View Full Version : Been on my pills for 16 days

26-03-12, 09:42
i have anxiety and have had all the usual thoughts , mainly and the most scaring one for me is am i going to go crazy...
ive been taking my citalopram for 2 weeks and thought initially felt a little better, even though my worry never really went away...ive kept busy but, ya know even when youre busy the thoughts can still consume you cant they?
well over the last 2 days ive felt it all coming back..and im worse especially in the morning. ive tried the thinking of nice things but, its there as soon as i wake!! i dont even have time to think of nice things.then it lingers all day...,. Also with anxiety you find your mind flitting around trying to think of things to worry about or get fixated on? well i dont want to get like that again...should i give my pills a little longer? ive been on these before about 6 years ago and they worked,.. any help anyone? xx

william wallace
26-03-12, 09:56
Morning Tisme, Citalopram takes much longer than a couple of weeks to start working, more like a couple of months. You're not going crazy it's just anxiety messing with you're head.
Just have to be patient, keep occupied as best you can till the meds kick in:hugs:

26-03-12, 10:01
Are you sure? i cant remember how long it took last time i was on it to be honest.. i just hate this feeling fo waiting for them to work, whilst my minds working overtime......x

26-03-12, 10:07
you should start to see some improvement around 4 weeks, what dose are you on? xx

26-03-12, 10:09
hi nicola im on 40mg xxx

william wallace
26-03-12, 10:14
Yeah Nicola is spot on, I made the mistake of saying a couple of months because thats how long it took with me. Might work quicker for you:)

26-03-12, 10:15
:ohmy: thats a high dose to start off on, your brave most people start off on 10mg for a few days, have you had many side effects? xx

william wallace
26-03-12, 10:16
Tisme, did you start on 40mg:ohmy:

---------- Post added at 10:16 ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 ----------


26-03-12, 10:16
well as i say ive been on them 16 days so far , and theyre not working quick enough for me !! :)

26-03-12, 10:17
thats the prob with ADs they don't work quick and can make us feel worse before we feel better, did you start off on 40mg? xx

26-03-12, 10:18
Tisme, did you start on 40mg
yes i did by mistake!!! the gp said i shouldve started on 20mg but as i already had some i started on 40mg before i saw him...am i ok????? The doctor said it was ok

26-03-12, 10:20
you will be fine but im surprised your not climbing the walls with anxiety starting at that dose!! cit gave me awful heightened anxiety and that was on 10mg :ohmy: xx

william wallace
26-03-12, 10:21
Trying to run before you can walk darlin you need to climb the ladder, start with 10 or 20 then gradually work your way up to 30. Try to avoid 40 coz thats the max dose:)

26-03-12, 10:23
well i have felt worse, but then after this morning and now, i have felt better. i dont know if the anxiety i have now is a side effect as ive been on them 16 days,i was hoping theyd be working by now.xx would side effects last this long?

26-03-12, 10:24
the side effects can last a good couple of weeks and there prob worse cause you started on such a high dose xx

william wallace
26-03-12, 10:26
Citalopram definitely increases anxiety for a while. Side effects can last for 6 weeks sometimes. It's the nature of the beast, as Nicola says, you feel worse before you feel better:)

26-03-12, 10:27
Ive been on cit for 5 weeks now - started off 5mg (too scared to take ) then recently 3 days ago upped to 10 mg - as prescribed by doctor. Also just added Vitamin B 12/complex after reading the good things about it etc. Some days I feel a bit better then all of a sudden i can drop again - its very weird. I know 10 mg is v low but happy to stay on for a while at this dose to give it a chance.
So spose the thing is to wait and see - 40mg i think is the highest dose many have said it takes a while for it to settle down in the sytem.

Hold in there...

26-03-12, 10:28
Citalopram definitely increases anxiety for a while. Side effects can last for 6 weeks sometimes. It's the nature of the beast, as Nicola says, you feel worse before you feel better:)

well i can cope if i know this feeling could be side effects , and not me getting worse! xx

26-03-12, 10:29
It'll def be the side effects xx

26-03-12, 10:33
still side effects afer taking them for 2 weeks? I sure hope so!!!!!!

26-03-12, 10:36
Ive been taking venlafaxine for just over 2 weeks now and ive still got heightened anxiety from them!! xx

26-03-12, 10:40
I cant sleep very well either, i think that is a side effect of the pills xx

26-03-12, 10:41
insomnia is a common side effect of cit but it should pass in time too xx

26-03-12, 15:22
why do i feel terrible today?im getting myself in a right state. the worst ive been so far..... im getting all the horrible things like trembling cant swallow etc... and im scared folks surely this cant be side effects after 2 weeks??

26-03-12, 17:26
hi I have been on 20mg for 8 weeks and some days i feel as bad as i was but I dont suppose i am. I am just very impatient to feel completely better but my mind still wont let me believe that all these feeling are down to anxiety. Beginning to wonder if the pills really are going to work.Wish my head would give me a rest.

26-03-12, 19:51
Hi Guys

Ive been 20 mg of Citalopram for just over 3 weeks, my anxiety got even worse after about 14 days but is getting better although i have had a few days where i felt worse than the pervious day. My 5 year old son has been a total brat today and i was calm throughout the whole hour of him screaming with me calmly saying "its ni because i said so" LOL. Stick in there it does ease - if you had seen me 4 weeks ago i was a shivering wreck so yes they do help :yesyes:

26-03-12, 20:48
would it be worth splitting the pills to 20mg morning then 20mg at night, because at the moment im taking the whole 40mg at once in the morning.....
any help greatly appreciated!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx