View Full Version : In the middle of a panic attack at work!

29-06-06, 14:56
Help! I'm on reception at work today and am having a panic attack for no reason! I can control it when no-one else is here, but I'm terrified of my colleague coming back into reception at the moment! :( I'm doing all the deep breathing I can, and I've had my rescue remedy, but I just want to bolt...

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

29-06-06, 15:06
It's agonising, I know, but the only way is to ride it out - it WILL pass. Remember it's perfectly normal for anyone's anxiety levels to be really high when they're starting a new job.
And while being a receptionist is a dreaded 'desk bound' job, remember, no one is going to think twice if you want to get up and walk to the water cooler or pop into the loos quickly.
Louisey x

29-06-06, 15:14
All what Nigel says.
I also find going to the loo for 5 mins....
running my wrists under the cold tap and 7/11 breathing helps. Give your self a few mins in the loo to compose yourself. If anyone queries it then just say you have an upset tum.

You will be fine......dont fight it, that makes it worse....roll with the punches....it will pass.

Hope you feel better soon xxxx

Hay x

29-06-06, 16:21
Thanks guys, I feel a bit better now - one or two "argh! get me out of here" moments, but now my lunch has settled it's a bit easier. I think what did it was that I had a cup of tea at lunchtime, and I've really been avoiding it recently as I think even that small amount of caffeine is having an adverse effect and making me jumpy (I had started to drink quite a lot of tea).

I've always dreaded having a PA at work though, as I don't want to get to the stage where I start avoiding work and have to give up my job. I expect tomorrow will be a bit of a toughy now, but at least it's Friday and I won't be on reception!

Thanks again everyone!! ((Hugs))!!

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

29-06-06, 16:33
Glad you are feeling better.
Tomorrows a new day.

Hay x