View Full Version : anxious shakey feeling makes the day feel crappy :(

23-03-12, 14:50
hi hope you are all doing great :)

i have had the best two weeks cant ask for anythin else really been thinking positive then today i woke with this horrible just shakey feeling which i get now and then drives me mad.... i no am due on in a few days so could be related ro that but just hate the way i get this i have plans to go a family night out tonight but just feel as if my insides are shaking and just have that anxious horrible feeling which is making me think to stay in :( but i wanna over come this but how ??
does anyone no how to cope with these feelings

23-03-12, 16:25
Hi .... well, I get this all the time, it's awful....i know it's the anxiety, but geez! Yeah, you really can't do anything when this happens, and you can't even PLAN to do anything in the future, because you never know when that feeling will strike. The only thing that I do is take xanax..I know that sounds as if I've become dependent on them, and to some degree I have....out of necessity only .... BUT, then again, there are days I don't need them, so I guess I'm not THAT dependent.......however, when this feeling hits, and I'm either not near the xanax, or perhaps I'm out.....I try to think of some happy memories, or pull out an old photo book with lots of old photos from childhood, or say my high school year book, (from about a thousand years ago now!.lol)....or I take myself for a walk on the beach here, bec. we live on the beach.....it's very hard though, because when this feeling hits, it seems to just take time to "wear off" by itself, which drives me nuts too! I do hope you feel better soon, this whole anxiety thing stinks!

23-03-12, 18:15
Thanks for the reply snow white I no what u mean it takes ages to get rid of the feeling been like this since 8am aaarrrgggg hate end of month n am meant to be going out with family tonight but this shakey anxious feeling makes u wanna stAy in n like u say we can't plan anything :( just wish it wide go away am due on in 4/5 days so will b like this for few more days