View Full Version : This thing is really wearing me out...

27-03-12, 02:22
I just can't take being so tired all the time anymore. I get about 3 hours sleep a night, have been sick for the past month because I can't rest enough to shake it... Anytime I try to lie down or fall asleep I get the dizziness, head pains, tingles, or something, and the adrenaline that just wakes me up again. Finding it impossible to function and remember things and every single thing I do feels like a huge amount of effort... I don't think theres been even a minute in the past 2 weeks when I haven't been obsessing over my health. I don't even know why because I know its irrational and ridiculous. Why do we feel like this all the time, but other people don't? Thats what I'd like to know... To know how to feel normal!

27-03-12, 07:22
Hey Hun...

Hope your ok? Everybody is different...I have nights where I struggle to sleep, I've even had times where I have woken in the night actaully having a panic attack...one was so bad and I felt so scared I rang the gas company at 3am to come out and turn the gas off as I was convinced I had carbon monoxide poisoning...my husband was not impressed....he didn't speak to me for about 2 days after...I was so scared to wake up feeling like this...my legs were numb and everything it was horrid...

Only us HA sufferers will know what we go through, that's why I love this site...it's such a good place to write your fears and get reassurance.

Are you on any medication for your anxiety...I'm not but I have tried some and they just didn't work for me. Maybe you could speak to your GP and explain you have problems sleeping...he will prob give you something to help relax you...


29-03-12, 00:57
Hey Em84 :) I'm the same. I will get ideas into my head and I'll feel as though something bad will definitely happen unless i do them etc. Drives my housemates mad. I love this site, although I'm definitely getting worse it has provided a place for me to talk to like-minded people! My uni doctor already prescribed lexapro for me but my GP doesn't want me to take it. Although I'm thinking about starting just to feel a bit better. Also taking diazepram for sleeping and panic but it doesn't really work too well.

Had a freakout in an MRI machine today and started crying. The technician had to console me for about 10 minutes. :( Awkward.

29-03-12, 05:58
I think that's perfectly acceptable, I know what those machines look like and they don't look too nice....lol! well dome for being brave enough to go with it even though you did have a scare.
I hate anything like that...I'm really scared of being put into small places incase I can't breath, those MRI machines would prob give me a panic attack also....I always cry getting my blood taken as I hate needles, they usually have to lay me down so I can't watch lol.

I think you should give these other pills provided by the UNI doctor a go.....Did the GP mention at all why he didn't want you to take them? I.e won't go together well with diazepam?


29-03-12, 22:46
I think my GP is a bit wary of the side effects so he wants me look at other options, but my symptoms from the anxiety are leaving me with such little energy to even try! So I think I might just start them this week. It was the noises in the machine that scared me, also the idea of getting stuck in there or something!! I;m the same, getting bloods is a nightmare I always feel so faint..