View Full Version : hi new here, just started meds and am scared

27-03-12, 00:20
Hi, I'm 47, been living alone and isolated for 6 years after my ex walked out (after 20 yrs). So last June I hit rockbottom and admited I needed help. Its taken until last month toget some help on NHS and all they've done is given me quetiapine and fluoexdine no talking therapy or anything......

I am scared and confused and I dont like these pills they make me feel drunk (I dont drink)

any ideas outthere?

thanks for listening.....

27-03-12, 00:23
Hi pennycovuk

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-03-12, 00:42
hi pennycovuk & :welcome:
Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. Have you asked your GP to be referred to Psychology services....or thought about counselling? Not sure what your main issues are but this might be a good start. Meds aren't always the answer and the side effects can be a real pain :wacko:
Anyway, you will get lots of help & support here, there are some lovely people ready to offer advice.
Good luck. Kitti :)

27-03-12, 06:14
Hi there and a big, warm :welcome:

I know you'll find lots of people here who share your experiences and that you'll also be able to give a lot to others.

Take care and keep posting

Pip xx

27-03-12, 08:39
thanks for the replies, it's lovely to know people care. for me, I have been so totally alone for so long that joining a group where I may be able to offer others a listening ear too will be good.

I have asked for counselling and am waiting for an appointment through IAPT

27-03-12, 10:26
Hey penny.

Sorry to hear of your pain. This place will turn you around! The people are so helpful and encouraging and you are getting advice first hand from people who have been there or are still there working through issues with many different therapies.
I have tried talk therapy many times and haven't found it anywhere near as helpful as this forum. I find it easier to trust those who actually know what they're talking about.
I have just started fluoxetine (Prozac) only an hour ago! I am scared but hopeful. I have also tried every other method you could imagine and ended up back trying the medication. So hopefully that can give you some encouragement to give them a go.

Kel x

27-03-12, 14:33
Thanks Kel. I hope the Fluoxetine work for you - I seem ok on them, its the quetiapine I don't like....

hopefully this cloud that hangs over me will lift a little soon

27-03-12, 22:54
Hi and welcome,

Quetiapine is a serious medication and normally only prescribed by a psychiatrist, although some GPs have enough knowledge to handle it. It would have been perscribed for some serious symptoms you were having and if you still have those symptoms it may be best you persevere with it for now.

I hope all goes well for you.

28-03-12, 01:49
Thanks Penny.
Maybe Julianne is right? Do you know why you were prescribed the Quetiapine? If it's a serious medication and you're just wanting to treat depression etc maybe you should just be taking the Prozac alone? I would definately be questioning mr Dr about this......I question my Dr about everything! I think i drive her mad!

Kel x

28-03-12, 09:33
Thanks both. Basically, I had a melt down in my GP's office and he called the local NHS crisis team in. the psychiatrist from that team gave me quetiapine, 150mg at night and 2 25mg to take PRN. the team came to my house twice a week for 3 weeks, then said I was "out of crisis" and referred me back to my GP. My poor GP has heard nothing from them so has prescribed the same meds for just one week based on me showing him my pill boxes. Neither of us has a clue what the future plan is, so I am left with 3 days of meds left now, can't get hold of the crisis team, no GP appointment...................sorry I am babbling now can't type through these tears.

I will come back later.

31-03-12, 18:15
sorry about the babbling message above. Meds are sorted now but I've still sat here all day today with the curtains shut, I just couldn't face people. will this ever get better................?:weep:

31-03-12, 19:20
Hi Penny,

I'm new here too and completely know what it's like to feel like you're not getting any help and everything is just too much.

I have just been offered my first counselling appointment for next week, having been on the waiting list since November, so hang in there lady, they'll get to you I promise. It's horrible playing this waiting game but unfortunately those of us who can't afford private medical care have no choice but to wait. That said, I'd never give up the NHS.

I too have spent today with the curtains closed, today has been a bad one, but there are good ones too. Do you have any friends or family nearby who are aware of the situation? Anyone who can support you at all?

Feel free to PM me any time, we're in the same boat petal.

Sarah x

01-04-12, 23:24
thanks, it's good to know we arent alone, although I'm not glad you had a bad day too - here's a friendly hug for you (())

I do have 2 sisters close by now - I moved back to where I was born after living away for 30 years (longggg story), butg they have kids, busy lives, etc I can't expect to be anywhere near trhe top of their lists.

Evenings are the worse time for me. The dark closes in,I'm too afraid to go out and I'm alone, every night.

I did go out today though, just to the shops with my sister, but it was too busy and the panic took over so we came home again. Apart from the embarressment of a panic attack in public I worry that my family will stop inviting me out, cause if I can't cope it disrupts their time out oo.

maybe I would be better moving away again and just being on my own?

02-04-12, 16:42
hi so am i.ifeel really awful since starting on the medication a fortnight ago will i ever feel normal again

04-04-12, 23:15
saw my GP today he wants me off the quetiapine, so has reduced from 150mg a night to 50mg a night. the chemist said its cause its so expensive., /That really makes me feel worthwhile, if the budget is more important than my health :-(

05-04-12, 13:48
Hi Penny
Try to contact M.I.N.D. the mental health charity if you live in England, they may be able to point you in the direction of a support group were you don't need a referral by your GP. I'm in Scotland and we have an organisation called 'Changes' which offers counselling, CBT etc. I have an appointment with them next week and didn't need a referral from my GP.

Good Luck and lets know how you get on

05-04-12, 18:18
ooh thanks I will do that