View Full Version : Why Cant I believe The Doctors

25-03-12, 17:00
Since my stillbirth on January 6th Ican not count how many doctors I have been to. I have this burning almost muscle pain down my right side. Its my right side only. It burns from my right sturnum to my shoulder down my arm, to my ribs, to my hip and down my leg. I am getting sucidial because they keep saying its anxiety or a rotery problem with my shoulder. I am at my last straw. I am sooooooooooo scared I have a cancer that they havent found. I have had a mamogram, ultrasound, chest x ray, shoulder x ray and tons of blood work. Everything comes back good but I still feel like they are missing a cancer. Please help.

macc noodle
25-03-12, 17:23
I think that you are having such a hard time because you are still very raw over the loss of your baby back in January. It is not even 3 months yet and so, naturally, you feel deep grief.

I would be guided by the doctors since they have performed lots of tests and have found nothing that requires further evaluation.

I am not a doctor, but a long term anxiety sufferer and know only too well that in periods of great stress and sadness that my anxiety flares to unbearable levels causing me lots of physical pain and symptoms which I naturally assume are serious illnesses and also that the doctors keep missing them.

Have you had any counselling for the loss of your baby? It may well help you.


25-03-12, 18:09
I am so so sorry for your loss. Losing your baby is still very recent, I am not surprised you are suffering. I just wanted to let you know that I too suffer from burning type pains, mainly in my shoulders, upper arms, and legs, I am told it is nothing to worry about - I have had every test going!
Look after yourself