View Full Version : Frightened they will take my baby when born

23-03-12, 23:48
Last year I lost my daughter to a rare genetic kidney disease and as a result had severe health anxiety and went on citalopram. I got pregnant in January and we had to wait 3 months to see if our baby was healthy. During this time I suffered with depression. Not severe and I could still function but depression none the less.

Anyway, my OH and I are applying for council housing as we live with his grandparents. They have severe health conditions (parkinsons, alcoholism, one is blind) and I wrote on the form (which I haven't handed in) that these issues and their being demanding exacerbates my anxiety and depression which would be helped by being rehoused. I don't have health anxiety anymore and off meds but my mum has frightened me that if I get support and mention my depression and anxiety that the doctors will get to worried and take my baby off me. The reason I mentioned it is that my mental health would drastically improve if we move because I won't have to worry about my baby's safety.

I'm mega scared

24-03-12, 00:01
Firstly sorry to hear about your lost. I cannot begin to imagine what you went through. No of course not. Not anyone can take your baby off you because you have depression or anxiety. You wasn't the reason for your lost, so you have nothing to worry about with your new baby. So you need to get a place for yous to be a family. Good luck getting a place of your own.

Darren :)

24-03-12, 20:43
hi there....
please dont worry about that. What you put on your form was honest and nobody would just take your child from you without good reason (which there isnt one). When i wanted to exchange my council house i wrote on the form about my anxiety and how living nearer family would greatly help ( i have a son soon to be 4).
Im now in my new house and my son is still safely with me so please dont over think this. After what you have been through its only natural to worry...but i assure you there is no reason your child would be taken from you :) x x x

25-03-12, 10:16
No ! This won't be happening. I am so sorry you are scared, AND that your Mum has caused your fear. Babies are kept with their mothers now (unless there are significant reasons to be concerned about their well-being and safety and that is NOT just from some past depression and anxiety) and not removed from them on the whim of someone in authority. I went into pregnancy with well documented anxiety and was very ill after birth. I saw a a psychiatrist, GP, community psychiatric nurses visited me and my health visitor, even then my daughter was always with me (and there was no concern for her) ! If people with depression and anxiety had babies taken away from then that would be a lot of people without their children.

25-03-12, 19:24
My heart goes out to you,
when my son was young we were targeted by a known paedophile. I was too scared to contact my childs Father as I had the idea he would use the situation to get social workers to make me hand my son over to him. This would never have happened as I was in no way at fault and did everything within my powere to keep my child safe (police, courts and eventually leaving the country) but having experienced my ex's manipulative ways I found it impossible to stop my brain thinking he might try this course of action. Sometimes once something gets into your head, it's very very difficult to get rid of it.

I hope you manage to dismiss this idea. It is not true, the state now do their utmost to keep the baby with the mother. Have you seen the youtube video where you write your concerns onto a leaf and watch it float down the river? Helps me.

All the best to you.