View Full Version : So much going on with my body!

27-03-12, 10:56
Started 20mg Citropram 14 days ago after being on 75mg Dosulepin for the last 5 yrs. I came off it slowing under my GP instructions. I have found that I no longer wake up with a muzzy head which is great, but my god the other side effects have been unbelievable!

My head is fine but my body is a mess:shrug:I can feel every pulse from my neck down, my tum churns constantly and it feels like it's on high anxiety alert:ohmy:. My legs feel shaky and won't keep still (restless legs) especially in the evenings and I sometimes wake up during the night with cramp:doh:
Now I think I may have a water infection, I need the loo more often and have a slight pain in my left side lower back or is this another side effect of Citropram??

I have an appt to see my GP this evening...thank goodness:) How can this drug make the anxiety in my head go away but cause so many other problems throughout my body:doh: Do I stick with it or ask my GP to take me of it?

Trish x

angel wings
27-03-12, 11:13
hi trish
I would take a wee sample just in case i had a urine infection 2 weeks after starting cit and know a few others did as well ...also i have the shaky legs and dodgy tummy and more physical symptoms than mental ones too horrible isn't it, but probably is the cit causing it good luck at the drs xx hope you feel better soon :hugs:

27-03-12, 11:23
Hi Trish,

Today is my 14th day on Citalopram so we are in the same boat. I'm gonna say stick with it because everyone says it gets worse before it gets better you've got to give it at least 8 weeks before thinking about changing it. The side effects should go pretty soon so just keep strong and keep taking it.

I swapped from Prozac to this I only lasted a month on prozac because it was giving me terrible side effects. I've got a few with this tablet but nowhere near as bad as the Prozac. At the moment I've got stomach pains, lots of toilet visits especially for doing a wee so wouldn't worry about that, restless legs at night especially, blurred vision, headaches and tingling sensations all over. I've also lost a stone in weight over the past 2 months but it's not all bad as have found my six pack again- lol!

The anxiety will be higher especially if you have side effects as you will probably be thinking this isn't right all the time which fuels the old anxiety fire although you might not feel anxious in your head which is a sign the tablets are working you probably are but it will get better.

Hope you feel better soon and feel free to email or message me as would be good to see how you are getting along since we both started at the same time.

Take care.


27-03-12, 12:09
Thank you Angel & Mick for ur replies. It does make me feel so much better to know I'm not alone:)

Angel, I have my pee bottle at the ready:D

Mick, will be good to keep in touch to see how we are both getting on:D

Thank you for ur good wishes will let you know what the GP has to say.

Trish x

27-03-12, 12:13
Yeah let us know what the doc says later, Hoping that the side effects disappear soon for us as just want to get back to normal and no doubt you'll be feeling the same. Gonna mention to my doc Friday about the constant wee problem as didn't know it could cause an infection so will see what he says. Good luck and keep me posted Trish.

27-03-12, 21:46
Well my GP seems to think it's a mixture of withdrawl and side effects! I'm going to try another few weeks on the Citropram and hopefully the symptoms will subside.

No sign of a water infection when she did a dipstick test, but she gave me a script for antibiotics in case i feel poorly with a temp etc over the weekend.

Another symptom I forgot to list earlier is bloody Tinnitus...it's doing my bloody head in Grrrrr!

Going to bed as I'm fed up with myself...nite!

Trish x

27-03-12, 21:55
Hi Trish,

Glad all went well at the docs and that you are sticking with the Citalopram. Not had tinnitus but this dodgy vision occasionally is enough to put me about so I'll have a Grrrrrr with you as its doing my head in. Hope the side effects disappear soon for us both. Keep in touch and take care of yourself. Speak soon.


angel wings
28-03-12, 09:54
glad it went ok at the drs withdrawal can be horrible too so probably is a mixture of everything at the moment hope you feel better on them soon xx

---------- Post added at 09:54 ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 ----------

glad the wee was ok !!!!!!