View Full Version : PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!! Really scared :(

23-03-12, 06:21
I started taking my Fluoxetine on monday, yesterday being day 4 of course. I'd taken it every morning after breakfast but yesterday morning was running around busy and forgot....

My morning was great was in a good mood, then bam pounding headache comes on...take two anadin extra it eases... feel ok

Then it gets to about 5.30 and i'm heading to pick OH up from work..i feel shaky and as if i need to close my eyes, and really clenching my teeth!
This carries on till i get there, then OH running 20mins late out of work so she comes out to me shaking uncontrollably on the phone to nhs direct, with me saying my chest is tight and i cant catch my breath :(

Eventually i calm down, manage to drive home feel a bit better (havent eaten anything apart from a burger all day) but whilst trying to do things last night i feel like im burning up (temp was at 37 which is normal right?) and i just start coming over all weird again and havent been right since :(

my sleep has been unsettles, i can feel my heat randomly 'thump and im so shaky. Just tried to eat a slice of toast and cannot force it down :( this is the worse ive felt and last nigth scared me so much!!

Please tell me this is all normal :'( but if it is, why isnt this feeling going away?:weep:

---------- Post added at 06:21 ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 ----------

*i meant my heart 'thumping'

23-03-12, 07:54
Hi - sorry you had a rough day.

Yes it was probably down to the missed dose and when you realised you had done this panic set it and made you highly anxious. Take one this morning - see how your day goes. Any concerns would phone your doc or go and see him. The Prozac was probably just starting to get into your system and this is why you had these symptoms.

As I said see how your day goes - hopefully is should settle down

Regards Laura.

23-03-12, 08:22
Thank you Laura

I did eventually take yday mornings tab last night, and have taken this mornings also.

Feel awfully sleepy, meant to be gettin my wee one ready for school and i just dozed on the sofa there for a few mins...

I've no appetite at all, couldnt manage a slice of toast this morning.

Will phone surgery as soon as it opens i cant go the day like this :(

23-03-12, 09:04
Hi - good idea - usually when starting Prozac it does make your a lot more anxious for a few days - your GP should have told you this - this should settle down but once it starts working it is brilliant. Try and keep on it if you can - you could ask for some diazepam - low dose - just for the start up effects.

Good Luck


23-03-12, 11:09
Ok, thats me out the docs, she's said it sounds as tho Fluoxetine isnfor me and has told me to stop taking it and has given me Propranolol instead.

Fingers tightly crossed that this helps with the panic attacks/anxiety cos i dont think i could go another day like how i felt last night/this morning!!! I'll try and manage my OCD myself with counselling cos this experience has put me off completely!

23-03-12, 13:47
Hi Summerbaby, you poor thing that sounds horrible.
It sounds to me like a panic attack.
Sometimes anxiety can be increased initially on medication as Laura says so it may have been a side effect of the Prozac. It may just have been a panic attack because you were anxious anyway. Normally you have to tough it out for a few weeks on SSRI medication before you can tell if the side effects will go and it will help you.
It must have been scary though and I can understand why you felt the need to stop. Best to listen to your doctor's advice