View Full Version : Sinus problem- Do I need urgent medical attention or can this wait til monday?

24-03-12, 17:41
I have been having random pains in the back of my head for a while, which get worse when I'm exerting myself. Doctor said this was simply anxiety. However now my sinus are all clogged up and my nose is very congested and the pain in the top back of my head is a constant, burning pain radiating to my forehead. I feel really tired and sick. Everything I can find on the internet is telling me I have a sphenoid sinus infection and that I'm going to die of a secondary bacterial infection in my brain unless I get treatment right away: I would like to know has anyone had sinusitis symptoms like this? Should I go get treated this second (causing a lot of extra cost no doubt) or is this nothing to be worried about?

24-03-12, 18:28
I had a really bad sinus infection 2 years back. Pretty bad headache on left side about eyebrow and I felt just really tired and achy. I got some antibiotics and was fine after a few days. A sphenoid sinus infection is just a regular sinus infection, so what is making you think you are going to get a bacterial infection and die?? And in most cases, a sinus infection can cause bad migranes which could explain the head pain you are experiencing. Don't fret! I don't see why it would be life-threatening if you don't go to the doctors this moment... They spread if the illness is left to linger for an extended period of time. However, do you want to feel this crappy all weekend? If I were you I'd go...your just going to get prescribed antibiotics and that should help!

25-03-12, 06:56
I am no doctor and I don't think anyone on this forum can give proper medical advice but I can give my general thoughts:

If you feel worse definitely go and see your GP as soon as possible. It is probably a common minor infection but only a doctor could tell, if you feel the need to go now, go now. It will probably be more expensive if you go today right? Or you may have to spend hours sitting in ER and it may be minor or may not?

If it feels bad and worries you - just get it out of the way and go now.

Can you put your neck down to your chest? That is a check I always use to decide if I need to see a doctor now or later. If your neck is so stiff and sore that you cannot put your chin to your chest - best to see a doctor now. But it still may be best just to go and see a doctor.

Only yourself or a medical professional can give you true medical reassurance, not people on a forum - but I can give you support and here it is - I hope you feel better soon and that your sinus problem gets better :), I think you will be OK


macc noodle
25-03-12, 07:43
Ok, I understand your fears as I suffer from anxiety myself but may I suggest you try and get some relief by doing the following (apologies in advance if you are already doing so):-

1. Simple steam inhalation - done regularly and for as long as possible to ease congestion

2. Regular doses of paracetomol

3. Try and keep in a warm even temperature

4. Maybe a hot water bottle or wheat bag applied to painful area

I personally do not think that a sinus problem is a medical emergency but it is your call - only you know how bad the pain is.

25-03-12, 12:36
Oh yeah I forgot to mention, some people are a big believer in using neti pots to clear sinuses. Precautions MUST be observed with the neti pots use for health reasons and I won't say why because I do not want to trigger any health anxieties.

If you are going to use a neti pot - make sure to sterilize it between uses, even best to do this before and after each use. Steralize/wash it using antibacterial detergent and hot water in the sink and then rinse it thoroughly with boiling water twice, being careful not to burn your hands - then once rinsed with boiling water (do not expose it to tap water after boiling water rinse), place it upside down to air dry on a clean dish rack. The boiling water should evaporate quickly, especially if it is ceramic. Do not use it till it has air dried out well. Do not touch the inside of it when clean.

Then when using it, ONLY use boiled or distilled water in it - NEVER hot or cold tap water or any water that isn't distilled or boiled (obviously when you put boiling water in it for use - wait till the boiling water cools down completely inside the pot before rinsing sinuses to avoid burning your nose LOL).

You may think NAH I won't go to all that trouble I have been using it for years without doing that. Take it from me - YOU must follow these procedures or just throw the pot in the bin right now for your own health. There is a reason for all this. If you follow this procedure the NETI POT becomes safer to use. I personally wouldn't use one though - some people swear by them however. I think inhaling steam is safer right? Can someone confirm that?

Just wanted to mention this because I care about others on this board..


27-03-12, 02:35
Thank you so much :) Really helpful responses here! I'm genuinely not sure whats wrong with me, whether its sinus related or simply tension headaches and a bad cold. I'm getting an MRI scan tomorrow and hopefully that will go well! Will continue inhaling steam and taking decongestants though as i still sound all blocked up... I feel like I'm taking more pills than food thesedays :P TillySm thanks for the advice, I use the chin-chest test now when I'm worried!

29-03-12, 17:14
just wanted to say that I really like using my netipot, and precautions are important. But if it makes you uncomfortable, you can always just get some saline nasal spray.

30-03-12, 18:19

I've been having on and off sinus problems since December, along with cheat infection, throat infection etc etc....I'm constantly suffering with a feeling like my head is full with water...I get random headaches around my head, sometimes on top at the back, temples etc etc. Head tingling.

The worst part is the disgusting thick clear mostly yellow gunk tha I have to blow out of my nose...I have stuff constantly dripping down my throat which. Quads a chronic cough which then gives me chest pains.....

I've seen the doctor 3 times about maybe having a sinus infection....this Tues whe. I saw him he actually looked up my nos, he said there were no polyps, bit the canals look narrow ie swollen....I've never had a temp with this so bow he's saying may e an allergy to something, I know it's not dust as I hoover and that every other day...thinking the house might have damp.

I've been a hay fever sufferer for years and never had this problem through the winter months. I've been prescribed beconase nasal spray so am giving it ago now....


---------- Post added at 18:18 ---------- Previous post was at 18:17 ----------

Oh....I really don't like the idea of neti pots.....I would ask your GP about this first...

---------- Post added at 18:19 ---------- Previous post was at 18:18 ----------

Eeeeeek stop predicting my words...you make me look like I can't spell lol