View Full Version : Anxiety and Diet enquiry.

26-03-12, 11:27
I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for books or where to look for info regarding how diet can affect anxiety. I read something about how a diet with less processed food is really beneficial which makes sence. There maybe something on this site already but I couldn't find anything.

26-03-12, 12:13
Yes I'm interested in this too. I'm afraid I can't really help but will be checking the thread to see if someone else does. I'm currently cutting out dairy for a week to see if that helps ..... not so far.

26-03-12, 14:52
The only change that I've made so far is giving up caffeine, and that's made a massive difference! Easier to sleep, and no more mimicking of anxiety symptoms with racing pulse etc. caused by coffee.

I've recently been diagnosed with gastro oesophagal reflux disease (probably linked to the anxiety) and reading up on dietary suggestions for that make me think that it could probably be a good one for anxiety too...


Em x

26-03-12, 14:55
Yes processed foods are not great.. the more natural a diet the better, fresh foods etc... not processed rubbish, that has lots of preservatives. im guilty of the odd microwave dinner, but am now trying more fruit, salad, home cooking fresh stuff... lots of water is key too, water cures so many ills.
Its always been said that what you PUT IN, is what you GET OUT... so put in good healthy foods !

26-03-12, 16:55
Check out the book Optimum Nutrition for the Mind by Patrick Holford.
Also http://www.alternativementalhealth.com (http://www.alternativementalhealth.com/)

Good luck!