View Full Version : Anyone here ever had Sintits? Sinus infection...

27-03-12, 08:06

Just a quick one....gotta get ready for school run?..

Had anyone here suffered with a bad sinus infection, chronic sinus infection issue...?

I'm seeing the doctor today, I am 1000% sure this is what I am suffering but I find these days my doctor never checks anything with me when I tell him about stuff and points out all the time 'it's a vrus' :ohmy:

Should he check anything I. Particular to diagnose, ie look up the nostrils :roflmao: or look into the throat....

I'm so fed up with being fobbed by the GP.....


27-03-12, 08:14
I'm not sure Hun,

But i hope you get some answers it's awful when you feel like your being fobbed off just makes you feel worse, be forceful ask all the questions you need to and tell him if your worried it may be something else but if he says it's ok try and take some comfort from that too.

Good luck xx

27-03-12, 08:25
Thanks Hun!

Lets hope he listens...the amount of times I've told him about palps, odd irregular beats with the heart chest pains and all of that.
Not once has he offered and ECG EKG is it? Haha....

Will update on what he says


27-03-12, 09:10
I've had sinusitus once and it was terrible. I couldn't breathe through my nose at all, had terrible pains in my face and had to sleep sitting up for four nights. Also had really bad pains in face and head. Doc did look up my nose because i was worried about tumours etc. Mostly he diagnosed it by my symptoms. I had antibiotics and it got better but i have to say i haven't really felt 100% since i had it and that was three months ago. I hope your doc does the necessary checks and puts your mind at rest

27-03-12, 10:28
Yeah let me know how it goes, I pestered them for a ECG for the heartbeats and I got one but they were right! Nothing wrong with my heart all down to anxsity xx

27-03-12, 19:50
My doc could tell sinusitis very quickly. I had an xray done just to see if there were any polyps (which are benign anyway, just happen from constant irritation of your sinuses) and all was well. I got put on allergy meds, which has kept mine in check, as thats what it is due to for me.

28-03-12, 07:19

Thanks for all your replies...

So I told the doctor all my symptoms, yellow and thick clear stuff when blowing my nose, facial tingling, constant stuff running down the back of throat, cough, head feeling full....

He finally looked up my nose and said there were no polyps
He also said the canals/or something like that are a little narrow (swollen)
He said that yellow indicates an infection.

But as I never have a temp....he says he could be an allergy thing...mmmmmm so he's prescribed me with Benedryl nose spray and I gotta give that a go, gonna pick it up today. I'm hoping this will clear all the rubbish.....

Obv this will cause a new panic as it's been on and off since December, so I k ow it's not hay fever as I suffer with this big time....lol...it's never been like this...more sneezing runny eyes and stuff.

Think the fear of my house having damps gonna start again lol....


28-03-12, 19:59
Benedryl works like a dream for me, though I only have it in pill form so I can only take it at night as it puts me to sleep. I take zyrtec in the morning and use nasonex nose spray at night. It has kept my allergies under control, though not perfect.

28-03-12, 20:07
Ah I hope the spray works for you Hun xx