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View Full Version : Anxiety is back

anx mum
23-03-12, 20:29
:weep: Today is my bday and im really struggling again my anxiety has come back again. Ive had a virus for 2 weeks now constant cough and chest pain been to doc she said ive got chest infection since then i have felt awful today had a hair appointment from my hubby i could barely go i felt physically drained and i felt anxious. Also im not sleeping im exhasted and scared this is the start of health anxiety. Im so down

23-03-12, 21:46
I'm sorry you're feeling so down on your birthday. :( Everything feels worse when you're ill, but it will pass. Focus on resting and getting rid of the virus and I'm sure things will start to look up again. Happy birthday, I hope you can get some rest and relaxation tonight!

23-03-12, 21:48
Happy birthday...like said illness makes everything worse...try and rest as much as you can.

24-03-12, 07:55
Hi Anx mum

I had that virus as well and have had a panic attack since having it...I still don't feel right but I know loads of people that have had something over the last few months...it will pass just keep resting it out.....
I also went to get my roots bleached mid virus and felt like I was going to pass out the whole time and as I had to sit there for a looooooong time it was def making the anxiety worse....
Weathers looking up now so maybe sit out in the garden this weekend, just relax and enjoy it...


24-03-12, 15:07
Oh Anxmum, sorry to hear you're feeling awful again. I often think of you as I know how much you've struggled in the past. But you've beaten the other worries - it's been a long and bumpy road but you've got past them, don't let the anxiety win again. Just go with the flow - try to float through it. Keep going as you normally do - don't let the anxiety take over, and you'll be just fine x

anx mum
25-03-12, 20:57
Thanks everyone for your comments think virus just dragging me down thanks daisycake hope your ok?

anx mum
26-03-12, 21:16
Been bk to docs again today feel awful my antibiotics come to an end still coughing and my chest is sore. Plus my anxiety is creeping bk. Hes put me on another antibiotic just feel worn out by it all