View Full Version : clenching jaw?

24-03-12, 21:14
Recently iv begun to notice that I clench my jaw ALL the time. I do it subconsciously throughout the day and it gives me a headache and makes my jaw and face feel heavy.
I don't know how long iv been doing this but I know its got worse recentely!
I have braces which have caused my jaw to become unaligned so that may be a cause, although I have realised that I clench more when I'm stressed or anxious. Does anyone else experience this with anxiety? Shall I bring it up with my orthodontist or counsellor?
Hope to hear back from people :)

24-03-12, 21:32
I have to say I do clench my jaw quite alot, but usually at night and I know this is related to my anxiety. I think it would be a good idea to mention it to your orthodontist and also your counsellor just to put your mind at rest. I'm pretty sure that quite a few of us anxiety sufferers do this though!! Try not to worry about it too much, you don't want to up the anx levels :) Kitti x

24-03-12, 21:46
Hi br,

I am exactly the same. I clench my teeth when I'm anxious and I notice it through the day and suspect that I do it during the night too. The clenching has got worse since I've been on ADs and it's started to give me headaches and pain around the jaw and face.

I make a conscious effort to relax my jaw and find that pushing my tongue forward makes me realise when I'm doing it and helps me to stop.

Take care

Pip x

24-03-12, 21:55
Thanks guys! Il bring it up with them. I wouldn't mind but it really does give me jaw ache, I can't relax my jaw even if I try! Guess jaw clenching is pretty common with anxiety sufferers, makes sense it does give me some relief when I do it x