View Full Version : Really Don't know if my Citalopram is working

27-03-12, 15:57
Hi everyone,

I hope you are all bearing up and are having a positive day.

I stumbled across this forum after searching about Citalopram and PsychoPoets thread on his experience. I still cannot decide or see if the drugs are working for me.

My dose has been upped to 40mg per day, and yet I am still crying a lot of the time. I cried myself to sleep last night, I'm in the office at the moment and am in tears.

I initially went to the doctor after my anxiety came back when I had met a guy that I really liked and without the wish to screw things up I knew what would happen and the pain that would follow if I didn't seek help immediately. Nearly 6 months on and we are going strong, I can see the CBT I am having is helping, being in love with OH is helping, but I fear my only happy spells are because of him.

I have said to my counsellor I am desperate not to be reliant on him, and we are working on that.

My question is, should I really still feel so depressed 6 months of being on the tablets? Crying for no massive reason, for feeling low and wanting to be dead a lot of the time? It's basically when I'm not with him (the day after I am fine too), but then it all starts again.

Any help or advice greatly appreciated xxxx

27-03-12, 16:11
If I'm honest the answer to that is no, 6 months in and on 40mg you should hope to see positive signs. That was the same point (40mg at 6 months) I went to my GP and said I was in no way getting better, or at least not sustaining a recovery. I'd have a good few weeks then crash, this would repeat over and over. My GP said that not all medications work for everyone so switched me to something else (Mirtazapine). That was like a miracle drug for me and my recovery started from the day I stopped Citalopram.

These forums are full of people who switched from one drug to another and found success in the end. It's trial and error sadly, but if you do not feel this is working out for you, see your GP and discuss the possibility of changing. Your GP will help find a new one to try which is different to Citalopram and geared towards your own needs.

You'll know when you have found the right medication.

27-03-12, 16:30
Thanks Ingenious, you have confirmed what I was hoping maybe was the case in the sense of there are things out there that can still help me.

I am due to go back this week, so will mention it then and tell her how bad I still am.

Thanks again, and am so glad you found a drug that worked for you. Has given me hope xxx