View Full Version : Lots of wind and churning feeling in stomach, is this ibs???

26-03-12, 17:20
Hi everyone

Just looking for some advice I had ibs years ago but can't really remember what I felt like, I've been suffering with bouts of diarrhoea about once a week and feel very windy from both ends and my stomach is really churning and feels a bit empty, been the docs but she didn't seem to concerned she just said if it carries on she will sent a sample off, I'm also wondering if the bladder problem is also connected to ibs as I've read it on the Internet, also feel a bit sick, nothing major but like a nervous feeling, just wondering if any of you guys have any symptoms like mine? Been under alot of pressure since last wed when my grandma took very ill, could do with some friendly advise please!


Jayne xx

26-03-12, 17:38
Many things can upset your stomach, and with your grandma being ill, that would add to the stress...
Are you eating? and drinking plenty of water?
Like your doc said see how you are in a week or so, and if no better, get a sample tested.

26-03-12, 19:19
Thanks I will go my doc if it doesn't improve just hate not feeling well this health anxiety is ruining my life! Everyone is fed up with me! X

26-03-12, 19:54
Hi Jayne
when my anxiety is high I get exactly same symptoms .
Adrenaline affects our tummy badly. I dont consider myself having IBS ][thank goodness it must be hell ] but it is my first symptom ....the churning ,burping ,diarrohea and running to loo. nausea .

it is horrible isnt it ? I drink peppermint or camomile tea and although it says not to have gassy fluids I find soda water excellent for good burp [sorry if tmi :blush:] . Eat little and often .....yoghurt is good .

it sounds typical horrible adrenaline surge .
Hope your grandma is doing ok .
snow :hugs:

26-03-12, 20:06
Thanks snow

Really been worried today, but I hope your right been terrible these last two days and the same last week but I have been mega stressed over my grandma thought she was dying and I have been fearing the worst, I am a proper worrier, I will take your advice and try some peppermint, the burping and wind is horrible I'm not used to it, and the urgent running to the loo is embarrassing!

Thanks again!

Jayne xx