View Full Version : Knee pain and a feeling of tightness when kneeling

27-03-12, 10:30
In last month I have been feeling pain in both knees. Not really bad but an ache now and again or pain and clicking when bending the knee. Also, I feel an extreme tightness in knees when kneel (I used to often sit like this on the floor). I am only 28 so freaking out about the possibility of needing a double knee replacement early in life if this is something that gets worse. I do wear alot of high heels and am worried that, that may have put pressure on my knees or that constant kneeling has etc, I also cross my legs alot when sitting all day at work and the knee that my other leg has been on top of always feels a bit painful after have been doing this for a long period.... Very worried, I've never really taken time to look at my knees but they look kind of lumpy not nice and smooth as in terms of how I would expect a knee to look.... Thinking of taking something like cod liver oil, could it be something and nothing (she asked hoping! I really dont want knee replacements at 28!!!)

Does anyone else that is quite young have similar pains?

27-03-12, 12:09
Hi Louise,
I wouldn't worry too much I used to be a footballer and am in construction now so my knees always click, crunch, crack! You name it I've heard every sound going from them. I'm 30 and don't worry about it do try not to. If you do a lot of sport/ training make sure you have the right trainers for the job it's always worth spending that little extra to minimise damage to cartlidge etc.

As for the high heels can't see them doing you any harm but obviously i can't comment as don't wear them ( except once on my stag do and they killed me). By crossing your legs all day you are adding pressure to the knee area so try and sit normally. As for cod liver oil have a look at mind1st on google I started taking them a month ago and my hair and nails have never been so good aswell as skin. My neighbour who was in construction just had a knee done he's 60 yrs old and has always been kneeling without pads on etc so think you have a while before you even need to start worrying about the old knee caps. Hope this helps put you at ease slightly and take care.

01-04-12, 23:30
Thanks for the reply, I dont play any sport, not exactly the very active type to be honest and apart from wearing high heels and sitting cross-legged or with legs folded under me a lot I cant really think of any way I put strain on my knees. My dad used to work in a job where he did alot of kneeling often without kneepads and although he used to get pains in them he hasnt needed treatment for them and he is in late fifties soI keep trying to remind myself that knee replacement seems a strange thing to jump to thinking about it, i guess Im scared as these aches/pains have come entirely out of the blue in both knees.

The pain isnt really an ache as such, its more a tenderness and tightness. The pain is at the front of the knee and concentrated towards the very top. Although been experiencing this for about 2 mnths now, Im only really taking notice now as the pain has got a bit worse in last week. Also the clicking has started in earnest when I bend my knee this week, particularly in right knee.

My mum has very slight arthritis in her wrists, but this was only first noticed in her late 50s not when she was in her 20s, and Im really scared now that eith the heels or the way i sit has aged me quickly or that my less than perfect vitamin rich diet is to blame. Other alternatives Im considering are a really agressive form of arthiritis and this scares me as I had a friend at school who had artiritis in legs as a child and she was told she might land up in a wheelchair one day! I've also started considering what if its some kind of unusual bone crumbling disorder and my knee is falling to bits or I've even started considering bone cancer!

Im going to try the cod liver oil and sitting differently, but just get so scared with any new pain, especially one I cant understand where its really come from

17-07-12, 20:25
The knee problems died down a bit but have now flared up again :-(

My knees basically feel very heavy and tight when I am standing up straight and walking, I get a feeling as though they almost feel like someone elses legs and like they might not support me. When I bend my knees I can also feel both knees click! Pain is only occasional when I bend them (hoping this is a good sign).

So worried all over again that my bad diet, or the fact I've always kneeled alot on the floor when watching TV etc, has damagd my knees in some way, I've caused arthritis or maybe theres a prob with my bones in general. Im only 28 and it would be majorly scary if Im facing a knee replacement anytime soon (or a wheelchair)... Im trying to keep in mind people bmust have put their knees under worse pressure and not needed a replacement as Mick says, Im just scared maybe Im the unlucky one, hmmm

17-07-12, 23:41
I've had knee problems since I was 14 (28 now). I grew up playing sports, and the "condition" I developed is common with athletes. I've never required surgery, but I do have to do quite a bit of work on my own to make sure they feel OK...including lots of exercises and I take glucosamine (which works wonders).

To put your mind at ease, I say go to the dr. and have them checked out.