View Full Version : Hello, I am a newbie

27-03-12, 10:24

I am a newbie here, been told by Docs that I have Anxiety query depresson and a low self esteem. Have been put on Propananol 80mg to take once a day or when things get "bad". Feel like I am an alien on earth, feel like I am going mad and I am worthless. I intend to fight hard to get back to normal, but things are pretty tough at the moment, walking on eggshells comes to mind.....

Hope you are all doing well today.

Thank you for being able to read your stories, it makes me feel a little better to know I am not alone.

Peace, Love and Light to you all :hugs:

27-03-12, 10:26
Hi myloxyloto

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-03-12, 10:44
Thank you Diane07, I have been reading lots on here and as I say its reassuing to know that when anxiety stikes... thats what it is Anxiety and not a Heart Attack as I have been fearing for the past long while. Your site is invaluable to me at the moment.

27-03-12, 11:10
Hi and welcome :D x x

27-03-12, 11:17
Hi Myloxyloto,

Welcome to NMP! Hope you're having a good day today :welcome:

27-03-12, 12:22
Hi Myloxyloto,
sorry to hear that you are having a hard time. I have got so much from this site and hope you do too. You are not alone, a lot of us struggle with these same issues and would like to wake up one morning feeling like our old self again, but the reality is that it takes hard work (which you say you are prepared to do) and time, at times also meds and theraphy. Sure hope you get the help you need.

27-03-12, 18:11
A big, warm :welcome: to NMP

Pip xx