View Full Version : Weird neck. I dont know if its fat or abnormal.

25-03-12, 13:52

I dont know with this one so I want some of you to help me. You know if you push your shoulders forwards, as if doing a strong man pose, you get those triangular indentations above your collarbone either side of your neck?

Well if you do the opposite, and kinda hunch your shoulder but pull them back instead of forward... what happens to those indentations?

When I do it, its like they have been blown up with a pump and makes me look like i have a big swelling on the sides of my neck.

I put on weight over christmas, and am now the heaviest I have ever been (78kg)... it just seems to go on and not come off, even though I eat pretty healthy with loads of salad and very little fried food or anything.

What could this be? I went to the doc a while ago and asked him about my thyroid gland and he felt and said the didnt feel anything wrong. I had a thyroid blood test 4 years ago... all was fine then too.

So whats with this bulging? When I dont tense my muscles at all and look at my neck/shoulders in the mirror, its not totally straight. Its like there are creases going down my shoulders consistent with the Trapezius muscle in my back, only fatter. Could it just be a weight thing? Im putting on fat in places Ive not noticed before? Ive no pain or redness. Maybe its always been like it, I dont know.... or maybe I need to exercise more.

Im taking meds for acid reflux if that helps at all.

Any suggestions? Can anyone relate at all? Its stressing me out.

25-03-12, 16:14
I am going through the same
Thing!!!!! It feels like the front of my neck feels swollen

25-03-12, 16:15
Do yours stick out rather than dip in? when i pull my shoulders back, my neck goes like a muscle man and bulge.

25-03-12, 16:19
Ya mine is kinda like that too x it's hard to explain what I am
Going through..... It just feels like the front of my neck is some what swollen