View Full Version : Urine retention

24-03-12, 14:36
Have had repeated urine infections and constipation for a very long time, gradually got worse at about age 17 to the point I can hardly pee at all and if I do it is only a small amount. Had a normal cystoscopy w/urethral dilitation in October, forty plus normal urine tests etc, normal bloods for kidneys, normal abdominal ultrasounds. Was rushed to A&E on Tuesday with acute retention - hadn't peed in 22 hours. Catheterised, passed 1ltr within about 5 minutes, and kept in until 4pm on Thursday - catheter taken out on Wednesday evening after which I managed to pee sort of normally but not totally - I can go, I go enough to colour the loo water in the morning, but during the day I am only going tiny bits (about 40ml) every two/three hours.

Going for a number 2 every hour or so, but again only small amounts - had to use a glycerin suppository yesterday to get things going.

Have now seen two consultant urologists, plus up to eight different doctors in hospital, plus two gynaecologists. They are thinking it is a side effect of IBS or some kind of muscular problem, maybe to do with dyspraxia. I have been told as well it could be my medication so have been advised to start withdrawing from it (escitalopram) so am now taking 5mg as opposed to 10mg.

I'm no longer sure what to do, I am drinking about 2 litres a day and it's just making no difference. I am only peeing about 500ml a day if that.

Have bought some cystitis relief but I don't have any burning pain or abnormal frequency, just a bit of a sore tummy. If I am quite honest I no longer feel the need to pee - I have to force myself to go every 2/3 hours and have to push down to go.

Nurses told me to take a book/magazine into the loo with me but that makes no difference - at the worst I have sat for forty minutes with nothing happening..

What do I do next? GP surgery can't see me for weeks and don't know what to do, hospital are dithering over doing another dilitation under anaesthetic. Noone has ever diagnosed me with anything - I have basically had to do it myself through google, have come up with underactive bladder and found a drug that apparently will help - is it worth phoning my doctor and asking if I can at least try the drug? I don't want another anaesthetic if I can help it!

Anybody else had the same, anyone got any advice on what to do? Am sick of living my life worrying about peeing!

22-06-12, 10:29
Hi, yes i am passing through this really bad bad situation now when i feel like i need pee but i cant hardly do it or i go every 5 min, i have been suffering for anxiety for 2 years now, i had times where i dont feel any kind of anxious feeling and almost no symptoms, but since 2012 start i have been getting all kind of weird symptoms, the first one was the feeling of having something in my throat that lasted for about 4 month, then i got really bad acid reflux and start having panic attacks again, mild ones but they were killing me, then i got a weird feeling on my left leg numb like, like it dosent belong to me and dizziness like walking on a boat and now the pee retention and frequency went to check and i got no uti so i dont know what to think i am really freaking out about having something really bad !!:lac:

04-08-12, 14:11
Hey i know this is probably a dead thread but i've had issues with urine retention too. It's doing my head in. I have been getting so paranoid its cancer. I have to see a urologist next week to find out whats going on.

Tuesday just gone i could only urinate sitting down (im a guy) then on thursday i got up and went absolutely fine! a few hours later i was struggling to go again. Doctor at A and E thought it could be medication i take (olanzapine) so ive stopped the meds and its not helping :(

I was taking tamsulosin since sunday to relax the muscles, which was working to some extent, but was getting really bad back pain and stomach and muscle pain. When this happened i was convinced it was cancer, so i have now stopped the tamsulosin and the pains have gone!!!!

anyway, just want you to know youre not alone in this probelm. Its funny how we take such a simple bodily function for granted. Hope you have got it sorted by now.