View Full Version : Feeling of general Flu like Malaise?

23-03-12, 19:55
Hi there,

I am new here and think I have been suffering from health anxiety for a few years.

Normally each stress out time goes away as the symptom does but recently for the past 6 wks or so I have been suffering on and off from what feels like a flu like general malaise feeling... stiff neck, achey, just generally horrible and really poorly. GP ran bloods and everything looked ok. It will sometimes go away and then I will wake up feeling grotty again! I am really really scared I have something like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME as the malaise feeling makes me feel exhausted and I don't seem to be able to keep up with things anymore. Is it possible that the worry of having ME is causing the malaise feeling itself?
I have had panic attacks and anxiety in the past and it has never made me feel like this before which has got me even more worried.

Any advice or thoughts greatly appreciated!

Claire :)

24-03-12, 07:46
Hi Claire....

Anxiety can do some pretty nasty things to us eh? I think sometimes I convince myself I have something to the point where the symptoms almost flow with the problem I have...ie I have heart issues, but it will be a chronic cough causing chest pain...I'm ny head it's my heart warning a heart attacks close.....

There have been some nasty viruses cutting about the last few months, I had one about 3 weeks ago and now I still am not 100% feeling right, but am having problems with my sinuses...

Is it possible that you came down with a virus...The weathers getting good now so try to get out and about this weekend with your friends or partner and enjoy it...xxx

12-03-14, 21:15
I have the exact same thing, except mine is only the malaise (no stiff neck). I am dealing with this right now!

When you wake up in the morning does it feel like your arms are almost tingling? This might be just a me-thing. I thought I had the flu (I might've) and got a bunch of blood work done since I never had my blood done ever. Results came back totally normal, so I was fine. They didn't test for mono because I wasn't showing any other symptoms. If I continue to feel this malaise I am going to get a mono and food allergy test.

Just saw how long ago this was posted: How are you feeling today? What did it end up being?

24-09-15, 00:25
Also posting to an old thread as I have similar issues. Did you all reach some sort of resolution?

I've had anxiety for the last 10 years or so and it only seems that recently that this sort of thing has been happening to me. The frequency seems to change but it's been as often as every two weeks or so for me here lately. It always starts the same way...I start to feel really anxious like something is off. By the next day, I can only describe it as feeling sick...like a bad cold or the start of the flu. I don't really seem to have external cold symptoms other than being told I "look sick" in my eyes. I feel run down, extremely tired, internally shaky like I have a fever even though I don't, aches/pains especially in my wrists and ankles, headache, mental fog, dry eyes...the whole deal. It legit feels like I'm sick. It usually lasts for me like 3-4 days like a cold would, so I can't help but wonder "am I really just sick or is this caused by anxiety?" This sort of thing seems to happen more in recent years even though my anxiety has gotten significantly better. The inner hypochondriac in me assumes I'm dying of cancer and I absolutely hate going to the doctors so I avoid it. When my anxiety first started I had a really bad experience with my doctor and being dismissed for feeling the way I do. I get really bad white coat hypertension too so getting my blood pressure taken is always a treat. Times I have gone during this "illness" they do bloodwork and everything always comes back fine. Once again my inner hypochondriac assumes they missed the one blood test that would pinpoint what's wrong with me. Lol. I have noticed this whole deal is more likely to happen after I drink over the weekend, but not always. When I feel sick it seems to be "physically deeper" than just the anxiety I usually experience if that makes any sense.

Long story short I sympathize with you all because I know how terrible it is to feel sick all the time.

15-11-15, 22:59
Hi, newbie here. my anxiety is at its peak nowadays. I have been feeling general malaise for some time now, I believe that there's no other symptoms just that. I dunno exactly when I started feeling like this. All I remember was I started feeling like this when I kept on looking for something wrong with my body (like I'm always checking for bruises in my body). Then I became more aware on the soreness on my body, like I have bruises when there's none. And I've been anxious with my weight too. I have appetite when eating, actually I eat more than I eat before but still I am not gaining weight. I did not step on the scale yet as I am scared to see if I still don't gain/ lose weight again. And also I am afraid to go to the doctor. :weep: I believe that I have anxiety since my mom died of breast CA on 2013 but it was aggravated when my SIL died this year. Maybe I just want someone I can talk with.. Someone who can relate on what I'm feeling..