View Full Version : Migraines and Medication

26-03-12, 21:10
I get really bad migraines, having scans to see what the problem is but won't find out for weeks. Until then, my doctor still decides to put me on a low dose of Fluoxetine to treat my depression, what I'm asking is.. will it affect my migraines and if so should I Stop taking them?

Any help, advice or stories about taking Fluoxetine would be great.

Bambi x

26-03-12, 23:42
Bambi as I see from your previous posts you started fluoxetine quite recently. Its all part of the adjustment process that lasts for the first few weeks. But this means that fluoxetine is working, and is slowly starting to build up in your body. Headache is one of the most common side effects of fluoxetine, along with shaking, irratibility, insomnia . but they will pass soon, and you will feel better. Maybe your doctor should prescribe you some anxiolytics, for the first few weeks, they could help. Hang on, you will be better soon.

30-03-12, 20:47
Thanks for that, it made me feel better about the side effects as atleast it shows the meds are taking some kind of effect (:

30-03-12, 23:35
Hey Bambi

I am on day five of Prozac....I too get migraines but the ones with the auras!!! I have been scared about messing with the processes in my brain incase it triggers more! I did some research before being prescribed the Prozac and I read some info where doctors have actually used the drug to treat migraine. So maybe it will actually help us rather than make them worse? Guess we will Only know in time.

Kel x

31-03-12, 10:21
Hi Kel, hang in there! I Hope it helps the migraines because then that's one thing less to worry about haha..
Just curious, have you had any other side effects? I'm on day 9 and am still getting quite dizzy and worn out but I have had a few days where I've felt as though the medication is working and I feel almost happy.. hope I get more days like that to come.

Bambi x

31-03-12, 12:50
hi there, i've too heard people put on anti depressants for migranes. One of my good friends was actually.

Hope the flux settles soon for you and your migranes stop, as i know how much they get you down.

Have you girls lost weight on flux. I'm thinking of swapping from sert to flux as i've been on them 7 weeks and feel worst rather than better .

I've lost weight on them and don't want to lose much more on flux??

any advise would be appreciated.

thanks Kel (too!)

31-03-12, 14:20
Hey there, I'm on ADs because of depression.. my doctor was hesitant though because I Also suffer from migraines.. they haven't particularly affected my migraines though which was my worry haha, does that make sense?
Thank you!
I think I've lost a bit of weight since I started flux but I Think that's because it's made me lose my appdmtite. However, it's different for everyone I think.
Good luck with whatever you choose!

Bambi x

---------- Post added at 14:20 ---------- Previous post was at 14:19 ----------


02-04-12, 17:57
I get really bad migraines, having scans to see what the problem is but won't find out for weeks. Until then, my doctor still decides to put me on a low dose of Fluoxetine to treat my depression, what I'm asking is.. will it affect my migraines and if so should I Stop taking them?

Any help, advice or stories about taking Fluoxetine would be great.

Bambi x

i am a migraine sufferer. i would get very bad migraines frequently. it is only since tapering from seroxat that the migraines have become less frequent.

best of luck. x

03-04-12, 01:56
Hey Bambi

I am on day 7 today and am not really having any side effects other than warm flushes every so often, loss of appetite and waking a bit earlier than usual and not being able to get back to sleep. Saying that, i have also had moments where it feels like im about to go into a panic attack and feel agitated inside but being a low dose still i guess i have been able to keep it intact.
My days are so up and down.....i have had moments where i think i can handle my worries and then other times when im reminded of them i get so panicky i feel that i want to explode! I am still having my OCD moments also......I am hopeful that once i up the dose and wait another few weeks it will be alot better..if only i could hide until then!

Alfredo to answer the weight loss issue....it is very early days for us and in the beginning there appears to be a loss of appetite for most people. However, as i am aware, once they kick in and we start to feel good i know the appetite then increases and on goes the weight gain! I have always put on weight with SSRI's so i know the prozac wont be any different for me eventually.

I pray to God that the meds don't start frequent migraines for me! We will have to stay in contact Bambi to see how we are going with the Migraines..

Kel x

03-04-12, 08:08
I felt a bit like that on day 7 too, it was awful.. hang in there though because it should ease off!

I haven't really noticed a change with my migraines, they're not better but thankfully they're not much worse.. I'm having a CT scan tomorrow and honestly, I'm so nervous :s hope my anxiety stays away so I don't feel so bad :/

Amber x

03-04-12, 09:33
Hey Amber....

So you say your migraines are the same then? How often do you get them? Are they something you've had for a long time? I only started getting them a year ago.....do you ever have an aura with yours?

I had a CT Scan last year and was anxious so I told the girl that did it that I thought I might panic...she was very good with me and talked me through the whole thing. Honestly afterwards I was quite embarrassed because it was actually really simple and quick. The only part I hate is all that radiation going into my body!
You will be absolutely fine!


03-04-12, 11:15
I Get them quite often, couple times every day or something, I think mine started about a year ago too, what's an aura? (New to all these technical names) I Have problems with my visions sometimes, like flashes, bluriness or a few cases of double vision. I sometimes can't look up either because it hurts with the migraine :/
When they get really bad it feels really pressurised.. like my heads going to explode!

Did they inject dye? I'm not too bad with needles, just curious as to what they actually do..
Thank you xx

03-04-12, 16:57
migraines are horrible. i wouldnt wish these on anyone.

04-04-12, 04:18
An aura can be a number of symptoms that accompany the migraine such as Visual disturbance like you mentioned, numbness/tingling, nausea, sensitivity to sound, touch etc....My migraines are mainly the aura and the worst one is the half hour of nearly losing sight!
I didn't have the dye, but if they told me i had to i certainly wouldve lost the plot! My husband had it a few months before for his back and he said it felt weird and he could feel the dye get pumped through his heart! My sister-in-law has also had it and she said it made her want to pee. Overall though, neither of them said it was scary or bad. If it was me, i'd be taking a valium before hand.....


04-04-12, 13:25
Yeah I tend to get numbness with my migraines too.. oh dear, that's not good :/

I had my scan today.. they injected dye into my arm.. it made me feel really warm, kinda tingly haha. It wasn't as bad as my mind was telling me it'd be haha, oh well.. just have to wait on the results :')


06-04-12, 01:05
Well done amber! You're much stronger than you give yourself credit. I know I couldn't have done it.....your results will be normal. If there was a Problem they would've alerted your dr straight away who would've contacted you.

Kel x