View Full Version : is anyone like me

26-03-12, 11:14
hi i suffer with gad and ha and the last week its been really bad but i just want to ask if there is any one else out there who is like me with thier symtoms and body behaviour asive asked alot of suffers of gad and they dont seem to have my symtoms so im starting to think its not anxiety i have and its really worrieing me now . this is wat i behave like the symtoms i get firstly i cant sit still i always lean back and forth when sitting i cant stand still if i stand still i have to either stand on my tiptoes or keep moving my feet and toes about even when i stand washing up i lean forward and my legs stay stiff even doing normal things likecooking dinners etc i get really anxiouse and feel abit funny like off balance even when im walking i feel like it sometimes .ive had a headache every day as soon as i get upand my stomach feels tight as if i cant breathe in and out from stomach sorry to go on just want some advice off other suffers thk u

26-03-12, 21:47
maybe because noone on here has my symtoms it must be just me or it isnt caused by anxiety

Vanilla Sky
26-03-12, 23:00
Sounds like normal anxiety symptoms to me xx

26-03-12, 23:11
Anxiety symptons manifest in all different forms... sounds like anx to me too