View Full Version : Insomnia...how do I stay awake during the day???

24-03-12, 18:02
Of course with anxiety, I do NOT want any stimulants like caffeine. Many of the stay awake suggestions I've read on the web seem like they'd stimulate my adrenaline which will just give me more anxiety. I haven't been able to eat much so I have NO energy for a lot of physical activity, either.

Normally during the day when not anxious I'd read a book or the computer. With insomnia those activities turn me into a bobble-head. It's making me more anxious worrying about staying awake and also anxious about trying a 20 minute nap. I'm not sure I could sleep even if I tried b/c I'm on edge. And yet...exhausted.

What do you do to stay awake during the day so you will (hopefully) sleep more/better at night?

24-03-12, 18:10
hi if you are not sleeping at night, i would have a sleep during the day, it will do you good, it;s your body's way of telling you you need to relax.

don't worry about it, give yourself the rest you need, trying to fight it will only make you feel worse.

hope you are feeling better soon xx

24-03-12, 18:13
I'm sleeping at night, just not enough. :huh:

29-03-12, 11:04
Hey there,

I can totally relate as I had terrible insomnia a few years ago. I would stay awake until about 7 or 8 in the morning and then fall asleep. The only way I managed to concur this was actually my sister took me out very early in the morning and managed to keep me awake until 8 that evening. It was exhausting but it did make my sleep patterns return to normal. I'm not entirely sure if this would work for you but its worth a try.

If there is anybody who you know who would spend the day with you in order to keep you awake then I would ask them to do so. You will find a way to beat this.

Also, feel free to message me any time :)

Take care,


29-03-12, 12:25
Drink lots of water.

29-03-12, 15:39
Do you know its insomnia? i thought i had it but, ive infact got sleep apnoea!!
i thought i wasnt sleeping when i was actually waking up lots as id stopped breathing! im not hugely overweight either!! Now i have a C-pap machine and yes it helps but does wake me up sometimes making my anxiety happen more!!

29-03-12, 20:04
I have/and still do at times struggle with insomnia..my doctor prescribed me Trazodone and that seems to be doing the trick. I don't want to say pills are always the answer..but sometimes for some people it is. Have you talked to your doctor? Maybe he/she will talk to you about options.

Personally, I know that when I haven't slept good the night before or few days I do not want to get out and exercise or go to the gym. But trust me if you stimulate your body/work out/do yoga/hike..it helps a lot!!