View Full Version : South-west newbie here (I.B.S/Anxiety/Depression)

27-03-12, 00:57
Hey everyone :) i'm Tom and i'm 21 from near Plymouth.

I guess things started for me about 8 months ago, i started suffering with some symptoms that my GP thought might be Ulcerative Colitis however a recent appointment with a specialist has changed the possible diagnosis to I.B.S.

The main issue i've had is that i've pretty much stopped going out due to the anxiety of the symptoms and the not going out has left me suffering with depression pretty badly. I did suffer with quite bad depression around 6 years ago but with some professional help i managed to find a way through it. Since the new anxiety and depression about the I.B.S though i just feel like i don't have the strength to recover. I know its just the depression talking but i just feel like im stood at the bottom of a mountain and its a long hard climb ahead.

I'm currently studying from home and quit my job last year due to a very bad working environment.

I guess i'm looking to make some new friends on here, especially anybody local to me or even just some people who are going through the same kind of issues as i am.

Thanks for listening and i look forward to getting to know you all :)


27-03-12, 00:59
Hi tomc_21

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

eternally optimistic
27-03-12, 19:39
Hi Tom

Glad you found the site, it is a great place to be to find help, advice, and some major reassurance that "we" are normal - lol.

Hope you get all the support you are looking for.

27-03-12, 20:51
Hi Tom and a warm :welcome:

I'm not from the South-West but I have family in Plymouth and Dartmouth so I know the area very well - it's a great place to live.

I'm sure that reading through posts on here, you'll see you're far from alone - I've felt just like you do in the past. I know that you'll make some excellent friends on here who'll support you and that your experiences will help others too.

Take care and keep posting

Pip x

27-03-12, 20:56
hi and welcome..
Are you taking anything for your depression?
im in Wellington, in Somerset...

27-03-12, 21:29
The GP referred me to a gastroentorologist because he originally thought i had UC and when i saw the GO he thought it might be I.B.S and has put me on Amitriptyline 10mg once before bed and immodium instants to try and give me the confidence to get out and about again. I've made an appointment to see my GP again this thursday to talk about the depression and anxiety and see what he thinks about that as i'm now finding that its the anxiety and depression which is really causing the problems even when the I.B.S symptoms are reasonably well managed.

I suppose it will depend on the GP on thursday as to the course of action to tackle the depression and anxiety, i suffered with depression very badly for a year or so around 5 or 6 years ago and was put on a number of different courses of anti depressents and sleeping pills as i struggled to find one that didnt give me awful side effects at the time.

27-03-12, 21:32
perhaps they will up your dose of amitriptyline, as your on it already... i took it for 9yrs as an anti dep, 50mg a day

27-03-12, 21:37
hi tomc_21 and :welcome: to nmp. im from the south west not too far away from plymouth, im in newton abbot :) i dont suffer form i.b.s but have been struggling with depression/anxiety/panic disorder for around 3 years. hope you get some good advice from other members of nmp. its a great place and everyone here is understanding and supportive. take care

lee :D

27-03-12, 23:00
Hi and welcome,

At your tender age, IBS is positively treatable and you will overcome it and be back on track. Your GP should have given you advice about diet which you should adhere to since eating the right foods with plenty of fibre and getting enough fresh water daily is the key to it. If you drink alcohol, kick it completely until your IBS is cured.

Good wishes