View Full Version : Heart palps? or muscle spasms?

25-03-12, 21:44
So I turn 21 tomorrow so I went out on the weekend got really drunk! When hungover I seem to get heart palpatations or muscle spasms in my chest? Does anyone else get this and if so is it dangerous? Would love some more information on this please.



25-03-12, 22:02
I get it every time I have a drink(the next day anyway) however Iv only had it since I developed anxiety which says a lot I think, lying down and relaxing helps me,plenty of water and movie

25-03-12, 23:11
I'm hungover today and got the same thing going on, its not nice :(
I presume its do to with different hormonal/chemical responses after having alcohol in the body and just a side effect of that, try not to worry.

26-03-12, 00:20
I know exactly what ur talking about.. i really dont think its anything to worry about because alot of people here seem to have the same thing.. .. i never thought id be able to say this.... because ive depended on alcohol to get me through for a long time.... but ive given up.

im 21 and irish ... so like its hard (go figure), but im excited at the same time.. i was using alcohol for the wrong reasons... i was using it to cope. .. to cope with my health anxiety (which is bizzare when u think of it) ... ive also quite smoking... (that was also doing absolutely nothing for my health anxiety... and i was smoking since 16.. alot) ...

I would advise you give up... it really only exacerbates the problem...

26-03-12, 01:22
I know exactly what ur talking about.. i really dont think its anything to worry about because alot of people here seem to have the same thing.. .. i never thought id be able to say this.... because ive depended on alcohol to get me through for a long time.... but ive given up.

im 21 and irish ... so like its hard (go figure), but im excited at the same time.. i was using alcohol for the wrong reasons... i was using it to cope. .. to cope with my health anxiety (which is bizzare when u think of it) ... ive also quite smoking... (that was also doing absolutely nothing for my health anxiety... and i was smoking since 16.. alot) ...

I would advise you give up... it really only exacerbates the problem...

I was only drinking as it was my birthday, my anxiety goes away completely when I'm drunk but I suffer terribly when I'm hungover! :(

26-03-12, 07:08
Hi harribo!

Last weekend I had loads to drink...prob bout 12-13 pints which is a lot for me....Was fantastic fun being paddies day etc etc must have been drinking from 1pm-1am...

On Sunday all I remember was having this weird heart movement, my heart was beating quite slow and every 20 seconds or so it would stop then thump back into beat...it was horrible....

It prob happens to everyone but as we suffer with anxiety we tend to concentrate on it more. Unfortunately my left ear is blocked in the E-Tube so I can literally hear my heartbeat all the time on that side...I sit listening to it most of the day...

I wouldn't worry