View Full Version : Hello from a Newbie

26-03-12, 17:46
Hi there everyone, I have never been on a forum before, but thought I might be able to get some help from people who are in the same situation.

I have suffered from depression for about 10 years now, it took me a while to get a diagnosis, and I have been on Citalopram for about 5 years. I am only on 20mg a day and have been managing well.

I am worried about the long term effects of being on the drug and wonder if anyone could give me some advice.

My memory seems to be getting worse, and I can't seem to take much alcohol any more, whereas I used to be ok on a couple of drinks each night on the weekends.

I would appreciate any info you can give me.

Many thanks

26-03-12, 17:47
Hi McPea

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

26-03-12, 17:59
Hi McPea (cool name!) and :welcome:

Pip xx

26-03-12, 20:38

The manufacturer of citalopram does not recommend taking alcohol with the medication and in any case it is crazy to do so since citalopram works on the serotonin in the brain to ease depression. Alcohol gives you a short high and then suddenly reduces the serotonin in the brain and so causes depression, not a good idea, almost like robbing Peter to give back to Peter, so consider this.
Best wishes

26-03-12, 20:44
There can be long term side effects with meds... i was on mine for 9yrs, and read that long term the central nervous system can be effected... i was on amytriptline though not citalopram.
Talk to your gp if you are concerned or are looking to come off, I know some people would rather accept the risks of long term use, than go without meds.