View Full Version : Is there any other way?

25-03-12, 20:08
I am 17 years old and have been suffering from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) on my palms, soles, and underarms; I suffer from acid reflux also (got an endoscopy done and they didn't find anything.) It all started when I was 10 years old.

I always feel on edgy, nervous, the flight or fight felling, overall anxiety. the physical symptoms really make it hard to live with. It led me to many psychiatry centers. I have been on many anti-depressants with no help at all. I am currently on Seroquel and Xanax. Already tried Lithium, now my shrink is trying to put me on Depakote. All these medications make me feel like shit.

The only way the work is if i abuse them. I am thinking that I might have an over-active sympathetic nervous system. I have been on Inderal 10mg before but it didn't work, perhaps I need a bigger dose something in the 60-120 range.

The physical symptoms make life very hard to live; on a daily basis. I am just trying to find out what's truly wrong with me and find the right thing for me.

25-03-12, 21:00

If the meds are not working for you you have every right to discuss again with your GP etc....I think they always start doses small and build them up until an improvement is made. Unfortunalty for me the lower doses were too much for me on Citalopram and Sertraline so am now on no meds at all....

With regards to the sweating this could be just something you have, I have read about excessive sweating and know it can be a annoying but normal thing people suffer with and some get treated with even botox...


25-03-12, 21:28
I would see your gp if meds arent working for you... can you do therapy?
I appreciate some people need and want meds, but im not a fan, and dont take them, i really dont think they help, not me anyway..... they dont cure you, only mask symptoms anyway....
I exercise, drink lots of water , take vit B, and try to eat a good diet... but thats how i deal with it... whatever causes your anxiety, has to be delt with at some point, or its meds for life i guess ... (which i know some people would rather do , so they can live day to day life better)

25-03-12, 22:24
I would rather drop the meds and live a normal life, but unfortunately that is not possible for me. I wake up, my hands sweat to the extreme, aswell as me feet, underarms. It persists throughout the day. I was wondering if anybody shares the same fate that I do. Anyone know anything good about acupuncture?

25-03-12, 23:34
I would recommend seeing an endocrinologist just to rule out any hormonal cause for the excessive sweating and anxiety.