View Full Version : Positives

29-06-06, 12:33
When I was on Prozac one of my toes turned black, I had a constant headache, I couldn't sleep, my nose felt numb, the skin on my hands began peeling and I felt very aggressive, even murderous. Thankfully I don't have those symptoms any more.

I have been really bad with feeling unreal, that seems to have calmed down a lot.

I have had urges to crash my car, to pull my eye out or to headbutt railings, those seem to have calmed down.

When I feel panicky now it seems to peak very quickly and then I calm down again, whereas before I was constantly on the verge of a panic attack and they'd be so bad that I was too scared even to use the phone and get help.

I was so anxious at one point that if I drove to town to pick my dad up I had to get him to drive back.

I know I still have some way to go, but, more importantly, I know how far I have come.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

29-06-06, 19:00
Wow... well done! You have found a lot of positives there. It is important to keep focusing on the positives as often it is the negatives that have the most effect on us.

Progress takes time, it won't be an upwards curve but I love the way you put it:
**I know I still have some way to go, but, more importantly, I know how far I have come.**

Really pleased for you. Keep it up.:D

Tammy x

30-06-06, 11:05
Hia i think you have hit the nail on the head there you now realise how far you have come and you can see the positives:D
that in itself is a great achievement because we all too often just see the negatives which dont do us any favours at all.Keep looking at the positives and remember all you have come through WELL DONE YOU !!!
take care cheryl xx