View Full Version : Occupational Health

27-03-12, 12:32

Can anyone help with a question I have?

When referred to Occupational Health should the manager speak to the employee before the referral is made. Or is it okay just to inform via email.

I was referred which came as a shock before it being discussed first. Just wondered if anyone had an experiences to share.


27-03-12, 17:16
Hi Poppytoes

Firstly :welcome: to NMP, you will find loads of advice and support on the forum.

In answer to your question re occupational health, and this is my own experience because I work for a large organisation.

When I was off I was referred to occupational health by my manager, the question was asked would I like to be referred, which I did take up straight away, if not then when my illness went on I would have been referred anyway. Of course different organisations work in different ways.

What I would say is occupational health are there to work with both yourself and your employer, they really are on your side and offer advice and help to get you back to work.

Any concerns that you have you can ask them, they normally ring every month and then report it back to your manager. Before the report goes to your manager you can ask for a copy of it, but tbh they are their for your benefit and to get you back to work, once and I repeat once you feel you are able to.

I found occupational health with my organisation very helpful, they suggested to me a phased return to work and also the guidance on accessing the benefits via private health care, available through the company.

In fact they really did help me by sorting out altered hours when I went back and also a phased return to work which helped a great deal.

I hope this has been of use to you and if you require any further information, please dont hesitate to pm me.


27-03-12, 19:44
Hi. I'm not sure how they are supposed to go about it but when I was referred to Occ Health recently, my line manager called me in to discuss first. We went through a form together, which I had to sign. This was then sent to HR who contacted me regarding the appointment. I refused point blank to travel to see someone due to my agg/anx/panic and was given a telephone interview. I believe they are very impartial and offer practical suggestions to your employer on ways to help you with any issues or support needed to do your job. Your employer has a duty of care to consider your health and wellbeing at the end of the day. Try not to worry, I found it very beneficial and some adjustments have been made to make my life a bit easier since I returned to work. I am having a follow up interview with them next week. Be prepared, you may also be asked to sign permission for your doctor to release your medical notes. I had nothing to hide so it really didn't bother me. In fact, after my interview, the Occ Health doctor said it would not be necessary to see my docs records. Good luck, Kitti :)

28-03-12, 09:15
As others have said, Occupational Health services vary between organisations. I work in the public sector and am a trade union rep, so often deal with people with health issues.

I would say that it's good practice for a manager to inform an employee that they are referring them to occupational health, but you probably need to check your sickness absence policy to see what it says in there. Where I work, people are allowed to refer themselves if they are having problems, which is useful.

Hope this helps