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View Full Version : Feel so selfish for feeling like this...(new here)

25-03-12, 16:20
Hi there

This is my first post to the site so I apologise if I ramble, but I just feel like at the moment, there is going to be no end to my worries :mad:

I have always been a 'bit of a hypochondriac' since my teens, however any worried feelings I have had I have been able to shake off within a day or two and return to normal life. Until these past few months.

It all started a couple months ago when I had some flu like symptoms which cleared up quite quickly over a day or two. I was left with a horrendous cough which lingered.

Fast forward a month and the cough just would not go away, despite numerous remedies and visits to Dr. Google, so I made an appointment with the doctors surgery (they sent me to the nurse practicioner), who said that it was common for a cough to linger for up to 2 months after an infection, and if if it didnt go away, to return in another month.

That visit seemed to make me feel better for a week or two, during which time the cough gradually seemed to improve. However after about two more weeks, I started to get very mild, pains across my chest and upper back and decided to turn to the old favourite, Dr Google, who immediately diagnosed me with Lung Cancer. I then spent the next few days OBSESSING with that fact, visiting cancer forums looking for reassurance that people who unfortunately had lung cancer suffered from different symptoms to me. It will come as no surprise to readers of this forum that I got no reassurance.

I then spent my time on statistic websites, looking for the actual chances that I had lung cancer which turned out at my age (27) to be about 1 in 250,000. This stat brought me no comfort, and for a good few days afterwards, I could feel my panic getting more and more, until I ended up spending a good couple of hours sobbing into my girlfriends arms terrified that I am dying of cancer. She is pregnant with our first child, due in two weeks and I should be the last of her worries.

Anyway, the next day we went into the local walk in centre where, again, a nurse practicioner examined me, listened to my lungs and said they sounded completely fine, when she put the stethoscope to my stomach it nearly deafened her, and she said I had acid reflux and should visit my GP.

After this visit I felt great, however this was short lived, as the next day I felt a lymph node under my chin. As far as I can remember, Ive always been able to feel them, however this time one was larger than the other, and this REALLY freaked me out. Again, a trip to dr google was in order and now it diagnosed lymphoma, so again, that night my long suffering very pregnant girlfriend took me back to the walk in centre where this time I saw a doctor. He had a good feel, and said he was sure it was nothing, and again, I left reassured, waiting to see my GP for the acid reflux.

The next day was ok, I managed to keep off google and away from examining myself all day at work until the train journey home, in which, for reasons unknown, I googled oral cancer, but thought nothing of it, and went to bed feeling relatively ok/sane.

That night however, I woke up feeling my mouth was full of phlegm, so went to hack it up in the basin and it was all pink tinged and bloody, cue mass panic, to the extent that I found it very difficult to sleep and had to take the next day off work. I went straight to my GP with all of my fears, lung cancer, lymphoma, oral cancer and all, he checked my breathing, fine, checked the lymph node, said it felt like the viral infection hadnt cleared up fully, and inspected my mouth, and said that the state of my teeth and oral health were causing the lymph node inflammation (basically havent been to the dentist for 12 years, despite two broken back teeth). I guess I just assumed that any infection in my mouth would kinda just clear itself up. He also diagnosed the chest pains as gastritis and prescribed me proton pump inhibitors for that which seem to be working so far (have only taken 3 doses as yet).

Right now, I'm feeling realitively OK, but cannot shake this underlying fear of something being seriously wrong, and having a niggling doubt over what the professionals have said. Surely 2 doctors and two nurse practicioners can't all be wrong can they?

Also I feel like such a selfish ass for feeling like this when I should be being excited for the birth of our first child. My heads all over the place at the minute and any advice would be MASSIVELY appreciated.

Thanks for reading :)

25-03-12, 16:40
Hi Adam, Health anxiety sucks your story is similar to mine but I really let it get on top of me amongst other things and had a mini breakdown. Just started Citalopram 13 days ago so hopefully this will help me along to getting back to where I was before this happened. Ive noticed a calming effect already.

Keep off the Internet I say this in every post Dr Google is a terrible site if you are suffering from anxiety and other forums offer little help in reassuring you trust me been there and got the t-shirt! It's easier said than done but stay clear of them and stick to these forums for help and reassurance.

Stress is also a big player in anxiety I don't know your situation but if you have a lot of stress on your plate try to minimise it as much as possible.

I'm 30 and a dad to 2 boys and its great so it's good you have a little one on the way. Try to keep yourself occupied read a book or do something to concentrate as I find it helps a little. Book yourself into the GP and explain your fears don't be ashamed I left my troubles till I couldn't take it any longer should've gone to the docs at Xmas but did the stubborn man syndrome of I can sort this I know better, well I didn't, wish I'd nipped it in the bud sooner but another learning curve to add to my life- doh!

Try not to fear it as will only fan the flames and keep it alive. Good luck and drop me an email or post back on here if you need a hand.

Anxiety is horrible but you know you are stronger than it and can kick it back to where it came. Take care.

26-03-12, 09:47
Hi ive just read your post and im going through the something similar. I had a virus at christmas which took ages to clear up. I noticed at the time i had a swollen lymphnode on my neck just below my left ear and a smaller one on the righht side. I went into complete panic and came up with lymphoma, ive had countless blood tests all by my own request as the doctorswere unconcerned anyway. atahey were all fine, i even paid privately for an ultrasound scan which were all fine. That said i still get anxious over them and im sill trying to deal with my HA over this, even though ive been told by so many professionals there fine. Ive been to the GP this morning as they all seem bigger and she looked at my throoat said its very red and theyve flared up again. They are bigger than usual but never went down from the last virus, she laughed and told me she had one under her jaw shes had since childhood! If you look at my posts you will see others who have offered me reasurrance about there lymhnodes too. I too wake up with phglem and stuff but ive just realised i have a dust allergy because it only happens when my room gets dusty lol i need to clean more! This too is a potential cause of my lymphnodes being raised.

Anxiety and stress lead to so many physical problems if you raed my post you will see i also thought of stomach/bowel cancer the other day due to mildindegestion after eating, this comes quite regular but anxiety makes it 10 times worse. I also get chest pains nearly everyday but again i know this is anxiety. But a few years ago this was my symptom that caused me the most concern. My friend has had a really bad cough following a chest infection before christmas, sometimes she hs blood in it, because shes burst a blood vessel, she too diagnosed herself with lung cancer and copd. But she just laughs about it now and its slowly getting better. Im still anxious so its hard for me to tell you how to deal with your worries but i do know at the moment i try to distract myslf by doing positive things with my family and look forward to summer events etc. Its so hard but day by day when you realise your not dying you will start to realise. Please dont google, i havnt for a week and i already feel some releif. Its so hard when your becoming a new dad and i am a mother of a toddler and its natural that we feel selfiah and guilty when were not feeling great, and im working through this aswell. But its because we love them sooo much we fear something bad happening and not being around. But like somebody mentioned to me if we spend all our time worrying and being anxious to the point were we cannot function, were not really making the most of our time with them. This made me realise i wasnt, so yeah im still anxious and worried despite all the reasurrance but im sure as hell not going to let tht ruin my time with my family. So each day i promise my self i can be anxious when my daughter goes to bed for an hour and then i have to stop! So far its working for me and my time worrying is getting less. I wish you well with your family and your new arrival. If you ever want to chat you can PM me.

Good luck xx

P.s everybodys great on here, you will get so much support. x

26-03-12, 09:54
Thank you for the replies everyone.

Had a bit of an episode last night where I woke up thinking I was having night sweats because of lymphoma, however I was barely even clammy, and seemed to dry up straight away.

Can HA make you feel like you have physical symptoms you havent got? At the minute I feel like I can't enjoy a lie in or an early night because its 'fatigue'

On another note I'm conquering another demon today, I'm visiting the dentist for the first time in 12 years, as my doctor thinks that a lot of my problems are down to this. Wish me luck!!

26-03-12, 10:14
You are not alone, I feel exactly the same I just jump from one thing to another, my fear of dying of cancer is taking over my life. I have three beautiful children who I can't enjoy time with cause every time I look at them I think I'm going to leave them without a mammy and it driving me insane!

Recently I ended up in A&e, I had been feeling lightheaded and faint, funny vision, numb left side of face and a hurrendous headache I was in such a state my poor husband was worried sick, I had a ct scan and a lumber puncher and all was ok I saw a neuroligist who also said he didn't think I was anything serious. Instead of feeling relieved all was ok, I then moved on to worrying about the effects of the radiation for the ct scan, I'm trying not to let it take over but its so hard it's all o can think about.

I went back to my GP who I ve expained how bad I feel and he has given me some tablets and referred me for some Theropy so I'm hoping they will help, please do not think you are alone, and please take whatever help you can get. Having your first child is the most wonderful experience, I really hope you can enjoy it xxx

26-03-12, 13:54
I have also had a few episodes of waking up with night sweats although they havnt happend recently since i stopped thinking about them. ight sweats is also a symptom of anxiety. With mine i would wake up feeling hot, panic i could be having a night sweat, then have a night sweat. I d have them anyway at the time of the month, i knew this but couldnt think rationally. I know how hard it is im struggling today aswell.

goos luck with the dentist xx

26-03-12, 22:02
Just thought I'd give a quick update on how I got on at the dentist. Firstly she had a feel of the lymph node that has been worrying me and said it was tiny, although it certainly doesnt feel tiny to me.

As I hadnt visited the dentist for 12 years there were issues (2 broken teeth to be extracted and 11 (!) fillings needed), but she took x-rays and said that both broken teeth had become chronically infected and so wasnt surprised my nodes were up.

I'm feeling OK for now, as I always seem to do the same day as reassuring news. It wont last though, I have to go see a nurse on Wednesday as I've just registered with a new GP so will speak to them then and hopefully they will be able to do something about my anxiety so I'm not sat in the delivery suite while my partner's giving birth checking myself obsessively!!!

26-03-12, 22:57
Glad to hear you went to the dentist and are getting your teeth sorted, Also seeing the nurse is a good thing as they normally do a health check on you when you go to a new GP so explain your anxiety problems to him/her and I'm sure you'll get some reassurance you are in tip top condition health wise and they might be able to help out with the anxiety issue such as CBT or something. Wishing you all the best with the birth it's a truly amazing experience that will stay with you forever and when you see that little face looking up at you it will be the best feeling ever. Take care.

26-03-12, 23:25
Hey there Adam, welcome.
Feeling anxious can make you feel any type of symptom you are concerned about. The more you think about them the more you feel them precisely.

I can only recommend you the same thing that my doctor said once; if you have a serious problem, you would notice the difference of the severity of symptoms. If you feel intermittent and decreasing symptoms, it is most probably nothing serious.

and, whatever you do, DO NOT GOOGLE SYMPTOMS.
I hope you feel well soon.