View Full Version : I believe I'm going to wet my pants.

29-06-06, 14:09
The 'catastrophic event' I'm convinced is going to happen in my panic attacks is losing control of my bladder. While I had some good cognitive therapy a few years ago about this, which probably saved me from developing agrophobia, the beast has never quite left me.

I'll often wear a pad or a panty liner (luckily for me I'm a gal) with the idea in place that if I DID start to wee, the pad would absorb enough for me to escape to a 'safe place' - a toilet or anywhere away from where people could watch me. This is a 'safety' thing which I know is bad bad bad, as it keeps me thinking the bladder explosion is going to happen. But for a work meeting, job interview or train/bus/car trip with people I know, I just can't bear the thought of risking a panic attack.

Here's the things which keeps my Panic Monister alive - fight and flight response COULD make it possible for me lose control of my bladder. I know a panic attack won't physically make you faint or give you a heart attack, but oh BOY does it make you need to pee. A few times when I've been in panic agony I've felt my bladder muscles relax, but I've always managed to tighten them again. Still, I fear that one day it won't happen and I will up peeing everywhere in front of everyone.

So for all you fellow victims of the Panic Monster:
- can anyone relate to the wee wee phobia?
- has anyone ever actually been so paniced they did wee themselves?
- if the above happened, was it a splash of drops you could control or a gushing frenzy?!!

29-06-06, 14:42
Your post made me laugh.

I have exact same phobis, but not wee.....sick.
I take anti sickness pills with me everywhere. when i feel sick, i panic then i feel worse, so i take a tablet.
This is terribly bad for you, but without i am terrified i will be puking all over the place.

Has it happened....nope
Will it.....probably not.
Will i always carry tablets....yeah!

I think that is just coz we are all a little...nuts

Hay x

29-06-06, 15:14
Hayles, you think you're going to spew and I think I'm going to pee. We should get the train together.
L x

29-06-06, 15:37
Hi Louisey and welcome to NMP. The thing that I fear if I have a panic attack is that I will faint and that someone will steal my son while I am out cold! They'd bring him back within an hour because he's a bugger....
Hope you start to feel better soon:D

Take care



29-06-06, 15:53
Lou.....I know....lol what a right pair!

Nigel - You are so wise....how do you do it!

Chuckle...You make me chuckle with your son!!!

Hay x

29-06-06, 15:56
Thanks for the welcome : )

Nigel - yeah, it is a horrible vicious circle. Losing control in some way of your bodily functions is a classic social phobia. And unfortunately, the increased need to urinate is a classic symptom of panic. So thought follows feeling or vice versa, and they keep increasing until CRAZY TIME.

My interest in wanting to know if it has actually happened to someone (peeing in a panic attack) and if so, to what extent, springs from a task I did with my psychologist. She convinced me to try and pee in front of her, in her office - her theory being we have such strong social inhibitions about such things that it would be next to impossible.

And (luckily for my vey patient shrink) it was - after struggling for about a minute I got about a drop out. The task was very embarrassing but it did make me a feel a lot better the problem...although the fear lingers - is there a panic attack waiting for me out there that will be so bad that my bladder will relax spontaneously?

29-06-06, 16:43
Thanks for the kind words Nigel - I'm sorry to lower the tone, it's the very embarrassing, socially unacceptable and icky nature of this problem that can makes it difficult to get help for.

I really am quite desperate to hear from anyone else who suffers from panic attacks centred around these kinds of unspeakable problems - or a link to any other information/examples on the web.

marie ross
29-06-06, 16:47
Hi everyone,

Another symptom i have recently acquired is the urge to pee more frequently!!!!

I'm scared of fainting and losing control and making a right mess. Not nice and i've tried walking with my legs crossed but i keep falling over!!!

Now whilst out shopping i keep eyeing up the tena ladies pants!!! Your not alone with this symptom.

Take care.

Marie XXX

29-06-06, 18:29
Hi Louisey

I probably have the opposite problem to you in that when I am anxious I worry that I want to go to the toilet but won't be able to (shy bladder syndrome). So I can be desperate to go and not be able to in certain situations.

It's probably because you are so focused on the problem that you feel it is going to happen when in actual fact - as demonstrated in the exercise with the psychologist - it is very unlikely to happen.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

29-06-06, 21:34
Hi Louisey
You are not alone. i suffer with frequent need to visit the toilet, for the last two months, brought on by stress and anxiety. It's got so bad that i feel like I have an infection, the more i worry about it the worse i get.

Take care

'This too will pass'

30-06-06, 00:27
Hi Louisey,
Public toilets have become my second home recently :D
I also have this worry and its been really getting me down lately,im so worried about losing control and having a "gushing frenzy" [:I]:D

Ive been meaning to try these pelvic floor exercises to try and build up the lack of confidence in my bladder,thought they might help you!


Take care xx

30-06-06, 09:12
Thanks everyone, it's so great to know I'm not the only one with this problem (not that I'd wish this problem on anyone, mind you!)

And Purple Rain - thanks for the link to those pelvic floor exercises, I'm going to start on them today.

L xx

05-07-06, 11:50
I have the exact same phobia, and it’s ruined my life.
My panic attacks and general anxiety actually started due to the phobia of wetting myself. I first felt it while was on the train, I kept thinking about how awful it would be to wet myself. I was convinced I would stand up and there would a huge wet patch. This fear remains the worst aspect of my anxiety, I feel like I could handle the panic attack itself but I simply can’t handle the fear of wetting myself (I was registered on here a while back and posted this - I can’t remember my login though). I am agoraphobic now and can't even go to my parents’ house without feeling as though I am going to panic to the stage where I wet.
T o answer your question I have never actually wet myself, but have felt convinced that I was going to 100's of time. Like you, when I was still able to go out, I wore a pad to catch it if I couldn’t get to a toilet on time. I have actually weakened my bladder now because I continually go to the toilet even when I don’t really need to, so that I know my bladder is empty all the time. I'm in a right mess, I can’t even go to the doctor now - I can barely get beyond my front door.

05-07-06, 11:57
I have to know where the loo is if I am going anywhere. On the train recently I had a seat right near the loo and of course didnt need to use the loo at all

Talking about wetting yourself and being embarrased - My Dad was taken to hospital with chest pain. we went and waited in the waiting room while the docs looked at him

I sat on a chair and when I got up my bum was all wet. my trousers were wet. somebody had spilt drink on the seat (well I think it was drink I shudder the think what it could have been) and I didnt notice it.
It was really uncomfortable as it went right through to my knickers.
Dont think anybody noticed though but was unconfortable till I got home :-)

Pam x

08-07-06, 22:25
I'm a woman in my 30's. When I panic, if people ar shouting or disapproving of me, I wet myself. It's brought meso close to the edge. It's the worst. How can this happen to an otherwise confident woman?
I've made the first admission to a hypnotherapist this week on the phone, due to see her soon. She says its a symptom that can be stopped, I so hope so. Ill keep you informed.

12-07-06, 13:50
Hey, I just read your post Raq - you poor thing! It's such a hard and bitterly uncomfortable thing to worry about, let alone suffer. And by the way - no one ever has the right to shout at you. I wonder if you associate shouting with something from childhood? A friend of mine accidentally soiled herself as a very little girl, her parents screamed at her and to this day she feels like she is about to do it again if someone shouts at her.

Best of luck with the hypnotherapy, I'd love to know how it goes.

There was a really good link earlier in this thread to pelvic floor muscles. I also found this information about 'urge incontinence'': http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/23068766/ which can get worse in times of stress. I'm going to give the trying-to-hold-on-longer thing a try, along with the pelvic floor muscle stuff.

One thing I've realised is that most people are a bit neurotic about going to the toilet - what times, how often what kind of public loos, even what cubicles they like. Despite the wee wee jokes and "couldn't you have gone before we came!?" style comments, I've generally found that
people are much more sympathetic and understanding than I expected.

Take care,
L xx

27-01-08, 09:52
I have been living with this for 16 years now, the symptoms have only decreased due to CBT, self help and determination. I didn't have a feeling that I was going to lose control of my bladder, I was absolutely sure of it, couldn't travel anywhere. My first episode, I was traveling by bus - a two mile journey - and suddenly the heart beats increase ten-fold, feeling faint, going to collapse, the thought that I HAVE started to wet myself, barely made it off the bus. But I have NEVER lost control, no-matter how many times it feels like it. If you can sit on a plane for five hours with this feeling and master it, then it can be beat. It's not easy, the opposite in fact, it is the most difficult thing to try and control, but the more you chip away at it, the less power it has over you. Keep going, think positive!

You are your own best psychologist! :)

21-07-09, 12:57
Erm... hi everyone. I don't normaly do forums because I'm not sure how they work, this is my first time. Anyways, I hope to bring good news to sufferers of this terrible affliction.
Ok... I had this exact same phobia when I was 16 onwards. It gradualy got worse and worse until it got to the point were I was unable to walk down the street to the shops because I was convinced if I was away from a toilet too long my bladder would let go. It affected me so bad that I started drinking heavily just to deaden the feeling.
So then I developed a drink problem, but here's the interesting part... my drinking became so out of control that I booked myself into rehab. Once in rehab I found out that I would have to travel on buses to AA meetings. As you all can imagine this triggered off major anxiety and panic. But I had no choice, they said in the rehab that you MUST go to 7 AA meetings a week or you could no longer stay there. My mother refused to take me back home because of my behaviour when I was drinking, so I had 2 choices: 1) go to meetings or 2) sleep on the street.
So I gave in to the staff and reluctently got on the bus to go to meetings. The first couple of times was no good. the old ''your going to pee yourself in front of everyone'' thoughts kept popping into my head and sent me into a full blown anxiety attack, causing me to go back to the rehab shaking and crying, claiming ''I can't do this! I can't do it''.
The staff however, did NOT give into me and every night I was asked to go out with the other residents, on the bus, to a meeting. Guess what? I started getting used to it. The trips on the bus became less and less scary and the more I did it, the more I learned to cope with my phobia. I know it sounds easier said than done but the only way to cope with this affliction is face it head on. Nowadays, I still have the phobia, but I am able to deal with it to a level were I am able to go out and do the things I need to do.
Anyways, sorry if I've went on a bit. Hope I've given someone faith in getting over this horrible phobia. :winks:

21-07-09, 13:52
:hugs: :hugs: This is the horror of panic / anxiety:ohmy:
You / we / i think it might happen.
Has it ever happened???
probably not:blush:
It is the fear of OMG what if??
This is what keeps us trapped.
NOW if only i could believe what i have just written
- I would probably be OK:blush:
Best wishes

21-07-09, 15:41
Hello im new on here but not new to this symptom.
This is basically what my whole anxiety is related to.
I fear that i will make a fool of myself by wetting myself, i never have but it doesnt stop me worrying.
I can be ok at times often going hours without going to the toilet so i know my bladder is strong and working ok.
But when i start thinking about it i then get all panicky and anxious which of course makes you need the loo more becuase your body goes into fight or flight mode and gets ready to get rid of any extra weight. I get stuck in a vicious circle.
It is so uncomfortable to constantly feel the need to go to the loo.
I wish i could offer some help but im still struggling with it myself.
Its why i just came on here because im having a nightmare time at the moment.


21-07-09, 16:38
The 'catastrophic event' I'm convinced is going to happen in my panic attacks is losing control of my bladder. While I had some good cognitive therapy a few years ago about this, which probably saved me from developing agrophobia, the beast has never quite left me.

I'll often wear a pad or a panty liner (luckily for me I'm a gal) with the idea in place that if I DID start to wee, the pad would absorb enough for me to escape to a 'safe place' - a toilet or anywhere away from where people could watch me. This is a 'safety' thing which I know is bad bad bad, as it keeps me thinking the bladder explosion is going to happen. But for a work meeting, job interview or train/bus/car trip with people I know, I just can't bear the thought of risking a panic attack.

Here's the things which keeps my Panic Monister alive - fight and flight response COULD make it possible for me lose control of my bladder. I know a panic attack won't physically make you faint or give you a heart attack, but oh BOY does it make you need to pee. A few times when I've been in panic agony I've felt my bladder muscles relax, but I've always managed to tighten them again. Still, I fear that one day it won't happen and I will up peeing everywhere in front of everyone.

So for all you fellow victims of the Panic Monster:
- can anyone relate to the wee wee phobia?
- has anyone ever actually been so paniced they did wee themselves?
- if the above happened, was it a splash of drops you could control or a gushing frenzy?!!

girl i have the exact same problem - not with "wee wee :p " but with poo poo :( and i wear the panty liners like you too. i dunno what to do like - its the one thing that scares the living daylights out of me - everywhere i go im scared that i'll need the bathroom or get the runs :(

lovely, i know!

22-07-09, 02:51

I feel the key to all this is to have a break from the shopping/ days out. Why not occupy yourselves with gardening etc...some of you may think I am bring insensitive but honestly I am not. If something makes me feel really anxious I stop it and change my way of life to break the thought behaviour cycle. When you feel you are not obsessing over it then you should face it again to avoid avoidance in the future

The problem is, we have too much time on our hands to think. You know we are deep thinkers in the wrong life. We assume because we feel something bad that we have a problem and that makes us worry. The truth is that most people will have similar worries but they dont stop living because of them, it does not bother them, they put feelings like this to the back of there heads.

A problem is only a problem when you let it be one.

Does that make sense??

To summerise:-
1. give yourself a break from the anxiety for 6 months
2. discover how many other people suffer the same " just watch the adverts on TV"
3. realise that it isn't a problem and that it is just part of life
4. When you have forgot about the issue face it head on over and over again in quick succession.

This will cure you...no doubt.


20-08-09, 20:28
Thats how I feel need to find toilets first where ever I go thought I was the only one !!! Wish I had a cure

22-08-09, 12:30
seems like this fear has never actually even happened...fear of it happening is far different from it actually happening

so i have to ask...whats the worst thing that could happen

thats the monster you need to tackle

sounds like you are scared of being judged...as I would assume you wouldn't particularly care if it was in private...

i would suggest doing EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) on it, and collapse this irrational fear


22-08-09, 18:15
Can I ask, can you tie down the notion to an experience or story related to someone you used to know or a story you have heard?

I only ask this because as a man lstening to my aunts say in fits of laughter "stop it, I'm going to pee" when I was young, whether you fear your pelvic floor might give out because of someone or something you heard once when you were younger?

07-06-10, 18:10
I'm a woman in my 30's. When I panic, if people ar shouting or disapproving of me, I wet myself. It's brought meso close to the edge. It's the worst. How can this happen to an otherwise confident woman?
I've made the first admission to a hypnotherapist this week on the phone, due to see her soon. She says its a symptom that can be stopped, I so hope so. Ill keep you informed.

I've had exactly the same problem since I was a child. I have even left several jobs because of this and I've tried every therapy going, but to no avail. At times it really gets me down. People only have to say 'Can I have a word' and the mere insinuation of a mistake or something which is my fault and it happens. Its not just a trickle either, its a big puddle on the floor. I've looked recently at EFT. Has anyone tried this?

07-06-10, 18:52
What is the emotional freedom trick?

08-06-10, 09:06
Its basically tapping on certain parts of the body, those parts which are probably used in acupuncture but with your fingers instead. I will give this a go, but I can't help but wonder whether this is for life. What I find hard is keeping this from everyone, my husband is aware and very supportive, but none of my friends or family know about this. Most people think I'm funny and outgoing.

Has anyone else tried the EFT and found that it has worked?

08-06-10, 23:53

21-04-11, 23:05
I have the same problem.
not only do I get the fear, I get warm sensations on my inner thighs also, which increases the intensity of the panic attack. it happens on and off whenever im in public places and social outings, but lately out of surprise when I can't feel things that aren't happening, I begin to fear that they will begin, and they do simply because I begin to fear it.
Especially on trains to and from work, I have a panic attack when I get these hot sensations, I begin feeling the backs of my legs and my butt constantly and consistantly throughout the ride and probably look like a massive nutter :roflmao: but i guess that aspect doesn't bother me as it seems to be more accepted to be a whackjob than it is to be "that girl who pisses herself and stinks out the train".

this has been going on for about 2 years. I don't know where to start looking for help..

21-04-11, 23:23
Your post made me laugh.

I have exact same phobis, but not wee.....sick.
I take anti sickness pills with me everywhere. when i feel sick, i panic then i feel worse, so i take a tablet.
This is terribly bad for you, but without i am terrified i will be puking all over the place.

Has it happened....nope
Will it.....probably not.
Will i always carry tablets....yeah!

I think that is just coz we are all a little...nuts

Hay x

Same here! :wacko: x

22-04-11, 18:48
when i have a panic attack i think i am going to poo myself i always think it cause i have scared myself ?

08-07-11, 19:41
Hey, everyone! :)

I thought i was the only person in the world with this problem, until i decided to search for my simptoms on the web in english instead of in my own language (portuguese). You can't believe how much of a relief it was for me to see that i was not alone in this nightmare.

I've been doing psychotherapy and seeing a psychiatrist for 6 years now, and though i have improved quite a lot, i am still very far away from the life that i have dreamt of for myself. I'm 24 years old and sometimes i just think that my life will never be a very happy one, and i feel like i am wasting my entire existence for a stupid reason.

I just want to know how everyone is doing, and if any of you has ever considered wearing a diaper on a situation you know is gonna be difficult. Is anyone seeing good results from some kind of therapy or strategy?

I'm waiting for your answers!

08-07-11, 19:42
please note this post is over 4 months old,


08-07-11, 19:47
Yes, i noticed that.

Thank you, anyway.

08-07-11, 21:32
Someone asked about EFT. Here is a link which can teach you the basics. Some people have been really helped by this.


07-09-12, 16:37
I have the exact same problem. My whole anxiety is related to this also. It is the worst feeling and i am finding it very hard to live a normal life. I hope one day i will overcome this but i just dont know how. Best of luck to you.