View Full Version : Pins and needles effect + blueish clammy hands and fingers + forehead burning

26-03-12, 00:08
Hi Everyone,
It's seem that I have new symptoms every week...my anxiety is worse and worse and only physical...it's like I don't have a personnality now and that i'm only a BIG symptom...

I have now a chronic feeling of pins and needles effect in my left arm, my chest and also my left leg (sometimes also in the right leg). It's not trigger by anxiety or situation who make me feel more anxious, I feel it now and i'm sit on the couch and watch tv...

I'm the only one to have that symptom? Can it be linked to a poor blood circulation?

Also have my hands who turn blue and are clammy most of the time, especially the fingers, who increase my fear to have something wrong with my heart...that's also not triger by panic attack or situation who increase my anxiety, it's happening mostly in the evening when i'm sit...

Have also weird veins pain on my neck and my head (temple) with a burning sensation on the forehead... the pain is their when I wake up, sometimes the burning sensation on the forehead is worse at the end of the evening and in the middle of the night...it's also worse if I use my computer too much or read, seem like my eyes hurt all the time and they burn also... and I don't need glasses and had eyes examination last year...

Always feel tense from the chest, neck, jaw and head... I was thinking about a tregeminal nerve problem but had that check by a Neurologist 1 year ago and it's not my problem...

I have severe constipation and have to strain a lot when I have a bowel movement, can straining so hard can do some dammage to the neck arteries and lead also to the head pain I have?

I know that tension can do all of this but since i'm tense all the time and my symptoms increase each week, I wonder if it's possible?

Thanks for any advises ;-)

26-03-12, 01:00
Anxiety symptons change and manifest in new forms , thats what happens to me anyway... i get alot of numbness/pins needles in my hands....could be circulation... and alot of symptons could be due to the unburnt adrenaline in our symptons from all the anx.. tension and headaches are common for me.. neck tension alot... and i get bad jaw pain too...
if you have any concerns though -always best to see gp...
I dont suffer health anx, not sure if you do, so i dont tend to worry too much about all the symptons...

26-03-12, 18:37
I really like that saying by Stormsky " Anxiety Symptoms change and manifest in new forms" Its very helpful and true. Hope you start to feel better soon Vinnievince. It sound like anxiety too me and the more we focus on them the better they perform,so do not give them too much power. I know its hard but it's worth it, Stormsky has it right, Anxiety is a master of disguise.

26-03-12, 21:47
Anxiety symptons change and manifest in new forms , thats what happens to me anyway... i get alot of numbness/pins needles in my hands....could be circulation... and alot of symptons could be due to the unburnt adrenaline in our symptons from all the anx.. tension and headaches are common for me.. neck tension alot... and i get bad jaw pain too...
if you have any concerns though -always best to see gp...
I dont suffer health anx, not sure if you do, so i dont tend to worry too much about all the symptons...

Thanks for your answer :)

Hummm I deal with anxiety since i'm young and I know that symptoms change over time but mine increase so much that it's hard to beleive it's only anxiety related...also adrenaline give energy, alertness and me I feel exhausted and tired all the time, that's why I talk about poor blood circulation, another heart problem or chronic fatigue syndrome...

I do suffer from health anxiety but it's call somatisation disorder and panic disorder with agoraphobia as well as some OCD and have many other health problems in the 6 last months (intestinal obstructions with 2 surgeries + feeding by a jejunostomy tube + constipation, sleep disturbance, tachycardia, low blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, tired all the time, not able to do minimal physical activities cause of the tiredness and fatigue who is mental and physical, have pain all over my body...and the list go on...)...

Anyway, I see my GP in 1 week and will have a long talk with him, i'm med sensitive and can't start an AD for now my body just don't tolerate them even at a ridiculous 1/10 the starting dose and have addiction to benzo meds as well... maybe something like the Lyrica or Gabapentin can help with the pain even if I try those meds in the past...and a change for another beta-blocker who is more water solube so will cause less fatigue???

Well have a great day and thanks again ;-)