View Full Version : GAD has taken over! Starting Prozac...

27-03-12, 03:43
Hey Guys.

My GAD has literally brought me to my knees. I have resisted treatment for the past 3 years and just got by. I am all for Natural treatments and live very health conscious! I have started suffering Migraine auras for the past year and have spent this time a pack of nerves literally avoiding life incase it triggers one. My family have had enough and ive had enough of being snappy and mean to my kids! I have gone through some stuff recently and it has also brought out OCD in me.
I have taken many different anti depressants on and off from the age of 22 to 32. I stopped using this as treatment when i tried Zoloft and Aropax again and they did absolute horrors to my body! It's just like i can't go back on anything i've already been on.
Yesterday my dr gave me a script for Prozac (on my request). She wanted me to take Pristiq but i have done way too much googling and at this stage am only willing to try Prozac as it is the only SSRI i haven't taken before.
I am one of those people who hates drugs and will only use the poison if the only other option is to leave this earth.....Please please anyone with experience on this drug, could you help me? I will fill the script tonight but plan on starring at it for sometime making myself ill before i have some encouragement to take it! If i get past this point and then don't react badly to it, i really need some ongoing support to keep it up through all those burning 'call an ambulance' panic attacks i expect to get. And the zapping throughout my body. Obviously these are just a few. I pray to God that they don't make the Migraine Auras worse!!!!! I intend on quartering a 20mg tablet and starting at 5mg......Has anyone else done this?

I really appreciate any support someone can give me.

Kel x

27-03-12, 07:27

I have never taken Prozac, but...my Mum has been on them for as long as I can remember..I dont think she's ever had a problems on them...she sufferes with OCD and depression ( she does not suffer with anxiety ). My nan and my auntie have also been on Prozac
( yes...we are a mad family lol )
I am like you...I hate taking meds as I always wait for the side effects to kick in. I have been on Citalopram and Sertraline but couldnt take them...the effects were too much for me especially when looking after the kids.
I was going to ask to doctor for Prozac but I've just decided to try without for the min as I'm kind of doing ok....
Give them ago...as far as I'm aware my family members are fine...


27-03-12, 07:55
[/COLOR]Thankyou so much Em for taking the time! Youre an angel. I'm glad you're doing ok.
I understand the family thing....my mum is like me but never had herself assessed or medicated or anything! She just thinks being like that is ok! She is also now a functioning alcoholic! Her mother is a nervous wreck and they are both pains in the backside! I don't want my kids to remember me like that!
Thanks so much
Kel x

27-03-12, 08:03
Omg...funny old world...didn't want to mention it but my Mum has an issue with alcohol...she started drinking when I was 13 and is lovely when she doesn't drink but a nightmare when she does...I moved away from it all when I was 16,...alcohol I have to admit relaxes me and I do enjoy a drink in the evening but I have never considered this as medication...

I think my Mum uses it as she has a lot of problems, we have tried to get her to see the doctor about it but she doesn't think she has a problem...she has put on weight over the years which I would think adds to her depression. One day she will realise I hope...we don't let her have the kids overnight as I just can't take the idea very well...

Let us know how you get on with on the Prozac?


27-03-12, 10:03
No kidding?! Don't you just love mothers! Mine was miss prim and proper but very strict and scary until she decided to have affairs and go out drinking where she met a drunk and has been with him for 18 yrs now! We have never had a great relationship which maybe fuelled my anxieties as a child and through to adulthood?
Anyways.....I went and filled my script about an hour ago and hesitantly swallowed my first 10 mg about half he ago!! I was terrified! I thought I was going to die.....I still think I might! I was going to wait till the morning but
My husband forced me to take it! Had a couple of weak brain zaps and feel a little warm but that's it for the minute.......
I will continue to post as I go on...

Kel xx

28-03-12, 01:54
So......I do't feel any side effects yet, but i only have 10mg in my system......Although i kept waking up last night and it felt like i wasn't sleeping at all! Considering i am a really good sleeper i'm guessing this was the Prozac?
I'm taking my dose a few hours earlier today than last night because i want to take it in the morning but am scared of doing it so close to my last, so i'll wean myself there....

28-03-12, 11:37
Prozac is - in my opion - one of the mildest anti depressant on the marked. And I've tried everything. I'm on it right now, and it worked within 4 days! I feel so much better, and I've only had one major panic episode since I started taking them. But I very much doubt taking less than the smallest dose will do any good - it's quite possible you'll only feel the side effects. I'm going from 20 to 40. :)

PS: My mum was an alchoholic / pill addict. Unfortunately, she killed herself nearly two years ago. Wonder if there's some sort of connection?

29-03-12, 01:13
Hey Katie.
Thanks for the reply...I was actually just reading your Double Vision Post! I always check ones to do with vision because of the auras i suffer from. Yours sounds more like its either related to the Prozac or the fact that you already have vison problems and wear glasses...and sometimes anxiety can do this too.
I'm sorry about your mum, that's so sad. She must have had so many demons she just couldn't deal with....did she ever receive treatment for her issues or did she cover up with alcohol?
I am on day three now and slept really well last night....Only things i have felt really are a bit of solemness, mild agitation inside and a bit of flushing but it's still early days. I have gone from not wanting to take it to not being able to wait to get the next dose in!!! What a nutter i am! I just found out that my 20 yr old niece has hit rock bottom and also been put on Prozac! I was shocked! She has started at 20mg though! Apparently her only side effect is wanting to sleep all the time...but that too could also be her depression..
I'm glad you said Prozac is a mild drug, that's makes me feel more comfortable for when i go up to the 20mg. Why are you going up to 40mg? I'm hoping i don't have to take anymore than 20mg....

Kel x

29-03-12, 11:45
Hey Kelley,

I've been on Prozac twice (my first time when I was 16-18, and now which started when I was 20). I find it to be fantastic for my anxiety. It is an SSRI, which means that in some people it does take 4-6 weeks to start having a noticeable positive effect, but it is far more effective in treating anxiety in the long term than many of the quick fix medications available.

Like Katie said, it is a pretty mild drug, I don't recall ever having had bad symptoms from it, and collectively I have taken it once for 2 years, and this time for 1.5 years, so that's a pretty decent run with no bad side effects! And with SSRI's, if you do get side effects, it is generally only at the start when your body is adjusting to the medication, or if you ever have to up the dosage.

I have been up to 40mg before, and still no bad side effects. The only side effect that I can possibly think of was that it did make me restless at night, but I swapped to taking it every morning when I wake up and haven't had a problem since.

Good luck!

30-03-12, 08:48
Hey amiee...

Thanks for that. I really needed something at the moment. Today is day 4 and it's been a bad day for me emotionally. I never get this emotional! I feel quite dark and emotionless....it's actually scaring me....when I think of the things that make me anxious I feel like I'm going to freak out! Have you ever heard of anyone feeling this way in the beginning?

Kel x

30-03-12, 08:57
Hi Kelley is this the first time you have been on Prozac?

30-03-12, 09:33
Yes it is. really don't like this feeling..

Thanks Laura

---------- Post added at 19:03 ---------- Previous post was at 19:01 ----------

I keep feeling like I want to cry. I don't know what I want to do. I can't sit, I can't walk around....I can't even eat

30-03-12, 09:42
Hi Kelley from what I have read this is totally normal - I had the same start up effects as you first time around on Prozac - no internet access then - anxiety was heightened, mood low - felt frightened and weird - I perseved - had to stay with my mum and dad! This was 16 years ago but very gradually got better - and tbh this drug changed my life. They will work for you - but initially you are having all the normal symptoms. Can you ask you doc for some valium to help you.

Now the second time round - they did make me feel poorly - the symptoms were so so different from the first time around, and I did have to stop them.

Try and stick with them - the side effects will go.

---------- Post added at 09:42 ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 ----------

I have GAD too

30-03-12, 09:47
Oh Laura thankyou so much. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your advice. I will persevere like you did because I really need to get better....I have taken many others n the past and don't remember them making me feel like this. Although on a couple of occasions I was already deeply depressed so perhaps didn't notice this type of feeling?

Are you on anything at the moment?

Kel x

30-03-12, 09:54
Hi Kel - tapering off Sertraline - I have been really messed about since Oct 2011 - had a bereavement and the Prozac stopped working - had been on them for 15 great years - think they had run their course. Was then put on Mirtazapine - did nothing - then Prozac again and made me so ill - not like the first time around - suicidal, then Sertraline - same thing happened 3 weeks into them.

Went to doctor so desperate with anxiety and depression and he is urgently referring me to a psychiastrist, but the start up effects that I had 15 years ago with Prozac were a mirror of yours - it will pass - if they work well stick with them. What meds Kel have you been on?

---------- Post added at 09:54 ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 ----------

Prozac is a very stimulating drug - hence the heightened anxiety - it took a good while tbh before I felt like my old self 6/8 weeks, but you will get there.

30-03-12, 10:08
Oh ok. I hope I'm so lucky!
I have to say that I am a strong believer that once you have been on a drug successfully, they are like a demon the second time round! It's like your body says 'oh crap not you again' and rejects it! My first ever one was Zoloft and once it started to work it was like the angels have me a big hug and said, now go and live life! Another time I tried Effexor for 4 months and it was ok but gave me a couple Of fierce migraines and was terrifying yo come off of! I later went onto cipramil for 2 years which was the longest I've ever taken medication for. They worked great but I also stacked on the weight....I came off because I thought I could do it on my own. I also had paroxetine for 6 months a couple of years after that which was lovely but made me a bit zombieish.....then I tried zoft again after another breakdown....big mistake! I was having multiple panic attacks that would burn through my body like hell on fire! I was a nervous wreck! I came off and went on to paroxetine again and that did the same!! By day 3 I was almost blind in one eye for half the day!!! That was the end of drugs for me. I believed that I had had my fair share and they no longer worked for me......and here I am 3 years later...on day 4 of Prozac! I don't have the anxiety thank goodness - well not yet.....but I hope I make it through this feeling!
I worry cause once I'm done with Prozac, what is there for me? Or you even? Why can't you go back on them after one successful treatment? What happens when all the drugs run out and we are left to deal with ourselves?

30-03-12, 11:01
Hi Kel - there is always an answer - you have had quite a gap between the last lot - you should be fine, but you have had your fair share of problems.

I don't want to go back on another SSRI - hoping the psychiatrist will put me on another "family" - I suffer with irrational thoughts - prior prozac days they stopped me doing things, eg, going on holiday, working, etc, they always lurking about frightening me. Well, like you said, the angels came with Prozac - lol - stopped it. Started to get my life back - wonderful. Well when I had the bereavement in Oct - guess what - the prozac had run its course and bam same fears, thoughts all came back! and have not got back on track since - it has been hell tbh - am off sick with my job - and just waiting to see someone - as cannot continue like this.

Stick with yours - they will help you.

Speak to you soon - luv Laura x

30-03-12, 12:07

I'm so sorry you're having a hard time....here you are offering everyone else advice and your struggling yourself! Do you think maybe the secOnd time round on the meds just take more perseverance? Maybe if we could push past the side effects they would actually still work eventually??? Sounds scary but it's possible.....
Where are you at now with it all? Are you really bad? It's so hard isn't it.....support is so important.....Your issues sound alot like mine...I am fine until something that scares me happens and I become OCD over it and make myself sick thinking the worst! Just when I think I'm past it, something else pops up! It's so hard, and it's impossible for others to understand when they haven't been through it before.

Kel x

30-03-12, 12:46
Hi Kel

Well those side effects second time around were so different - much worsening of the depression/suicidal thoughs - very very black place. I can stand side effects and if I know the meds will make you feel better but this was so different. I have stopped the Sertraline/Zoloft on doctors advice and he has done an urgent telephone referral to a psychiatrist. I do need to be on some medication as I know how I was pre Prozac days. If I do not here anything shortly - my mum is paying for me to go private bless her.

Laura x

---------- Post added at 12:46 ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 ----------

How old are you Kel? I am 48

30-03-12, 23:45
What a nightmare Laura! I know the feeling when you are so desperate for help but it seems like its non existent! The mental health system in Australia is really bad. Doctors over here are too laid back and also look at nervous people like they're a threat to society so they hand out the meds but don't understand when they fail and leave you feeling like there's no help! I hope you find something that works real soon....and I know you will..just hang in there.
I'm 34. Married with two kids...finding responsibilities create the amount of pressure enough to hinder survival. They all need me to be strong and continue my duties but it's really hard and makes me feel sick. I don't want to let them down so I push through.

Kel xx

31-03-12, 07:44
Well it's 5pm on day 5 and I've been better today....still feel sick with worry when I think about my anxieties but don't have the dark feelings like this time yesterday...
I know it's so early and I can't expect any sort of relief yet but I'm really awaiting the time to pass quickly. I want to feel happy so bad I hope this time goes fast!

Thanks guys
Kel x

31-03-12, 08:53
Hi Kel - I think we sometimes try too hard - that's why we are like it in the first place! The side effects should start to ease slightly - but I remember them well! I was a bit naive then (15 years ago) and did not expect really any side effects. Strange you feel so bad before and the tablet makes you feel even worse - you can understand why people stop taking them!

Is it private healthcare in Aussie - I would have thought it was good - but yes in general people do seemed laid back!

I am feeling very shaky this morning - had funny dreams - just sitting down with my cup of tea! Hope that letter comes soon!

Speak to you soon Kel - luv Laura x

31-03-12, 09:25
Hey Laura

Are you feeling better after your cup of tea? We have public health care over here and we are very lucky for it but it doesn't make the drs very educated! To see a specialist we pay a gap and the medicare system pays the rest.
I expect to be very up and down over these next weeks but I know the light will be there at the end...I was the same the first time I started meds when I was 22. I didn't think much about side effects cause I thought I was going to die anyway!!!
Do you have plans for the day? Do you have family to do things with?

Kel x

31-03-12, 12:24
Hi Kel - no not planning to do anything - whilst I am like this - everything is so hard work. Will have a lay on the bed and light some candles - husband will be downstairs looking after puppy (a little Westie) called Poppy - she is so cute but a scamp.

I am 48 and have been staying with my mum and dad!! yes I know! but have felt so ill - like to be with her. I only live in the same village - but I get so scared - husband does a lot of shift work and do not like being on my own at the moment.

Sounds silly as I normally love being at home and husband has done this work rota for many years and have just got on with it, but lovely anxiety puts a stop to that.

Have you any plans? - Speak to you soon - hope the side effects abate.

Luv Laura x:hugs:

02-04-12, 05:00
Hey Kel,

Sorry for the late reply, between work and study I have few moments spare to get online often. It is totally normal for your emotions to be a little haywire in the first week or two of taking a new antidepressant. The reason is that they are actually altering your balance of chemicals, and until your body gets a little bit used to it, it isn't sure how to react. It is scary, I know, but it does get better if you give it time. If it does get to a point after a couple of weeks where you can't bear it do go back to your doctor and ask what to do about it. It could be the wrong dose, or it might not be the right medication for you. But it does sound to me that you are responding in a completely normal fashion :)

It does make it a lot harder when you do have responsibilities and other people to care for as well. Don't forget to take time to yourself. If you need a break, by all means, you go and have a break. Sometimes it is hard for us to turn around and say 'Hey, I need to take care of myself first for once'. If you are feeling too under the pump or too stressed, take some time out. Your health is as equally important as your childrens' and your partner's.

And regarding the OCD, fluoxetine is actually a fantastic SSRI that tackles not only anxiety, but also obsessive thoughts, so in time the OCD will also easu up :)

Hang in there, you are doing a great job!

03-04-12, 02:05
Hey Laura and Amiee.....

Laura, i can fully understand why you are staying with your parents. It doesn't matter what age we are, when we live with these very real fears and debilitating anxieties, we feel the same regardless. If theres a crotch you can use to keep you functioning then you should most definately use it! Your husband must love you very much....How are you feeling these last few days?

Amiee, thanks for the motivation...Sometimes its the guilt of not doing enough that sparks the anxious feelings and ive been fairly lazy lately! I put alot of pressure on myself to take care of everything but have had to back off to keep it together....so yes it is important to let go a bit and focus on getting better!
I really hope they work well for me, i have a lot riding on this and can't afford to be setback any longer... I noticed your also from Australia....where abouts? I'm in Adelaide (or Narnia as some people call it) Lol!

Kel xx

08-04-12, 09:35
Well I'm wishing the absolute best for you. How are you feeling at the moment? It's been a little longer now. Hahha, it's not Adelaide, it's Rad-elaide! I'm in Melbourne :)

08-04-12, 09:59
U lucky thing! We love Melbourne!
I've been very up and down.....very somber most of the time and still having distressing thoughts! I cry easier than usual too. I've upped my dose to 20mg since Friday so I'm hoping things improve soon. I've had moments where I briefly feel normality so I know they are trying to work.

Kel x

08-04-12, 10:24
I have been on Prozac off and on for 11 years. They saved my life a few times.

I came off them recently and now I'm very Ill so started them again almost two weeks ago. I find after 2-3 Weeks it takes the edge off then by the 4th week I'm much better.

I have OCD and health anxiety and it works well for both.

I don't get many side effects. A dry mouth for a bit and some heartburn but it doesnt last for long.

One thing that always happens to me that you may want to be aware of.... I always have a really bad day or two before they kick in. On those two days I feel like crap and hit an all time low but the day after I feel much better. I don't know why that happens to me but it does. Every time.

08-04-12, 10:58
Hi Kel

Sorry I haven't replied of late - but still no difference in my health - like us all just so fed up! Am having to go private to see a psychiatrist on 19 April - so hopefully he can prescribe some good medication, etc, as have, like many of us on her, been treated appalling by the NHS - the best they could offer me was an appointment in June with a Psychiatrict Nurse - have put a complaint in.

How are you on the Prozac still having side effects? I do know they are horrible side effects - heightened anxiety - thoughts made worse but they will simmer down.

I tried to go on them again - but made me much worse - so if they work Kel stay on them.

Speak to you soon - luv Laura x

09-04-12, 09:13
Hey hypo. Thanks for the reply...it's really helpful to have those with experience give advice...I think I may be like you on the Prozac...I thought it was weird and my
Imagination but it does seem that I have a really really bad day, worse than before the meds followed by a good day! Makes me
Feel better knowing that perhaps its normal and they are going to work! Its now been 2 weeks and like you said, the edge has just been trimmed off but there's quite a way to go until I feel as good as I have in the past on Paxil and Zoloft. The side effects are really not a problem! Hard to believe that that was the reason ive wasted 3 years avoiding meds! I notice I get clammy hands and feet but that's the only physical side effects at this stage.
How many times have u been off and on the Prozac? I find most people can't go back on the same one after a second time....I know this has been the case for me. I'm really really hoping it stops my OCD....mine is more on an emotional level where I keep scaring myself with awful thoughts and having to read and study every little bit of info about whatever it is I'm concerned about! Which is always health related.

Hey Laura.

The mental health system over there sounds as good as ours! I was convinced it was just Australia being behind as usual but clearly not! Is there any sort of medication your dr can try you on until you can get in to a psych?? What do you take to ease the pain? Anything natural?
When I'm really physically nervous, I drink chamomile tea and it instantly relaxes my body...I've now made it part of my daily schedule, so I have one cup in the morning and one at night. I also take a very good magnesium supplement which keeps my body calm and my heart rate has slowed considerably...I would definately recommend this to anyone!

I hope you both have had a nice weekend and your week is kind to you.

Kel xx

09-04-12, 10:24
I have been off and on them about 8 times I think.

They do always work for me. Well they have done, I am hoping it will be the same this time around lol

09-04-12, 10:34
Hi Kel

The anxiety is heightened at the start of Prozac but tbh a small price to pay as cannot fault it from first time around.

What brand is your Magnesium Sulphate Kel? is it expensive and can you get the same brand in uk?

Told you seeing the psychiatrist on 19th - (private) pleased and scared at the same time as I know I will have the dreaded side effects no matter what. My GP will not prescribe me anything - am on lorazepam which I have been on years - so that helps a bit with the anxiety.

Hope you start picking up - speak to you soon Laura x

09-04-12, 13:28
Just hang in there Laura! You've done this for a very long time and you have support, you will get through and there will be relief soon.
My naturopath gave me magnesium salts which is classed as food grade. It's called Magchlor and is magnesium chloride which comes from the ocean. I'm pretty sure you can find it online too. It costs me $40 but that's supposed to last 3 months so not expensive. Another good form is magnesium citrate which I also take sometimes...you need to aim for about 400mg of total elemental magnesium. And you should also add some Bs in there too which you should be able to pick up cheap anywhere.

Let me know how you go xx

little wren
09-04-12, 13:45
Hi Kelly

I worry about taking meds too, but I cannot function without them. I have had to increase prozac 20mg to 40mg (about 2 weeks so far) and feel emotional its making me question whether its the meds or the anxiety disorder making me feel so off - anger (usually I'm passive) and depression (not feeling an interest in anything). At the moment I am just 'going through the motions' hoping that the down feeling will lift soon.

Its early days and I don't know if you've read the other 2 prozac blogs (sick and tired/lizerie) but it appears feeling emotional and off is common when starting (and increasing). Apparently it gets better from their blogs. I hope you feel better soon.

little wren

09-04-12, 18:53
Keep on then little wren - 40mg is quite high - I was first on 20mg and stayed with that dose and did not feel my old self until 12 weeks. Did not have the side effects up to then. So don't worry.

Side effects last around 4 weeks but got less I remember being very up and down but they were like a miracle to me sadly they didn't work second time around - so stay on them!

10-04-12, 02:35
Hi Little Wren.

How long have you been on Prozac? Im on day 15 and have been taking 20mg for the last 4 days......it definatley helps reading other peoples experiences for sure. I'm hoping i'm like everyone else and they give me my life back.
Laura mentioned it took her 12 weeks to feel herself again so looks like i could have a fair way to go!

Kel x

little wren
10-04-12, 08:56
Hi Kelly,

Ive been on prozac for about 5 years at 20mg (for ocd and agoraphobia) and it calmed me enough to allow me to function. However, I started feeling really down a few months ago (as I was not progressing with exposure therapy) and the psychiatrist put me upto 40mg. I have been on 40mg for about 2 weeks. I know what you mean about getting your life back....Your thread has really helped...Although it's one day at a time at the moment, I hope we both start reaping the rewards of the meds soon. Let me know how you get on x

Hi Laura,
Yeh, 40mg is high (the psychiatrist wants me to go to 60mg eventually if 40mg is not enough!). He wants to attack the ocd and agoraphobia more viciously (Ive wasted the latter part of my 30s with this disorder so all my life plans just went on 'hold'). I think he just wants me to 'see' a way out from it and be able to get on with my life, but even at 40mg I am struggling...
I read your earlier post that you are having a psychiatrist appt. soon...I hope they find some suitable meds for you...have you heard of lyrica? It was suggested to me if I cannot get on with prozac side effects at high doses. Let me know how you are getting on x

little wren x

10-04-12, 10:52
Hey Wren

Isn't lyrica a pain medication??? My husband was prescribed this for his herniated disc...?
How did you go for the best part of 5 years on the Prozac? I'm assuming it fixed your OCD? Have you gained weight on it? This is the thing that bothers me for long term treatment....

Kel x

---------- Post added at 19:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:31 ----------

I just also want to add that it's day 15 and I am still being OCD but my biggest issue for years has been peaking anxiety and panic...the reason I've avoided meds is due to the fact that they made these issues alot worse! Like quick call an ambulance I'm dying worse! BUT......I've only just realized that I haven't had any inner physical anxiety for a little while! No breathlessness and palpitations either! I'm actually quite shocked come to think of it! The one issue I thought would be the hardes to get through has ended up being the last thing in my mind!

Kel x

little wren
11-04-12, 09:29
Hey kel,

Yes lyrica is prescribed for pain, but it is also used for anxiety. I think it is fairly new (and pricey still). Its family name is pregabalin (there's a post on here about it).
Prozac helped me tremendously, brought me back from the 'sharp' end of ocd so to speak. There was a significant improvement. It hasn't gone but it allowed me to manage it a lot better. Hopefully 40mg will improve it further.

I am so glad you are doing well with the meds. 20 mg seems to be working for you.

About the weight don't worry too much because it affects people differently - some people put it on and some people, like me, lose weight (e.g. off label it may be used for anorexia and obesity!).
Just a suggestion have you tried cbt for ocd?

little wren x

12-04-12, 05:51
Thanks Little Wren...

I have tried CBT a few times but it seems that psychologists write me off! I have the strongest mind and will have a negative answer for ANYHING! I'm pretty much a too hard basket...talk therapy isn't so great for me...I have the attitude of anythings possible so that makes it possible and when it's possible I'll worry about it happening!!!! This is why I guess I'm back on meds....
So do you think the Prozac will help my OCD? I'm not a typical OCD sufferer, I'm more like a control freak and have to have everything a certain way. Or if there's any illness or similar I become obsessed with cleaning and contamination! Paxil and Zoloft helped me in the past but they felt quite a bit different to the Prozac.....I'm finding this very mild and sort of numbing but not numbing enough to not care about things yet. The others kind of kicked in more by the second week......im just finding these very slow and it's like taking the tiniest of baby steps...

Kel x

12-04-12, 07:55
Hi Kel - What dose of Prozac are you on? I was on 20mg and it really helped me with funny thoughts, etc,. For OCD the dosage is 60mg so probably your doc eventually will want you on a higher dose?

I found it took quite a few weeks to kick in, did not feel completely well until the 12 week mark and a few ups and downs along the way - stay with it - from experience much better than Zoloft - although since Prozac stopped working after 15 years trying to find the "one"! and it's not been easy.

Just stick with it - don't go any higher at the minute because you will find your anxiety will go sky high - increase gradually.

Good luck


13-04-12, 05:04
Hey Laura.

i'm really hoping 20mg is enough.....i'm worried if i go high in the beginning then i wont have any leverage later on if it isn't enough.......I've been waking with a knotted stomach thinking bout my worries. This really is a slow drug to work and i'm starting to worry coming up towards my 3rd week that they aren't going to work! I know my fears and stress is all justified but i need the medication to stop making me feel sick over thinking about things......im really getting nervous. I know they have started to do something but mostly all i feel is numbness. I find myself biting on my lip alot and just sitting not wanting to talk. I'm waiting to feel happy and wanting to smile....i feel less anxiety but also feel miserable...I will see my Dr next week and discuss maybe going up to the 40mg but its really not what i want to do at this stage.....I wonder how long i should give it before i do that? At least 6 weeks im thinking. 12 weeks is a long time to wait for a drug to work, i can't believe it took that long for you!

Kel x

13-04-12, 08:26
Hi Kel

When I said 12 weeks - that was to feel A1 my best but I did feel better before then - say 6 weeks. I think it depends how bad you feel in the first place - they are not miracle workers.

Stay on 20mg dose up the dosage - I felt like you when I was starting them - thought I feel worse must need to up the dose but I stayed with them - had some really bad days in between but it WILL even itself out and I stopped on that dose for 15 years and had a few minor blips on the way.

Strangely when my dog died in Oct I became very ill again and did up to 40 mg BIG mistake could not shaking have never been so ill in my whole life! I find people are upping far too quickly and it is wrong on the doctors in my opinion anyway.

I tried is again after around 7 weeks but made be suicidal? but it had served its purpose - so now on Plan B finding another one - just try and be patient Kelley it will start to kick in I promise. Laura xxx

---------- Post added at 08:26 ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 ----------

sorry about missing words, etc, have properly woken up yet!!

little wren
13-04-12, 09:29
Hey kel

Agree with Laura - Just to say a good idea to give dosage of 20mg a bit longer. I was told by psychiatrist it takes about 6 weeks to feel its full benefits (hence he gave me an appt for 6 weeks). It is hard when you feel more of the side effects than the benefits at the moment. The thing is if you go up to 40mg without giving 20mg a fair chance to work then you may find you are on a higher dosage than needed (when a lower one would suffice).

Yes I think it may help with ocd - it is such a 'hit and miss' with meds. because what works for one person may not work for another. I have never tried any other meds for ocd. Even the dosage for ocd is 'hit and miss' I did ok on 20mg (until recently) but psychiatrist says I can go upto 60mg (or even 80mg) if needed. At 20mg I have never felt numb like ocd doesn't bother me anymore its more I can manage to function and at the time I was so grateful I thought that was enough.
Contamination is an ocd trait (if it starts interfering with your life)...

If it helps I am also having the side effects of anxiety and some physical ones too. I have felt down and I did wonder if anti-depressants could actually 'make' you feel low - I just think as long as it doesn't become too bad I will just see it as side effects which I expect to shift before my next appt.

Take care and let me know how you are getting on.
little wren x

13-04-12, 09:42
Prozac is an excellent drug but try to keep on 20mg and I agree totally with you Little Wren - when I was first put on them - no internet, etc, thought I feel worse my anxiety and depression is worse - and I really thought about 40mg but I persevered - so pleased I did - for 15 years (they were the best years of my life) nothing frightened me like it used to. Seeing a psychiatrist on Thurs and hopefully will try and find something else. Don't want to go back on SSRIs - as going back on them (Sertraline) has not agreed with me. Anafranil an old one is meant to be good for depression/anxiety/thoughts/phobias, etc, and has been well researched like Prozac, but he's the boss.

Take care Laura x:hugs:

13-04-12, 09:54
Thanks ladies.

I've been very up and down the last two days.....tonight I'm noticing a couple of times I forgot to do my rituals! I've also had alot more moments where I'm not getting into thought which is good. I've been reading the diary of a fluoxetine user and realise that yes I do need to be patient as I have a long long way to go before I will even know if 20mg is the correct dose. I agree with the both of you.....I don't want to over do it and scare myself! I have to say that compared to all other meds I've had this one certainly has alot less side effects which is really good for me.
Laura, there's a newer drug that's in the snri group which my dr prescribes to all women (she wanted me to have it but I was only willing to try Prozac) it's called Pristiq in Australia....maybe have a google. She tell me it's amazing, it is weight stable and has no sexual side effects and works much quicker like within 2 weeks! Might be something you could try?
Little Wren, my memory is so so bad at the moment.....you said you have OCD? What is yours like?

Kel x

14-04-12, 09:54
So......I woke up this morning with the same feelings I mentioned i was having last night....I was laying in bed and feeling elation and an eagerness to go and do things! This lasted consistently all day. I went out with my husband and daughter and chose a new oven for the new kitchen we have designed (but I've had zero interest) I managed to deal with the sales girl and hold confident conversation.....I can't remember the last time in my life I did this without stumbling over my words and having palpitations! It was smooth and natural. I thought that girl was long gone but am thinking now that perhaps she was just missing in action....I've been eating without hesitation also. Normally I avoid anything that's not natural to avoid migraines! I'm feeling slightly concerned somewhat with it all tonight......surely it's far too soon for these pills to just suddenly kick in??? I'm also concerned because the issues I've been having OCD over have gone deeper into the back of my mind and no matter how hard I try to remind myself that I need to address these things and make sure I have covered all ground, the thoughts are just disappearing! But I really need to be careful and make sure none of us get contaminated!!! What if I stop protecting us and we get one of the things I'm phobic about?!! Im also thinking about the fall.....when I wake up tomorrow and these feelings have gone and I'm back to being a nervous wreck! Goodness me! I'm feeling better even though I'm terrified to admit this and I'm still questioning if the Prozac will work enough to save me.....I'm scared of letting go.....what might happen if I do and I can't stop? I have to be a control freak otherwise things might go astray and bad things could happen right? Sheesh I'm a nut job! I've forgotten what day I'm on....I know it's three weeks in Tuesday....hang on I'll just add it up..........ahhh it must be day 19?? I'm not there yet, got a long way to go.....still wearing gloves to handle both clean and dirty washing but the thoughts about it and the dread of what if seems to have disappeared........
Ok guys, let's see where this goes.
Thanks for listening.

Kel xx

little wren
14-04-12, 10:43
Hey kel

You sound like you are doing really well.

The OCD I have is also contamination. I think it is really positive that you can put OCD to the back of your mind more. The reason I say this is because the more you can ignore/not act on the thoughts to 'be clean' the more you will be able to see that 'nothing bad happened because you didn't do this or that'. As you probably know, part of OCD is the 'what if' thinking and wanting a 100% guarantee that all will be well.
I know it sounds cbt (ish) - but I know it gets easier for me each time I do not give in to the thoughts e.g. not wash my hands after I think Ive touched an object etc. I also know how difficult that is. It never occurred to me meds could make the thoughts 'disappear', I just thought it might get easier for me to not act on them - for it to be less anxiety provoking to challenge them.

Your post gave me a lot of hope that maybe the meds may help me to put OCD to the back of my mind more. As I am still having side effects this helps a lot.

Take care
little wren x

14-04-12, 11:03
I'm really happy to hear that little wren. I wanted to write everything down because I know how important a little bit of information can be to someone out there. How long have you been on the Prozac all together? Are you getting more positive effects from the 40mg yet? I have to say I'm still being OCD but the horror stories aren't playing on my mind inbetween my weird but I feel necessary rituals.
You're doing the right thing with exposure therapy. That's the only real way to deal with OCD for recovery. Medication covers everything up but sometimes that's necessary for someone's survival and recovery. My bad OCD only happens when something happens like when someone gets sick or if I get lots of migraines etc.....I start doing everything in my power and more to make the things stop and to avoid future occurrences etc.....then once I've been over and over it for a while I eventually have a nervous breakdown which is where Ive been now. I literally wear myself out and get so overwhelmed with the need to control and avoid then using OCD as a crotch that I literally collapse from it all.

The meds really will help you let go of things, everyone has a different waiting period for them to kick in it seems so we can't say when you will get better and when I will.....

Nice chatting again

Kel xx

14-04-12, 11:05
Hi Kel and Little Wren

Just looking through your posts - you may find Kel that 20mg will not be enough for your OCD - but give it a bit more time. Usually 60mg is given for this - if it is very bad and I believe 80mg by a psychiatrist. 20mg suited me well but I never had OCD just mild irrational thoughts really.

Kel think that drug you mentioned is Venlafaxine/Effexor is that good for thoughts/phobias - not sure - what did your doc say about it?

Both hope you will start feeling better it does take a while.

I woke up shaking and anxious - and am so tearful all the time - just horrible.

Glad when I see the psychiatrist on Thurs - Kel let me know re the medication.

Sending you:hugs: Laura x

14-04-12, 11:19
Hey Laura x

I'm so sorry you are where you are right now....Thursday will come round quickly and you can start your recovery. Make sure you do not leave there without a plan in place ok?

The Pristiq is in the same family as Effexor but it is different. The drug name for it is Desvenlafaxine......it is used for all the same issues as what Prozac is used for but obviously with them being a newer class they have a few more Benefits apparently......have you ever tried paroxetine? This one worked very well for me once.....it works a bit quicker and it stopped my OCD in its tracks while on it and that was at the lowest dose of 20mg.....I really really hope I don't need more then 20mg of Prozac.....i will be happy if I can manage with just the smallest dose.....only time will tell.

Big hugs xx

14-04-12, 11:43
Hi Kel - just a bit concerned about SSRIs as have made be worse of late - prozac second time around - suicidal and sertraline - not as bad but bad enough?

---------- Post added at 11:36 ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 ----------

Sometimes I wonder if these new ones have been really tested - just because they are expensive don't mean a thing?

---------- Post added at 11:43 ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 ----------

Hi Kel

Thanks for that post anyway - very helpful - think you will be fine on the 20mg and it is a powerful drug - I found it fantastic.

Tbh will leave to the professional! I made suggestions before to my GP and have ended up in a right mess!

14-04-12, 11:50
Zoloft can be horrific so don't let that scare you away fron SSRIs....and because you did so well before on the Prozac means you should respond well to another....
These newer drugs are based on the older ones with some alterations...they've been around long enough to know if there were any issues with them. I know quite a few people on duloxetine (cymbalta) and they're doing amazingly well. A couple of them are going into their 3rd year in them. Over here the drs are using them as a first line before SSRIs now!

Just keep an open mind when you go to your appointment and know that your body has worked with meds before and it will do it happily again. You're going to be happy again soon my lovely.


16-04-12, 08:53
So today is day 21......I think I've come off my high. Either that or because I've been more functional since Friday night I'm expecting better today??? I don't know.....I had trouble falling asleep last night, felt agitated and couldn't settle but I eventually fell asleep. I spent the most part of the day with that tight throat feeling and had trouble getting breaths in. I also had a moment of agitation at work and wondered why this was happening when I was starting to see the light.......still being OCD over my certain things so that still has to let up also. I rested from about 2pm until 4pm and felt quite a bit of hunger even though I had eaten......I am also hormonal but I was on the weekend too and managed to feel more optimistic then? Who knows? Maybe it's cause it's Monday and I just can't be bothered working? I only hope things keep moving up and this isn't a sign of things going backward!

Kel x

little wren
16-04-12, 09:26
Hi kel

Hang in there...It sounds more like a blip than the start of a backward slide. The meds are perhaps still balancing out in you system giving you highs and lows. Mind you Monday morning and work probs didn't help. Are you still getting physical side effects? I still feel sick and I still cannot sleep through the night. I am also forgetful :shrug:and hubby says I keep repeating myself (lol!).

little wren x
ps still 'waiting' to feel calm on 40mg (been on prozac about 5 years at lower dose) will give it another 3 weeks (making it 6 weeks in total) and then re-assess.

16-04-12, 11:27
Hey Wren

I think your probably right.....I really hope you are. I don't feel as bad as before I started Prozac but I just don't feel as energetic as I did over the weekend..
I was reading some reviews on a website and it's all very much positive but most people say it stops working after so many years...some a few years and some 20 years. I worry it may have placed doubt in my mind because I'm really looking for a long term fix and don't want to ever have to think about it again! But I also have to be realistic about things too.
My only physical side effect is that I'm warmer than normal with sweaty hands and feet. Though I do wake earlier than usual and it can take more effort to get back to sleep....this could be anywhere from 4-5am during a week day and 7am on a weekend. But my hubby's alarm goes off during the week so I'm guessing it's that waking me up when it never used to. No effects that bother me so I'm really relieved. Are these effects you're having now the same as when you started 5yrs ago? So you've never had to increase during that time? Have you gone back to your original state and that's why you've had to increase?


---------- Post added at 19:27 ---------- Previous post was at 18:33 ----------

I'm actually having real trouble breathing at the moment! Feels like my throat is closing but I'm sure it isn't! Feels like an induced panic attack trying to emerge! Has to be the Prozac.....I don't get this way usually

---------- Post added at 19:57 ---------- Previous post was at 19:27 ----------

Having palpitations too and lots of inner jitters. Feeling adrenaline surges! Thinking about the things that make me badly anxious and OCD and it's not helping!!!!

little wren
17-04-12, 11:50
Hey kel,

The increase is because a few months ago I started feeling really low (I gave it about 6 weeks to shift but it would not budge). The ocd hadn't gotten any worse (which is why I was prescribed prozac in the first place also anxiety)

I had tried an increase to 40mg two years ago because I wanted to be able to get on with my life, not just function at a basic level. In hindsight I don't think I gave it a fair shot though (reduced back to a lower dose after a few weeks) because my hair started falling out and I always felt sick. I attributed it to side effects but it may have been a nutritional thing.

I think that is why this time I am persevering with the side effects of insomnia, agitation, anxiety and sickness. Also I never realised how common they are (I wasn't on this site then and nobody told me about the side effects or that I would feel worse before I felt better).

I wouldn't worry about prozac not working for you. Your dosage is still low and psychiatrists can prescribe 60mg and even 80mg so you have a bit of a way to go yet even if they do stop working in the future. Also they can ' enhance' the effects of prozac using other drugs e.g. risperidone so there's still options. Prozac has really helped me and I would not consider changing that is why I have opted to increase.

Hope you have a better day today as yesterday sounded horrid for you.

little wren x

17-04-12, 23:15
Thanks Wren

I did have a slightly better day yesterday.....not great but functional and without those physical anxious feelings.
I am laying in bed at the moment (it's 7.30 am) and my feet literally feel like I've had them in a bucket of oil!!! Like I've said it is really the only side effect but its weird. My hands are really clammy too. I should get up and get to work but I hold on for every last minute that I can hang here cause it feels safe. I was woken this morning by fighting cats outside at 4am. I layed there with my brain ticking for an hour before I finally fell back to sleep! This is the only other side effect I'm having but it doesn't always happen and I'm not sleep deprived yet so it's ok.

How are you going? Do you ever think you'll need to increase again? I'm assuming the 40mg is enough for your OCD?

Kel xx

18-04-12, 09:17
Just wanted to note here that although I'm not good or happy yet....I have managed today to go to my orthodontic appointment when usually I'd cancel. I also stopped at KFC on the way home and bought tea for my family! This is something I don't think I've ever done in the 15 years I've been a mother for! I'd usually find some excuse to just go home. I've also made an appointment for a haircut in a funky hairdressers in the city tomorrow night! This is about an hours drive from home and it's after dark too which is something I have never done before! So.....not milestones I guess and I'm still suffering and some things really give me the heebies still, but something must be happening somewhere in my brain to make me make these decisions.......

Just wanted whoever can use this as reference to have some insight into my day 23

Kel x

18-04-12, 11:45
That's great Kel.

I actually put makeup on today for the first time in weeks lol It's the little things that make you know you are on the way up :)

18-04-12, 12:53
Fantastic hypo! I'm so happy you have been able to do this....what day are you on?

18-04-12, 13:50
I think it's been about three weeks. Maybe just over :)

19-04-12, 04:19
Ahhh, so we are both the same then! I hit 3 weeks on Tuesday.......are you finding they are working the same for you this time or not as good?

19-04-12, 08:26
They seem to be working the same.

Prozac has always worked really well for me and I would be gutted if I ever had to find something else.. I do worry that one day I will need something else. Prozac has the added benefit on decreasing my appetite and after losing a lot of weight recently this is a good thing as it helps me maintain it easier LOL

little wren
19-04-12, 09:41
Hi kel

Yay for the orthodontics and hairdressers :). The more 'normal' things you start doing the better you will feel I am sure. It is a good way to 'test' the meds as well - they are supposed to be helping you get out and do things.

For me had a horrid day yesterday - filled with anger:mad:. It is silly because I am a placid person by nature :flowers:and it feels so wrong for me. The low feeling hasn't budged yet either. I am just going to read the other two diaries to see if either experienced the anger. Have 3 weeks 'til I can reasses the meds. The physical symptoms are easing now and I will probs. have to increase 'til they do work. Have you a review with your doctor to assess how you are getting on with the meds?

take care
little wren x

19-04-12, 12:11
Hey hypo.

You're so lucky they have worked for you so much being on and off them! I havent had any success with doing that. I'm sure you're one of those lucky few who can do it. I would imagine your body would've already rejected them the second and third time straight up otherwise.

Heya wren....

I've just left the hairdressers! Got it all chopped off into a bob. I also managed to carry a confident convo with the hairstylist too. Normally I would've felt intimidated and desperate to be done!
I did see my dr today to follow up on my progress...she agreed with me that I need to go another two weeks on 20mg before considering increasing. She thinks that because I've gone from an anxiety level of 9-10 down to about a 5 that I'm doing really well for only two weeks on 20mg and that they still have a fair bit to do and the next two weeks I should make a bigger improvement.

Did you feel anger in your first week? Or is this a new emotion that has emerged? If you're only having bouts of it I wouldn't worry. These meds I'm finding are so up and down making the days unpredictable. I'd give it longer before worrying.....anything would be normal until your body has fully adjusted.

Kel xx

little wren
24-04-12, 09:16
Thanks kel, yeh I am up and down a lot too. It is probs just balancing out.

I hope the improvement is continuing for you....and as it can take 6 weeks to feel the full benefit of the meds. it sounds really positive that you have already gained after such a short time. x

24-04-12, 10:51
Are you feeling any improvement this week wren?? I've just passed the 4 week mark and have noticed my mood has been stable. I'm feeling more normal now but not feeling happy in particular yet and my OCD continues but I've had some breakthrough moments where I've told myself it's rubbish and I end up doing something I would normally hesitate and throw a ritual in before I do it......one thing that has started happening is my appetite!!! I'm hungry alot now and after I eat a meal I start looking for more. I've even had chocolate and i NEVER let myself eat that! And when it's in my mouth I get all excited and can't stop moving around! It's like it's the most incredible taste ive ever experienced and I'm having trouble resisting the urges to go for more!!!! This does concern me cause I really don't need to gain weight and I really don't want to because it's going to put me off long term treatment!


25-04-12, 10:11
Just thought I'd post how I'm going.....it's day 30 and my mood continues to remain stable.
I am still having moments where I get deep in thought which to me is obsessive but other times I can't even think long enough to count! I like these moments. I've been able to do normal things without hesitation but I have also avoided certain tasks and had times when I just want to be home.
My appetite concerns me because I seem to be craving all the things I don't usually let myself eat! Also, thus past week i have suffered terrible palps and breathing problems! Im wondering if its the prozac or if its hormones or if its just my anxiety breaking through? I'm looking for better days ahead and hoping this isn't the best of the meds yet.

Kel xx

little wren
26-04-12, 11:50
I've even had chocolate and i NEVER let myself eat that! And when it's in my mouth I get all excited and can't stop moving around! xxx

kel, that sounds like my mates lab puppy :D (any food not choc though)! Seriously though weight gain is a deal breaker for me too. Have you tried increasing exercise to counter-balance the increased intake?

I am still relatively up and down. Perhaps for me 6 weeks isn't long enough for it to balance out - considering asking for some more time on this dosage to see if things will improve before I increase again. At least the physical side effects have gone. Just testing the waters by pushing myself to do things and seeing if there is much improvement. Guess that's the way to see if this dosage is effective. There is likely to be some more improvement for you still as your doctor said they were pleased with your progress.

little wren x

27-04-12, 10:27
That's the thing, I'm not much of an exerciser so it's going to be an effort! And it's coming into the cold season too which makes motivation a whole lot harder...I am generally an active person though and a healthy weight but I'm picturing a very different story in the months to come!!
I had an ok day today....still having palps pretty full on but emotionally I've been in control and doing some things I enjoy. Looking forward to the break on the weekend.....

Have you noticed any milestones this week? Or are you feeling the same as previous weeks

Kel xx

little wren
30-04-12, 09:37
Hey kel,

The appetite may settle down on its own - still early days. Great to hear you are doing more things you enjoy.

I think I am starting to feel bit better...I can control the ocd better...the anger has subsided...physical side effects practically gone. Still feel jumpy though - not really calm. I think I've forgotten what calmness feels like. Pushing myself to try and do things so I can 'test' the meds effectiveness and give feedback to Dr.

Are you still feeling improvement on 20mg?

little wren x

30-04-12, 10:28

Yes I think I am feeling improvements still. Very gradual but it's there. I have spent most of today feeling a little hypo and full of beans! Not a bad thing but I know it doesn't last. AND.....I just bloody finished off my sons peanut m&ms!! I usually wouldn't go near something like that but they tasted sooooooo good! I heard him coming out his room and I panicked and quickly threw the bucket in the recycle cupboard! And yes it was empty by then!

I'm so glad your anger has settled. What a relief......I was really worried it wasn't going to let up and you would be tempted to give up! Sounds like you're on the better road now.....should be more good days then bad....it's really unsettling though when you start having more goods days and then have a bad one and you think, oh no, they're not working!! I've had alot of moments like this. My OCD is still there but I have managed to talk some more sense into myself and break some of the routines, so that has to be a positive. I also laughed the other day! My husband looked disturbed at the strange sound that came out of me!! To be honest so was I. I'm seeing my dr on Saturday and I think I might tell her that I'll stay on this dosage for another few weeks and see how it goes. I know OCD needs a higher dose and if I need to I will most certainly go up, I don't want anymore unwanted terrorizing thoughts!

Kel xx

little wren
03-05-12, 10:34
Hey kel

(lol about the m&ms :D)

A few more weeks on that dosage sounds a good idea - at least you will be certain that you have given it a fair shot at 20mg. I know what you mean though about not going back to the ocd thoughts. Once you've been there you know it's not worth it to go back and revisit them again... Hope you are still improving.

little wren x

04-05-12, 07:45
Hey :D
I've been doing slightly better again today.....still have my issues I'm avoiding but they're more in the background and not as upsetting to recall. I've been more active and just doing things where I'd normally avoid and procrastinate. Im having thoughts where I actually look forward to things and mainly just simple things like spending time with my husband...I've also noticed that I haven't been arguing with my daughter on the mornings before school!! And to think that I've always blamed her for causing the morning turmoil! Overall, I'm not nagging the kids as much either. One thing I have noticed that somedays I feel like my speed has been turned up a bit and I can't be bothered sitting because I want to do things. Yesterday I couldn't sit still at work, I kept jiggling my legs and feet around! I've also been spending a bit too much money! I think I may need to hide my purse from myself!!

How have you been this week wren? Improvements? It's such a very slow gradual drug isn't it?

Kel xx

little wren
11-05-12, 12:38
Hey kel

Hope you are feeling well this week. I can understand about feeling 'the speed has been turned up' - I feel 'wired' on it sometimes too. I am not sure if the increase is doing me any favours - feel jumpy - butterflies in the belly feeling and a loss of concentration. However, on the plus side it is helping with the ocd and I don't seem to care so much about things which used to bother me. In a dilemma at the moment as to whether the jumpiness etc are side effects that will eventually go given enough time or if I should try something else. Been about 8 weeks. Ive asked to extend my time on them at the moment to see if the side effects do go - give it a fair shot. Hope things are good with you and you are still improving. Have you set a time limit on how long you will give them to fully work?

little wren x