View Full Version : getting through the days

24-03-12, 20:26
As title really. Am getting through the days at the moment but not really enjoying them. I sometimes feel that I am just trying to get to bedtime, ignoring my "symptons" as much as poss and relief only comes when I am asleep. How does everyone get through their worst anxiety days? :shrug:

24-03-12, 21:24
Hi Hun

Luckily I have two children, ones a baby so I'm really occupied,.,the last panic attack a few days back the baby was in the living room and I was I'm the kitchen cleaning the Hobs on the oven whilst shaking etc etc....I literally spend every waking moment waiting for things to start...when I wake up I feel good and I wait for the dizziness to set in....because I think it I think that's why it starts.....

I don't enjoy anything anymore.....I'm always thinking I'm going to die and I'm miserable because if it......

I k ow how you feel....XXX

24-03-12, 22:09
Thanks Em, Its good to know am not alone in this. I have things to keep me busy but my HA is on my mind all the time, stopping me from relaxing and having fun. Sometimes I wonder if anyone notices that whilst I am doing something or talking to someone, all I can think is "is my heart about to give up" or "wow, I am so dizzy". Its horrible.

24-03-12, 23:01
You should really read a thread on here which is under the Health Anxiety section and is called 'so i have health anxiety...what now...am I going to die? The very first - very long - post. I read it a few weeks back and it did wonders for making me relax about having Health Anxiety! The irrationality of allowing it to consume every waking moment is horrendous. Just today I have thought about me or my kids having cancer about 8 times! Each of these times is when I am alone or lost in thought. While I am still allowing these thoughts into my head I am now almost instantly reminding myself of the thought process which is taking me to these thoughts and trying to stop them mid thought!
Thankfully sleep is something that I am able to do because I think HA coupled with my kids leaves me exhausted at the end of the day. But those day time stresses which I deal with are just awful!
Definately a change of scenery when I am stressing helps. Go sit in another room, phone someone (not with the issue) put on the radio, usually involves other peoples voices drowning out my thoughts. This actually really helps as I do usually end up taking my mind of it and that space means I become more rational when the thoughts re appear!
The other really helpful thing is to deal with a symptom or worry on a 2 week basis. If it lasts that long then it may be worth getting checked out. Not immediately calling the doctors and NO MORE GOOGLING! I usually find this way of approaching things causing me to stress out means I remain calm and do usually find that that ache or pain goes and so does my anxiety about it!
You are not on your own! I quite lterally feel your pain! I don't want to waste many years living like I have a serious illness when I don't...that's such a waste! And yet I do, and I am determined not to (at least less so than I do now)
Hope this helps a bit?

25-03-12, 00:14
Hi kinny i get through that phase sometimes as well. Its really sickening. What i find that makes me forget those things and make me feel mot anxious is spending time with my friends and family. Seriously, after doing those things i like the most, my symptoms usually disappear or improve!

25-03-12, 00:33
I usually feel like that as soon as I wake up in the morning and I wonder what day it will be but I know I've got to get up and get on as I have so many responcibilites to get on with and its just so tiring some days just to get through it. I work evenings till 10pm too so I cant wind down when I get home , just want to go to bed and sleep and forget :( xxx

25-03-12, 04:03
I hate feeling like this.
Having symptoms an feeling like I'm gonna get a disease

25-03-12, 12:28
Thanks to you all for posting on this thread. As ever it helps just to know that you are not suffering alone. I am just a bit low at the moment, obsessed with a twinge in my chest that seems to be aggravated when I cough.(is it heart related is whats going through my mind of course) It is taking my best efforts just to ignore it and not google!

25-03-12, 12:47
Ihave something similar...cas I've had this sinus infection on and off for months (am seeing doc Tuesday again) I've been coughing so much recently...I has this weird pinching type pain around my heart area the last 3-4 days...I think from coughing you can pull muscles and things like that...I've had em all back pain etc etc but the chest pain really scared me the first day last week....
I wouldn't be worried....it's prob a mixture of the coughing and anxiety...


25-03-12, 20:46
Thanks Em, Its good to know am not alone in this. I have things to keep me busy but my HA is on my mind all the time, stopping me from relaxing and having fun. Sometimes I wonder if anyone notices that whilst I am doing something or talking to someone, all I can think is "is my heart about to give up" or "wow, I am so dizzy". Its horrible.

This is exactly how I have felt for the last couple of months. I'm constantly paying attention to my heart beat, my breathing, head pain, dizziness, etc. I'm managing to go through the motions so from the outside, I don't think anyone realizes how much I'm suffering from HA. It's a horrible feeling and I'm terrified I'm never going to get better.

25-03-12, 21:20
This is exactly how I have felt for the last couple of months. I'm constantly paying attention to my heart beat, my breathing, head pain, dizziness, etc. I'm managing to go through the motions so from the outside, I don't think anyone realizes how much I'm suffering from HA. It's a horrible feeling and I'm terrified I'm never going to get better.

I really don't think anyone but a HA sufferer could understand what its like! Everyone thinks I am doing better as I have managed to get back to work but at times I think I as bad as ever. Thanks goodness we have this place to come to.

26-03-12, 20:01
thanks for everyone's advice on this thread.
Sometimes if worried about an issue, I find a reassuring piece of evidence about it (and there are some to be found) and either save it on my laptop or print it off and put it next to my bed.
I know that I only google for reassurance, and so if I need reassurance I can go and look at the things that I have saved and avoid searching.

26-03-12, 20:14
Hi Em84,
I started to plug in a headset to the laptop in the last few days and searched on Google for Relaxation Music. You'll get load come up on youtube. Many of them can go on for 50 mins. Of course with 2 young children you'll be limited to bedtime. Give it a go and chill out.

26-03-12, 21:06
You are not alone dear one, there are many others on here so take comfort from that.

It helps to get through the day if you can find something to distract your thinking - anything you enjoy doing, reading a book, making a cake, writing on here, anything arts or crafts or even a jigsaw puzzle. Try to distract your thinking in this way, you will find that the time passes more quickly and more pleasingly.

with love and peace