY what you mean! I have the exact same problems. I was doing good for a while too but now I've been experiencing shortness of breath and sometimes chest discomfort. I too am obsessed with my heart rate and checking blood pressure. My resting HR can be as low as 45bpm sometimes. Although I am very active and in great shape this worries me too. I know deep down inside its all anxiety but some days its hard to convice yourself. Damn anxiety!

24-03-12, 09:54
its a pain,I have put my blood pressure monitor in the car now,my house is elevated so in my mind if i go get it my pulse will ne up a little after going up and down the steps, this worked yesterday but this morning i did go down and get it, rested for 5 mins and bp was 117/74 and pulse was 66, this is acceptable for me( if my pulse was 58 i would have kept checking it ) so i put it back in the car and will not bother with it again today unless.... i get worked up about ssomething ,the bp machine is like a comfort thing until ive put my bp up then all the stress and anxiety goes off again ,if all of that makes sense lol damn you anxiety