View Full Version : Just after a little help

25-03-12, 23:09
Hello. All day I've been fine until I had a bath this evening I got out and felt dizzy with my heart racing (must have had it too hot) then I've got into bed and feeling like I can't breath in properly I've had this before where I take deep breaths to make me feel better but why has this just happened, it's horrible :(

25-03-12, 23:22
It sounds like your bath might have been too hot as you said. Whenever I've had one hot enough to make me dizzy when I get out, it has left me feeling rough for a little while. However you should find this does pass quite quickly. Make sure you have something to drink so you're not dehydrated.

25-03-12, 23:23
Agree - definitely have something to drink, and lie down with your feet higher than your head. That's the advice I've been given by NHS Direct before when I'm feeling busy, and it seems to help! xx

25-03-12, 23:28
Hot baths make me feel that way as well. Drink some cool water and lay down - it will pass!