View Full Version : Cit 20mg at night ..... No sleep....does this calm down?

25-03-12, 06:52
I am on day 8 of cit 20mg, still suffering mild side affects mainly in a morning till about mid morning with a headache and sicky feeling, although eating breakfast is a big help, only my biggest thing is i take my cit 20mg at night about 8-9pm and struggle to sleep all night tossing and turning, although i do not let myself sleep during the day and are on the go.....does anyone know if as the tablets start to work if all this settles down please? I take my tablet at night so as the side affects do not affect my day too much x

25-03-12, 09:03
it takes 2-4 weeks for the treatment to start working and 3 months for the full benefits to kick in on cit. side effects can be difficult but its best to ride through those to get the benefits that come along.

26-03-12, 12:18
Try taking it in the morning, I find that helps a bit with it disrupting sleep. Easier to cope with side effects during the day as you are more distracted I find.

27-03-12, 22:07
I take mine in the morning too - much better for sleep! 8 days is still early so hang in there. For me it took a while for the morning grogginess to wear off, but I'm 3.5 months in now at no retching in sight - phew!!

29-03-12, 19:24
I take mine in the morning! That way, your peek will be at around midday (if you take it at 8am), you'll do your daily routine, and by the time the night comes - you'll be tired! It's worth a shot :) start taking them in the morning, youll see :D

29-03-12, 22:14
i was taking mine at night and i didnt sleep, i started taking it in the morning yesterday and luckilly slept quite well last night!!