View Full Version : Help - Is this normal

29-06-06, 12:28
I am having really horrible feelings at the moment of disorentation and tingling all over my face, it's as though my face has tightned but not really!!! and have a really bad tickle at the back of my throat, i feel really strange and i dont like it!!!

Any advice would be really great


29-06-06, 12:50
Hi Liz, everyone is different with the symptons they get with anxiety but this is normal for me. I get tingles down my face and the tightening too. I get a weird feeling down my throat, feels as is I have a hair stuck in my throat.
For me, using a wet flannel eased the weird sensations in my face and the weird throat feeling I just kept drinking loads of water.
Like I say, people are different and what worked for me maybe not work for everyone but anything is worth a try when you feel this way.

I hope you find what works for you and that you begin to get better soon:D

Take care



29-06-06, 16:02
i get the tingling in my face and the only way i can describe it is as tho someone has rubbed icy cold water over my face. i get a lump in my throat feeling and tend to find i'm trying to clear my throat alot.
this is a normal part of anxiety for me, and i have sort of got used to it now.

emma chant
29-06-06, 19:36
HI Liz ,
I get a tickley throat when i've got anxiety,
Take care

e chant

april tones
29-06-06, 19:37
Hi i had similar feelings today
While feeling extremely pnaicky my face and mouth felt tight, twitching, i thought it was my fibro as that affects the muscles xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

29-06-06, 21:17
Hi Liz,

You are not alone. I get the throat thing and the tingling in face it also goes into my left arm and fingers. It's our old friend anx again.

Take Care



30-06-06, 10:28
Hia Liz
nope your not alone i get this aswell a tingling all over my face i also get a burning sensation sometimes aswell on my face
take care cheryl xx

april tones
30-06-06, 12:29
There is alot of us with this!
i thought it was my fibromyalgia
Have any of you got this or M.E? Other wise its just plain anxiety
just wondered as i have had things before then found out other people have also and also have my condition
Just wondered if any of you are like me xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com