View Full Version : Slowly picking up! Thanks to all!

29-06-06, 09:49
Hi, thanks to everyone who has been replying to my post (don't think I can get through this). Since I wrote the post I have been up and down, waking up really down in the dumps then picking up towards the middle of the day only to feel like I've hit rock bottom by the end of the day.
This morning I woke up feeling the best I have felt in a long time. I have decided not to worry about Kev and money, things will sort themselves out.
I hope I carry on picking up and that eventually I will be able to start going back out.

Thank you again to all you who replied to my post, your support has really lifted me up.:D
In times of trouble it shows just who are really your friends, thank you [^]
Take care



29-06-06, 10:49
Great News Chuckle.
Glad you are feeling brighter, i hope it continues for you x

Hay x

29-06-06, 10:57
Thanks Hayles for your support, it is greatly appreciated:D

Take care



29-06-06, 12:16
I am confident about starting to get out again. Health visitors are pressuring me which set my anxiety off but I was talking to my closest friend and he is more than willing to support me best he can.
We decided that this summer we were going to try to sort ourselves out and start moving forward towards our recovery. We both had set backs and let it take hold of our lives again. We had a chat this morning about things and we decided that we can't let our problems continue.
Hopefully by next summer we will be alot better than we are at the moment...

Good luck to everyone with their individual recoveries:D

Take care



29-06-06, 13:48
Glad to hear how positive you sound chuck - good on ya!!

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

29-06-06, 13:51
Hi Pig and thank you for your support.
Thanks for your reply

Hope you are well:D

Take care



29-06-06, 14:38
Chuck I am so pleased to hear you so positive and to read that you are feeling so much better today. You will get there mate, keep going with the positive attitude.


Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

29-06-06, 14:55
Hi Tracey and thanks for your reply. I am going down hill again at the moment, feeling suicidal. I go from one extreme to another.
I can't do it.:(

Take care



29-06-06, 15:09
excuse me matey what happened to positive thoughts and all that.
You know you can do this and that you will do it and one day you will look back and see how far you have come.
Don't allow the thoughts to take you over, keep yourself busy anything to take your mind off of it mate.
Sorry to sound harsh but I don't want to see you go backwards again, you know where I am anytime you need a chat or a kick up the butt ok.

Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

29-06-06, 15:13
lol Tracey. The positive thoughts just seem to come and go so quickly with me.
One minute I'm up the next I am down and to be honest, right now I feel at breaking point.
I will pick up again and I will go out because I want to so much.
Thanks for your reply Tracey:D

Take care



29-06-06, 15:37
Hi Chuckle

I too experience extremes of emotions at times and it takes only the slightest thing to knock me. At those times try to focus on the positive moments you have. Perhaps you could write or print out the positive message you posted earlier and put it somewhere you can see it to remind yourself that at times you can feel better.

It's good that you and your friend can help and support each other and we are here too.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

29-06-06, 15:42
Hi Karen, that's a great idea, I will definately do that now.
I just feel so emotional, keep crying for no reason. I feel I am losing this battle and don't know how I can fight it anymore.

Thanks for your reply:D

Take care



29-06-06, 16:12
Hi Karen I printed the positive out like you suggested and I am feeling a little better. Every time I feel my thoughts changing I read through what I printed out and I start to think positive again.
Thanks, it really has helped :D

Take care



29-06-06, 16:15
Hey chuck

keep your pecker up its just a blip thought and it will pass. Keeping busy is the best tonic for trying to forget anxiety, in my opinion.

You will get there STAY POSITIVE U know u can do it

take care


29-06-06, 16:30
Hi Bobsy, thank you for your reply. I am finding it hard to keep busy, can't motivate myself but I will get there eventually.

Take care



29-06-06, 21:58
Well, I picked up a great deal after this afternoon, thanks to all for your replies.
I rang Kev just a few minutes ago and they have transferred him to another hospital which is more like a half way house.
They are apparently, discharging him on Monday. I don't believe it, he has conned a psychiatrist into thinking he is well!!! How pathetic are these so called professionals???

Anyway, when I spoke to Kev he accused me of having sex upstairs while my son had an accident, which is totally untrue. How the **** would he know?
Is there anything I can do to stop Kev coming here unannounced?
I cannot handle him knocking on every 5 minutes and giving me loads of grief.

Any advice would be great

Take care



29-06-06, 22:04
Hi Chuckle

Glad printing out the post helped. Keep reading it every time you find the negative thoughts taking hold.

Have you sought any professional advice regarding the situation with Kev? The Citizens Advice Bureau might be able to help. I hope you can sort something out.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

29-06-06, 22:12
Hi Karen, printing out the post really helped thank you so much!!!

I must sort something out with Kev very soon because he is apparently out on Monday and I can't cope with him spying on me.

Take care



29-06-06, 22:28

I never did catch up with your previous post, but at least you are making progress now.

Whenever you take a knockback, just remind yourself that you have been here before and more importantly climbed out of that abyss before.

I know you are strong and can do it.

It just takes a lot of practice.

Hang Tough and smile :D


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

29-06-06, 22:40
Hi Ray, thanks for your reply. It's true, I have been in this situation so many times before. I know deep down that I can recover, it's just the doing it, I get bored so easily and give up.

Well Done with your drive!! Fantastic achievement:D

Take care



30-06-06, 12:07
Well, although I planned to go for a walk today, I never quite made it. I didn't sleep too well and woke up feeling weird. I am now thinking about going this evening instead.
I will get out eventually[:I]

Take care



30-06-06, 12:47
hi chuckle,oh this post started well hun,but then you kinda slithered down the snake mate!!!It is rather like snakes and ladders,life that is!I think you must be able to get an injunction put on Kevin ??It is your life after all[you know how i feel about all this!!lol]hang on in there mate you are doing soooo well,keep the positive thoughts going ,it does work!Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

30-06-06, 14:21
Hi Mary rose, deffinately snakes and ladders. I spoke to Kev earlier and he is trying to get my kids taken off me. He is accusing me of being a prostitute now ffs.
He told social services he had concerns and they are believing him!!!!
Social services are now saying that if I don't go shopping and to the Drs for medication they are going to take my kids away from me.
Nothing but ****ing bullies and I am sick and tired of people thinking that just because I have this disability, my brain doesn't work.

Take care



30-06-06, 15:24
Hi again, I am so pissed off now, I have had a conversation with my support worker and because of Kev they have to investigate Kevs accusations of me being a prostitute.
I am going to rip his ****ing head off...

How the hell do I prove to them that I am not a prostitute???

I am so angry with him now.

Take care



30-06-06, 18:41
Hi Chuckle

Surely this is just a formality that they have to investigate when an accusation is made? I would've thought it is up to them to find evidence and the fact that Kev is ill and makes things like this up will soon prove these latest lies to be false too.

What did your support worker say? Can she help you with an injunction or some legal help to keep Kev away from you?

Hope you do get out for that walk this evening. It's a lovely day!


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

30-06-06, 19:16
Hi Karen, I want some sort of order from the authorities too LOL they are *******s to me and bully me into doing things I don't feel able to do.
I think I will have to talk to my solicitor because them bullying me is not helping my anxiety.

Take care



01-07-06, 20:38
Well, I tried to go for a walk this morning. It was really hot and sticky and all I managed was to the end of the street[:I]
Oh well, maybe things will get better!

Take care



02-07-06, 00:15
Well done for getting out Chuckle. It doesn't matter how far you managed to get it is still progress. Keep it up!


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

02-07-06, 01:08
Hi Karen and thank you for your reply.

The good news is that Kev has been transferred back to the mental hospital because he couldn't carry on conning them into thinking he was well.
He also threatened me again tonight saying that 'The Stoke Lads' were on their way down to beat me up...Yeah right!!! He said that I was going to lose the kids, my house and my life!!! WHATEVER!
Anyway, all is well with the world because apparently he is moving to Amsterdam!!!!!!!!!!!! IF ONLY!!!!!!!

Take care



02-07-06, 10:01
Can anyone give me some advice please?

Kev has told me that he going to take my son out of school and that I will never see or hear from either of them again. Kev has parental responsability so is he allowed to take him out of school and take him?

Who do I tell about the threat, my solicitor, police or the school?

Take care



02-07-06, 10:44

I would get in touch with all 3 as soon as possible, explain to the school the situation and that under no circumstances should JonJon be allowed to leave the school with any one other than yourself until further notice.

Try not to worry mate, Kev is just trying to scare you yet again.

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

02-07-06, 11:54
I agree with Trac here mate.

I am sure nothing would happen but its always best to be on the safe side. Get in touch with all 3 to let them know of the current situation.

Sending you the biggest hug - cannot believe what you are having to deal with, sometimes it feels like the world has gone quite mad doesnt it.

Lets hope someone with an ounce of common sense starts listening to you hun and you get the break you deserve.

Love Piglet xx

02-07-06, 12:15
Hi Chuckle

Just wanted to say that I agree with what's already been said. I would suggest telling anyone involved in your son's care, as well as your solicitor and the police.

Is Kev under section at the hospital? Can he come and go as he pleases?

Hope you're ok.

Karen x

02-07-06, 13:00
Hi Tracey, Thanks for your reply. I will contact everyone first thing in the morning. He is off his rocker!!!

Take care



02-07-06, 13:03
Hi Piglet, thank you for your reply. I think everyone believing a compulsive liar needs to see a psychiatrist.

Take care



02-07-06, 13:07
Hi Karen, didn't see you reply to start with. As far as I am aware he can leave when he pleases and that is why I am so scared about the safety of both my kids but especially my eldest with him being at school during the day and trusting his dad if he sees him at the school gates.

Is it now worth mentioning to my son that he is not to go off with his dad if he sees him in the street or at the school gates?

Gosh, we never know what to do for the best for our kids...

Thanks again for everyones replies

Take care



02-07-06, 16:29

Poor you mate. Sorry to hear about all this.

I agree with the others - make sure the school know that he is no longer authorised to pick your son up. Make sure you contact the relevant people about his accusations and knock them on the head sooner rather than later.

Sounds like he is a real bully to me!

Hope things get better soon for you.


02-07-06, 17:27
Hi Nic and thanks for your reply. Can I actually stop him though with us being married?

He is a bloody bully, I put up with it for 7 years until I plucked up the courage to tell him to **** off.
He should know by now that I hold a grudge, some people never learn!!

Take care



02-07-06, 17:44

I am sure you can - you have proof that he is not well at the moment and that must be taken into account.


02-07-06, 17:58
Thanks Nic, thanks for your reply. I will try it tomorrow, it's worth a try.

Take care



03-07-06, 05:54
I have woke up feeling quite down in the dumps. Didn't go sleep until after 2 abd was awake at 5. I am so tired but cannot sleep. I am really worried about sending my eldest to school today...

I have people coming to see me today who are putting pressure on me to go out. I keep telling them that by pressuring me, it will only make me worse but do they listen? Do the heck.

I don't want to be like this forever but their pressure really doesn't help.

Take care



03-07-06, 08:05
I am going to send my son in with a note telling the teacher not to let Kev pick him up and also I will ring them when someone is in the office to make sure they are fully aware of the situation.

Thank you all for your continued support.

Take care



03-07-06, 09:53
I have spoken to the school and they said that if Kev turns up there wanting to pick up Jonathan they will ring me straight away.

Now, do I ring my solicitor????

Take care



03-07-06, 10:12
Yes hun I would. It would be useful to know how you stand legally if nothing else.

You are bound to be feeling somewhat frazzled at the mo mate (who wouldn't be with all you are dealing with) so I suggest taking things one day at a time.

Who is it that put pressure on you to go out???

Love Piglet :)

03-07-06, 10:53
HI Pig, yeah lots is going on and I am finding it really tiring.

Social services are pressuring me to go out. They say that if I don't do my own shopping then they will take the kids off me.
I just cannot do it, they really don't have a clue what it is like to be agoraphobic.

Thank you for your reply

Take care



03-07-06, 13:35
I have told the social worker what Kev is threating to do and she just doesn't seem bothered at all. Silly cow!
I am still considering whether to ring the solicitor to see if there is some kind of order to stop him coming over.

Take care



03-07-06, 13:37
Why on earth are they saying things like that to you - what if you had a physical disability and couldn't get out, would they still be saying the same.

It's outragous to say such a thing to you and I am quite sure that no one can have their kids taken away cos mum can't get to the shops. I think I would clarify this with them hun cos I can't see how this is legal or correct.

Big hug

Pig xxx

03-07-06, 14:30
I agree 100% Piglet, if I was in a wheelchair and couldn't do the shopping they would bloody do it for me.
They moan at me for everything I do (or don't do). I get to the school in taxi and they even moan about that.

Take care



03-07-06, 14:45
Well, the police came to take a statement but they can't do a thing because Kev is unwell, they aren't allowed to even talk to him nevermind arrest him!!!
How pathetic is that???
I have to go through my solicitor to get any kind of order against him...

Talk about pissed off.:(

Take care



03-07-06, 15:01
Oh forgot to add that the best the police could say was 'can you move away from him'????

Is that the best they can come up with??

Take care



03-07-06, 16:39
I have rang my solicitor and he said that to get a court order, I have to attend court.
Another brick wall I have hit...

Take care



04-07-06, 09:16
hi chuckle im so sorry to hear of the trouble you have at the moment.its bad enough not being able to go out let alone have all the trouble wiv ur ex.just wanted to send you big (((((hugs)))))))keep ur chin up hun things will come right in the end.take care luv moo and baby mooxXx

04-07-06, 12:16
hi Moo (and baby moo)

Thank you for your reply.

Hope your prenancy is going well.

Take care



04-07-06, 14:43
I have not heard from Kev today, he was meant to come down with my money and he hasn't shown up.
He is just trying to make me struggle so that I will take him back.
All he is doing though is to make me hate him all the more.

Take care



05-07-06, 09:00
I just cannot believe it!!!
They have let him go, infact he had to be escorted off the ward. The ****ing ******* assulted a very poorly, very old man. I spoke to one of the nurses of the ward this morning and the police had to escort him off because of the assult. I said that I hoped the man was pressing charges but he won't because he is terrified. I feel so sorry for the bloke because Kev is a wimp. He wont pick on anyone his own size.
I told the nurse that IF he comes here I am going to belt him one. Apparently he is in London (this is what he does when he is mentally, hides down in London).

Thing is, I think he has taken my money, don't know for sure because he has the card and there is no way of me checking.

Take care



05-07-06, 11:31
I have just rang the school to let them know that Kev is out of hospital and for them not to let him take my son out of school, now they are saying that they cannot stop him because he has parental responsability...

I have rang the solicitor and he cant get an order against Kev if the police are doing nothing, the police cant do anything if the dr on the ward says kev is not well enough and the bloody hospital cant access him because he is too drunk.
So instead they let him bloody go to do whatever he pleases.
How pathetic is that????

Take care



05-07-06, 23:23
Hi Chuck, sorry i dont have any wonderful advice to offer but just to say thinking of you at this difficlult time.x

06-07-06, 14:14
hi chuckle sorry to hear u still having a bad time.its awful when its out of ur control aint it.u take care of urself and try and keep ur chin up babes.take care luv moo and baby mooxXx

06-07-06, 15:53
Hi Alexis and Moo and thank you for your replies.
I had a bit of trouble from Kev last night and had to get the police out to him twice. They had 8 police after him and he still managed to get away before they could find him.

I haven't seen him yet today but I have a feeling he is round here somewhere!

Take care



06-07-06, 18:20
Golly Chuck you must sometimes feel like the world has gone bloody mad.

Red flippin tape - could people not use some common sense for once instead of hiding behind ridiculous rules and regulations. It's quite obvious he is not himself at the moment and as such there should be some law to asist you during this time - not work against you.

What do your social workers have to say about all this - or are they too busy making you feel bad for not going shopping.

What about Citizens advice or even the NSPCC if you are concerned for the kids here. Take heart mate there has got to be some calm sensible way forward somewhere in this mess.

Hugs hun.

Piglet xx

06-07-06, 19:45
Hi Chuck,

I am so sorry you are still having to deal with this mess. Hopefully the police will now take you seriously after having to try and chase him down last night and will send out a warrant for his arrest for harassement. Good Luck.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

06-07-06, 19:48
Hi Chuck

I agree with the advice from Piglet and can't really add anything useful.

I'm thinking of you and hope someone takes action soon.

Karen x

06-07-06, 21:50
Hi Pig, Bell and Karen and thanks for your replies.

Pig, the social services are full of crap. I found out today that I am also being investigated for sleeping with Kevs brother!!!!! How sick, I mean thats going from bad to worse.

Belle, the police wont arrest him for harrassment because he is mentally and it'll agravate his condition blah blah blah, they always have some reason not to do their job.

Karen, I can't see anyone taking action because they tip toe around him and believe everything he says.

Take care



07-07-06, 13:53
Hi Chuck

How are you today?

I know he is ill but surely that doesn't give him the right to harass you? Can you get a restraining order? I am sure you don't have to put up with this.

Sorry to hear about the latest accusations. I suppose again it comes down to social services having to take anything they are told seriously and to investigate, even if what is being said is complete rubbish. I feel for you for having to go through the stress of this on top of everything else. You know it is rubbish and I am sure the authorities will soon come to that conclusion too.

Karen x

07-07-06, 15:55
Hi Karen, again I am struggling and was suicidal earlier today. I have had enough of this constant battle to get through every day.
I have tried to get orders against him but I cannot get one because he is mentally ill and apparently doesn't know what he is doing.

How are you today?

Take care



07-07-06, 16:15
Hi Chuck,

Please focus on your children when you think of suicide, they will have no-one if you do that. I cannot fully comprehend what you must be going through at this time, but do know that suicide is not the answer. Have you considered that possibly a relative of Kev could put him another facility for mental illness? Since he has already attacked someone and that must be on record they might possibly restrain him so it wouldn't happen again. This might seem harsh but it might be the best for him until he regains control of his life. I just don't understand why they released him when he hurt someone at that facility, it doesn't make sense to me. I know you can't commit him as you are no longer married to him but a blood relative could. Explain the situation to them and focus on the safety of their grandchildren or nephew/neice. Hope this helps.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

07-07-06, 16:51
Hi Belle, thank you for your reply. His family have washed their hands of him now, they have had enough of it.
I understand what you are saying about suicide and although I knowe it is selfish, I sometimes feel the kids would be much happier not having an agoraphobic as mum. On the other hand, if I didn't have my kids I think I would have done myself in by now.
I have very good friend who has helped me out financially over the last few months when social services have turned their backs on me. They are so pig headed and they all stick together. I am considering changing my social worker and support worker.

Take care



08-07-06, 10:23
Well what a start to the day... I have just recieved the letter in the post about when they are going to put the kids on the register all because of Kev and his accusations towards me. It will be on 14th July. They are expecting me to be there to hear what they have got to say, don't think so!!!!
They all know I am agoraphobic and yet it is another way of bullyting me into doing something that I don't want to do.

There is now nothing I xcan do to stop them being on the register. If, after they have been put on the register, I don't do what they say e.g go to the drs for meds, do my shopping, walk to the school etc etc then they will take the kids away.
I just couldn't live without my kids and they know it.

Take care



08-07-06, 11:29
hi chuckle,

god i dont know what to say! he is a munipulating irritating s.....t and i dont even know him and he is annoying me.

chuck has anyone been around to assess you, to see that you are agrophobic and how impossible it is for you to go out.

things like this make me mad i worked for years for the social and it used to aggrivate me then when i would see people who were not entltleted to things got all kids and the ones that where struggeling got nothing .

i havent really got any advice to you hun as i think that you have explored most of your avenues, i think that i would be speaking to people on the telly now to put your story forward as in how social services are treating someone who is agrophibic but that is me and i wouldnt let them get the better of me.

my brother in law is a social worker if you would like me to have a word with him about your situation i will and see if he can advise any different

my thoughts are with you hun, keep strong for your kids

love ruth x x x

08-07-06, 12:47
Hi Chuckle

That all sounds terribly harsh and surely it is not right that they are ignoring your mental health problems.

Did you try contacting the Citizens Advice Bureau? They have advisers who will visit you at home. There is also the mental health Advocacy service. You could also contact them for some advice.

I am sorry you are going through all of this.

Karen x

08-07-06, 13:04
Hi ruth, no one has been round to access me, they don't give a **** about my needs. They all pussy foot around Kev because he is mentally ill. Thank you for your reply.

Take care



08-07-06, 13:06
Hi Karen , I am waiting for the CAB to get back to me. All the social services stick together and they have no bloody respect for me, they think that because I have this illness that my brain isn't working. They talk down to me and treat me like a child, I am pissed off with it all and want it to end.

Take care



08-07-06, 14:46
Hope you hear from the CAB soon then. Perhaps you could chase this up on Monday and let them know that it is now urgent.

Karen x

08-07-06, 14:52
Hi Karen, thank you for your reply, I will chase them up.
Hope you are well :D

Take care



09-07-06, 17:46
Well, Kev has been picked up today in Northwich (wherever that is) and they have put him in the mental hospital. He is beng transferred back up to Stoke sometime this week and is being put on a 28 day section.

I am glad it's over and done with now and hopefully I will start to pick up again soon.

Take care



09-07-06, 18:04
That's great news Chuckle. I hope you can start to feel a bit better now.

Karen x

09-07-06, 18:26
Hi Karen and thank you for your continued support. At the moment I am having head pains, pounding temples, lump in the throat and I just want to cry. Not for Kev but for me, the **** I have been through, it has all taken its toll on me and I now feel on the verge of a breakdown.

He has caused me so much trouble and althought it's him who has the mental illness, it's me and his family who get the aggro, the pain of it all while he just gets on with it.
Does this sound selfish?

Take care



09-07-06, 19:09
Hi Chuck, I know I cant help in this suituation, never been here so I feel a bit useless, but just to let you know Im thinking of you, not on msn much but if you want a natter feel free to pm me and i will arrange to be, not Tuesday though.
Take care, you dont deserve this,xxx

09-07-06, 19:34
Chuck - thinking of you hun and hoping everything gets sorted out soon.

Thinking about the 14th - could anyone represent you at this hearing/meeting thing about the register???

Piglet xx

09-07-06, 20:48
Hi Alexis and thank you for your reply. Don't feel useless, no-one has the answers in this situation. I know that this is the case, it's the support of the people on here who have replied to me that gets me through the hours I have struggled through. Hope you are doing okay. Thank you the offer of PM, this is most kind:D

Take care



09-07-06, 20:54
Hi Piglet and thank you for your continued support. I am thinking about trying to get an advocate who will speak for me. The social services know that I cannot go to the meeting but they keep going on and on and on and they don't know how close they are to getting a punch. They tend to judge me by what I cannot do and not compliment on the things I can. Hope you are well:D

Take care



10-07-06, 03:06
I cannot sleep. I am worried about things and cannot relax my mind. Things are going round in my head. I am orried about the meeting to put the kids on the register because I know that social services will bully me once they are put on the register. I feel the need to get away for a while because I am under so much stress here.
Although I am agoraphobic, I think I would feel much better away from this mess.

Take care



10-07-06, 10:11
Well, I have been awake since 2am and my nerves feel like they are in tatters right now. I feel so giddy and sick. I know this only because of what I have been through over the last week or so with Kev and the social services and I am hoping it will get better soon.

Take care



12-07-06, 13:19
Well the meeting is getting closer and my anxiety is getting higher.
The social services say that if I don't attend then it's to look as if I don't care about the welfare of my kids... They don't understand that it's impossible for me.

Why can't they realise that I am not making my illness up????

Take care



12-07-06, 13:55
I can't believe how unsympathetic the social workers are being over this. It would be really good if you could be repesented though hun as it would be good to know whats going on there at the meeting. Have you got any family that would do this for you?

Love Piglet xx

12-07-06, 14:17
Hi Pig, got no family who will do this because they all work fulltime.

Take care



12-07-06, 14:56
Basically, if I don't doo what they say when the kids are on the register, they will take the kids into care. They have told me already what they are expecting of me:
Got to go to the drs
Got to take meds
Got to see a psychologist

I am stuck because at the moment I cannot do any of these things.

Take care



12-07-06, 14:57
hi chris just want to say keep your chin up hun..
you can get through this i know you can..

am sorry to hear kev being a *********** again but you are better than him and will beat it all..


if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

12-07-06, 15:00
Hi Ems and thank you for your reply.
Hope you are well

Take care



13-07-06, 13:22
I am dreading tomorrow with this meeting. I have written the letter for the chair person to read to get my views across.
There will be a police man at the meeting to say his piece and I have told him to take note that if Kev comes here threatening me then I will defend myself. I am pissed off with him getting away with everything because of his illness.

I know theout come will not be good but at the moment I can only hope it will.
Thanks to all for replying to my post.

Take care



13-07-06, 14:58
Hi again, Kev's mum and dad have just been round and I cannot believe what has just been said...
He said I ought to get back with Kev because otherwise I will lose my kids.
There is no way on this earth that I will ever get back with him, he has caused so much trouble.
He will always be a mental health sufferer and a druggy!!!

Take care



13-07-06, 16:11
Well someone has finally started to do something!!!!

I had a call from someone from the Domestic Violence Centre today and they were the first to acay to put in a tually listen to me and take this serious.
They are coming out on Tuesday to fit a security call alarm, basically like old people have on a cord but mine will be on the phone. So if Kev tries to get in at night all I do is press a red button and it gets straight through to the call station who alert the police.
Also they are giving me a thing that goes round my neck and if he tries to attack me while I am out then I press a button and the same thing happens.

At last someone is taking his threats serious.

Take care



13-07-06, 16:19
Hi Chuck.

Glad things are getting better for you.

x x

13-07-06, 16:32
Thanks Scooby, about bloody time things were done about him...

Take care



13-07-06, 16:38
Thats very good news and a big relief to you.

Piglet x

13-07-06, 16:41
Yeah, its a massive relief Piglet, thank you for your reply hun.:D

Take care



13-07-06, 18:21
Glad you are getting some help Chuckle.

Karen x

13-07-06, 19:11
Thanks Karen for your reply.

I have had to give Kev my new number to sort out the money situation and OMG I wish I hadn't... He is wanting to give it another go, he kept on and on at me to go back with him and I think that it would be a mistake.
I don't want him and I certainly don't love him but he has started using the kids as an excuse to give it another go.

He makes my skin crawl. Maybe this sounds harsh but it's the truth.

Take care



14-07-06, 10:02
OMG I am soooo angry.
Some stupid Social worker came to my house this morning and told me that I should have sent my yoyngest to nursery when he had a cold. She told me that I had to send him ???

I told her she doesn't come into my house talking to me like **** and she kept on and on at me so I threw her out the house.

I am going to ring her manager and complain because there is no way that I will ever be spoken to like that in my house.

Take care



14-07-06, 12:37
I have calmed down again now, I have reported her and she will not be coming to see me again.
The meeting is in half an hour and although I know what the outcome will be, I am clinging to the hope that they wont be put on the register...

Take care



14-07-06, 13:04
Hi Chuckle.

Good luck with the meeting, let us all know how it goes. Sorry to hear that the social worker spoke to you like that. Hope it all goes well for you.

x x

14-07-06, 19:23
Hi Chuckle

How did the meeting go?

Karen x

14-07-06, 19:36
I should have posted it here but I started another post, I was that ill. They are taking the kids on Monday, my other post explains it all.

Take care

