View Full Version : Panic Attacks?

25-03-12, 19:20
On Monday I was on my way with my family to Disney to start our vacation. I had smoked a little marijuana before I left. I started having heart palpitations and my hands, feet, and mouth started to get tingly. I felt it spreading throughout my body and felt like I was going to pass out so I pulled over. At that point it the tingly spread to the point I was having a hard time breathing, I could not move my tongue when I talked, and my hands started cramping up. I had my husband call 911. During that time I could not feel/move my hands, they were cramped close in like a lobster fashion and pulled to my chest. After the paramedics got there and it started to subside I was shaking like a leaf. I had broken out in cold sweats, I felt very flushed, and they said I was pale. They took me by ambulance to the hospital because my heart rate was 140-150, which they said was too high.

The ER said I had an anxiety attack. I have had a history of depression in the past but not diagnosed with any anxiety issues. They monitored me, did a chest xray, and blood work. I had quite a few heart palpitations while I was there but they did not seem concerned.

I am a 27 year old female and I have had heart palpitations as long as I can remember but they have become worse. I have been having them A LOT more frequently, especially at night or while lying down. I have been smoking marijuana pretty regularly for the last 6-7 years. I have been trying to quit for a while without much success. I was also a smoker for 5 years but have been quit for the last 2 years, though in the past 4 weeks started again. I have never experienced anything like this though. I will say, that since it happened on Monday I have not and will not smoke anything anymore. I threw out my cigarettes and marijuana and will not go back. I am scarred for life!!

I have a few times felt like I am "short of breath" or have a hard time taking a full breath and I will begin yawning a lot.

After the ER released me (after about 5-6 hours) they said I could go to Disney but to follow up with my PCP after. I did fine at Disney, even on the roller-coasters, no problem.

Then, on the way home yesterday, we decided to stop at these shops to see if we could get anymore souvenirs and I felt flushed through my entire body, like a wave of adrenaline (maybe?) overcame me. I started getting tingly in my hands and my neck and it started spreading to my mouth area. I pulled over, took an Ativan the ER gave me, and tried to control my breathing. It eventually passed and I had my husband drive home while I basically slept (from the Ativan, I suppose).

Yesterday morning I am sitting here with my son and I felt that flushed feeling again and started having a hard time taking a full breath. My palms and feet became sweaty. I didn't get any tingling but slight numbness in my fingers. Kind of like the feeling after your foot falls asleep and the feeling starts to come back, just slightly numb. I wanted to take an Ativan to be safe but I have 2 kids, and don't want to sleep the whole day and leave everything to my husband.

Today I went to go to the store like I always do with both kids. As I started to walk into the store I realized I have left my list and I went to start going back. My palms and feet were already sweaty and my heart was racing. I was so scared I would have another panic attack that I called my husband to come get me and went home.

Any idea what is going on? It is scary and upsetting because it is debilitating and I have school full time and 2 kids to take care of.

Could anxiety really be causing this when I have had no symptoms before?


Edited to add: I have also noticed these past few days since everything happened I have a very short fuse. I blow up at the kids way too quickly and I keep crying. I have cried twice already today which is not like me. Once right after I left the store because I was so disappointed in myself and scared this would be an every day thing or I would become an agoraphobic.

25-03-12, 19:57
Hi yes anxiety can cause these horrible symptoms i get the shortness of breath one thats scary isnt it but you sound like your doing the right things by letting it pass just try to keep calm and breath slowly through your tummy and tell yourself it will be over in a minute the panic can only reach so high before it comes down again then then its passed and you feel better try to distract yourself but just remember it cant harm

25-03-12, 21:08
Your story actually sounds really similar to mine - started about 2 months ago with an episode of palpitations which led to a full blown panic attack, then had another one about 4 weeks later that sounds exactly like the first one you described, and now it's a daily battle. If it's any comfort, I'm still here, so they're not going to kill you.

I have cut out alcohol and caffeine (wasn't a smoker, but I would've cut that out too!) and I've had less heart symptoms since then. Unfortunately panic attacks take many different forms so I've still been having all kinds of other symptoms.

It's really hard to believe that it's just anxiety. That's the biggest battle for me. How can my heart start pounding for no reason or why would I get lightheaded without a reason? But it happens. All of our symptoms fit into panic attacks, so try to find some comfort in that. I'm a fit 23 year old female so I have no real reason to be having serious health problems...

Feel free to message me if you want to chat more. It's comforting to have someone going through the same thing as you.

25-03-12, 21:22
After episodes like you have experienced, the problem then becomes the 'fear' of having another.... and its the constant fear of them, that keep them coming...

Once in the throws of anxiety, which can last a period of time, you need to go into damage control, definately the smoking marijuana is a no no, that for some people is the cause of anxiety... cutting out caffeine is a help... and drinking lots of water is essential....
having a short fuse is common with anxiety.... dont be disappointed in yourself for being human..... there is nothing to be ashamed of here...