View Full Version : Do any of you have lymphnodes you can feel?

24-03-12, 16:03
If any of you have read my previous posts, you will know that they are causing me soo much distress. Ive had bloods and paid privatley for an ultrasound. The results were all ok. But i just dont trust the doctors. What if theyve missed somethig, or what if its been caught early whilst there smallish? Please can you tell me if any of you can feel lymphnodes too? Im back on the anxiety wagon with this, and ive tried really hard to forget about it all, but i touched them today and i shouldnt of as it just sets me off again. I have one about the size of a big pea a few inches below my left ear, then i can feel about 4 tiny oval ones on the right side with a bigger one about 2 inch abouve my collerbone thts sausage shaped but apparently its longer than the pea shaped one but not wider. Ive found a new lump behind my left ear but this is raised on the skin, could just be a spot? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys x

24-03-12, 16:43
I have some I feel

24-03-12, 16:50
Hi thanks for reply, were are they, in your neck too? How big are they? xx

24-03-12, 16:56
I have a small one in the front a big on in the. BAck

What about you?

24-03-12, 18:12
Mine are in various places on my neck, ive made a little list in my post at the top. They are really upsetting me. I just want them to go away.

Anybody else?

24-03-12, 18:36
Hi KellyBobz, I have 2 in my neck and have worried about them since I was younger, both are pea sized which is completely normal some people cant feel theres but some can, what I have also found is that if you feel/mess with them they get a little larger by the next day so you think oh no they've grown the next time you feel. Try not to check them too much and younger find they go down in size. Hope this helps you and puts your mind at rest a little. I also suffer with health anxiety and know how bad you must be feeling. Take care.

24-03-12, 19:05
I only have one on my neck at the back on my right side. It flares up sometimes then it goes down. I understand when it flares up and that it annoys you because it kind of hurts and it always brings your attention to it.

Ive been told its natural for it to flare up when your body is fighting something like I had mild tonsilitis and so it flared up for a week with that.

Usually antibiotics help mine go down and I did have some blood tests done on mine when I first found it.

I wouldnt worry the doctors would have you in good hands they will do everything they can to see if there is nothing bad going on and if the results come back fine then thats great news because then usually its all good.

But if its bothering you then maybe try some antibiotics to see if that will make it go down and become lsee painful.

24-03-12, 21:05
I've got one in my thraot that I've had for years and two at the back of my neck that are raised. If anything was wrong then it would definnatly come up in your bloods xx

24-03-12, 23:39
Hi Kelly,

I hope you take some comfort that you're not alone - it seems that your symptoms are quite common and, as I said in your previous thread, I know you have nothing to worry about as you've had all the right tests which have all come back normal.

Try to recognise that it's your anxiety again making you doubt all the reassurances you've had. I came across this thread on here which I think you might find useful. If you get the chance, read the first post and see if you can identify with it (its quite long but worth a thorough read):


Take care and keep in touch

Pip xxx

25-03-12, 00:10
I have 2 of them behind my right ear. They have been there since forever! Most revently i can still feel one underneath my armpit.

25-03-12, 08:58
Hi everybody, im so grateful for your replys, i was doing so well and then it all came tumbling down. Its good to know others have these lymphnodes that are visible too. was just onvinced last night they were growing and i stupidly showed a girl i was with looking for reasurrance, but she was like OMG have you seen a doctor!! then i left the get together and cried all the way home in my car!!- i was actually right because this morning ive woke up with sore throat swollen glands and runny nose etc. So my HA asks me what could this be, but after reading the post pip just advised, im going to choose to think rationally and accept ive got a common cold. Because that is what it is!!! Thanks pip for looking out for me when in need, your an angel i swear!

Everybody with HA please read the thread in pips post it gives such good insight.

I will have a good day to day, even though i have a common cold lol, thanls ever ybody. Im seeing doctor tomorrow anyway for a smear but will definatley bring up my anxieties and get her. x

25-03-12, 09:16
Hi Kelly,

Happy to help, especially as I know what real despair is like when you think it's all hopeless and all you want to do us curl up on your own and cry as I've been there many times. I decided a while ago that I'm not going to let it ruin my life anymore. My anxiety has already left a trail of destruction and I've got too many things to be positive about to carry on like that.

Take care and keep in touch. I can see that you're going to beat this - you're getting closer every day.


Pip xxx

26-03-12, 16:19
Hi all after doing some neck feeling of my family and friends and turns out it is quite common. My friend has one in the same place as me a similar size and shape, my dad has one the size of a marble near his collerbone. My mum has two in the same place as me. Two of my work collegues have 1 each actually bigger than mine but in the same place. My sister has a big one in the same place as me, her partner has one too and one in his groin. My partner has one in his groin to very tiny though. None of them are botherd. My doctor showed me hers this morning under her jaw shes had since she was a child. So im feeling better about it today. Still feeling crappy with my virus and over thinking it, but writing this down on here has helped me see sense, for the meantime anyway.

If anybody else has lymphs they can feel please add, it helps me :D

26-03-12, 16:28
I have one in my neck. It feaked me out, and it actually did get bigger (either from me infection or me poking it so much or both). I played with this sucker 100 times an hour! I pushed it, everything! It drove me into a real depression. To the point that I am in therapy.
It pretty much ruined 4 months of my life. I remember the day. I was shaving, not worried about it. The only reason I thought of it was b/c I was checking my pulse 100 times a day for another HA related issue. And I thought, what is that little bump? I looked it up, got scared, made it worse... And even though I have had an ultrasound which the radiologist told me was normal, I still check it! Not as much, but I do.
By the way, my radiologist told me it was normal to be bigger in that area (mine is near my pulse) because that is an important node for fighting skin and other infections...

26-03-12, 16:40
Thats were two of mine are on either side, and one at my collerbone. I too! im in my fourth month of totally panic, although i am trying to accept it. They are bigger at the moment and i have a new one behind my ear which is sore but i do have some virus AGAIN! I do feel for you i know how bad this can get. in the first two months i lost weight because i just couldnt calm down about it. When people tell me about theres it helps reassure me, i hope you get some reassurance too, thankyou for helping.

26-03-12, 18:06
Hi Kelly,

That should definitely make you feel better, even if it did mean you feeling your sister's partner's groin!!

Pip xxx

26-03-12, 18:10
ha ha that really made me laugh!!!:D Just to confirm i definatley did not touch his groin, he told me!!! lol. Yeah i did feel better thanks, hope your well. xx

27-03-12, 07:49
I cant do it!!!! ive woke up at 3am with a sore armpit, i cant bear to look, i know what im going to find! I cant cope with another lump or lymphnode. I can accept the ones in my neck. But not one in my armpit. My partner has had to deal with me crying again, i think he actually hates me now. I just want it all to stop!!! Pleaseee :scared15:

27-03-12, 13:46
in a and e. the pain in my armpit is too bad. sat here crying and panicing. when will it all stop. I know there going to tell me something bad. I know it.

27-03-12, 14:43
Yeah, I could feel them for a few weeks at the back of my head and behind my ears after a viral infection. One in my armpit too. Nothing to worry about. :)

27-03-12, 16:44
Doctor thinks its nothing, start of a boil, or ingrown hair and gave me antibiotics. Said its nothing sinister because of the pain,and he couldnt feel it. but i can. I dont beleive them, i think there missing something. I know these antibiotics wont work, and i know i will be stuck with all these lumps and then i will die because theyve been ignored! I just cant stop crying, i give up.

---------- Post added at 16:44 ---------- Previous post was at 16:15 ----------

Trying really hard not to google, boils, sore lump under arm etc. I know what result i will get. Really dont want to, but feel i need to.