View Full Version : Scared to google

23-03-12, 13:07
Idk if it's sore or if im being paranoid.
But it just feels funny. Kinda fatter. Idk what to do.
I'm like tryin not to freak out and google.

But I can't stop touching the front of my throat.

And I had a dream
This morning about cancer.

I don't know what to do or think.

Really nervous.* I noticed a lymph node on my right side

And the left side of the front of my neck hurts sometimes off and on the front neck left side hurts off and on.

23-03-12, 14:13
A real doctor is a better bet than Dr Google. Really, don't do it because Dr Google knows everything there is to know about medicine and he can't help but share this with everyone ALL THE TIME! Even when you don't need to know!

Stay off the interwebs (apart from here of course!) and make an appointment. Speaking to a professional will take the load off your mind.:flowers:

23-03-12, 14:16
Hello worriedgirl,

By staying Away from Google you will be taking a big step forward towards reducing your anxiety. I know self checking and googling are amazingly addictive, but you must really try hard to steer clear of both, slowly you will find your anxiety levels will come down.

It isn't unusual to have disturbing dreams about cancer - not surprising really when every waking hour is occupied with these thoughts - these dreams are nothing more than anxiety driven.

We are super sensitive to everything when suffering with HA; very often what we see and what we feel are distortions of what is really happening. This is why it becomes so difficult to deal with the symptoms imagined or otherwise rationally.

Try to resist the urge to touch, look or google - set yourself a daily target - perhaps ask a friend, partner or family to check for you, no more than twice a day, and whatever you do stay away from Google.

I hope you will be feeling less anxious soon x

23-03-12, 15:06
I don't know what to do or think.

Do what you are already doing, don't go starting to trawl the internet looking for any symptoms that match what you 'think' you can see !