View Full Version : Anyone out there with anxiety and also a parent to young children?

23-03-12, 12:44

I have 3 children, 12, 10 and 2.5. I suffer from anxiety and panic and sometimes feel as though I just can't go on with the daily routine of caring for my children - especially the little one when it's just me and him all day at home. (I need to add, I have good support from my husband and my mum lives locally and helps me thank God, as if she didn't, I really don't know how I'd cope.)

One of my symptoms is extreme nausea in the mornings and when this happens I get so stressed about getting the kids up, dressed and out to school while feeling like I am going to vomit, or actually vomiting.

Sometimes feel as though it must be easier for those of us who don't have any children to worry about and who can just focus on getting better.

(I know that sometimes the distraction of having to keep going for my children could be helpful and doesn't allow me to stay in bed all day...)

Anyone have any thoughts or feels the same way?


23-03-12, 16:01
Welcome to my world, I have 3 boys 8.5, 7 and 1.5...its a total struggle everyday, though I too have support from my husband. My worst symptom is epigastric pain, nausea and lightheadedness as well as fuzzy head and unreal feeling. I have just decided to take each day as it comes, some days are unbearable and other manageable. Hang in there love, we will get through it. :hugs:

23-03-12, 16:23
Yep, my daughter is 8months old and dealing with it everyday.

It's nice to know i'm not the only one who has to deal with the epigastric pain and all the rest of the treats ;-)

I am 7 days without Cipralex now and the withdrawels are horrible but the worst thing is my short temper...I hate the way the pills have changed me but i hate even more that the withdrawels make me shout at my lovely daughter...One day ssri's will be baned i am sure ha ha!

Keep going and know that, they are the only thing keeping you sane x

24-03-12, 15:47
Good to connect with you Mendez and Mozzer. What is epigastric pain? I'm guessing something to do with the stomach?

Hope you're all having an ok weekend. I have really enjoyed sitting out in the garden in the sunshine. really cheered me up. :yesyes:
