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24-03-12, 08:27
ive noticed alot of people doing posts when they are in a panic and no one replys as sometimes its late at night :weep:

well im not sure if anyone has done this yet but i have setup a MSN instant messager for NMP like myself i have been panicing with noone to talk to at like 1 and 2 in the morning i have allso asked someone else to help me with this so it is allways online for us to chat when we panic if you use msn messanger please add the following address

nompanic@live.co.uk :yesyes:

nomorepanic has helped me so much with the other users on here but people need sleep and it allways happenes when i panic :( so i hope the admins will allow this post to stay so we can have a late night chatter when we need it Thank you all Mark.:noangel:

24-03-12, 10:36
Thats a great idea, I'm sure people will find it comforting if late at night they are panicking and need to chat to someone.

24-03-12, 11:01
yeah i was panicing the other night with no one to talk to and thought of the idea when i logged onto my msn and there was noone there to help i think allso getting a member from america to help with it aswell so that the msn is on 24/7 aslong as possible would be great

24-03-12, 23:40
Few have joined and chatting is great

macc noodle
24-03-12, 23:43
Great idea - it must be hard when it strikes and there is no one to talk to :)

Well done Mark.

Macc Noodle

24-03-12, 23:46
Isn't this the same as the chat room though? If no-one goes on there is still no-one to talk to.

25-03-12, 00:55
Yes in deed admin but I have been in the chat room so many times and been alone but people who are not on the site at the time are allwayson man like my own is never off and there is allwayson someone to chat to

26-03-12, 21:15
It's been great

26-03-12, 21:24
ive added!!!:)

26-03-12, 22:30

26-03-12, 23:42
Great idea mate. And i don't think it is like the chat room because you sometimes want a one on one more and the chat room isn't private. One more thing how do we add a member? I'm not sure if admin will let us post our emails on a forum?

Well done again for your idea.

Darren :)

27-03-12, 00:14
There is the help room in chat that is more private.

I ask people not to post their email addresses here cos it is an open forum and every spammer will add you lol

27-03-12, 00:58
Yeah of course nicola lol. Thank you. And i didn't know there was a private room. So thanks for that too. :)

27-03-12, 14:42
yes dont post emails or you will start getting emails for baked beans and tomatoes and stuff

27-03-12, 18:40
yes dont post emails or you will start getting emails for baked beans and tomatoes and stuff
Haha yeah but you still haven't answered my question. How do i join? :D

29-03-12, 11:47
sent you a message mate this has been fantastic over the last few days
had some real conversations alot of panics that have been slowly talked through

31-03-12, 13:29
any would like to help me with this please message me thank you :)